The Chains of a Habit are Generally Too Small to be Felt until they're Too Strong to be Broken | Remembering my Addiction to E-Sports (DOTA), and How I was able to escape it!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

The chains of a habit are generally too small to be felt until they are too strong to be broken - Samuel Johnson

Finally, I broke the habit!


Its been 152 days since my last time playing

(May 5, 2017 up to present)

I am thankful I escaped that monster in my life. I have been locked in a chain for a couple of years. It sucked my effort, energy, and time. As a result, it destroyed the whole me. From my highschool years, up until fourth year college. I missed many things becaused I put much effort in playing that game. It could have been a different Jassenn.

Anti-mage, one of my favorite and most successful hero
(I became a support after reaching 4k)

From 4.5k to 4.1k

Though playing it, creates a different atmosphere. It's a different game from others and I can say it deserved to be called a "Sport" - an E-Sport that really boggle's your mind. It is a highly strategical game and to be honest, it helped me in some aspects. Presence of mind, critical thinking, patience, and teamwork are one of the best qualities you can acquire as time goes by.

They say, "The chains of a habit are generally too small to be felt until its too strong to be broken"

chain chain.png

It's true.

At start, I always find DOTA as a refresher and for fun. I enjoy playing with people, especially my friends. The fun is really extreme! But later, this recreation thing slowly became into a habit. Then, it grasped me until I was locked in a chain. Playing it is a pleasure, and I have surrendered many things just to play a game.

Despite of my studies and work, I still manage to play. I reached a high Matchmaking rank of 4,503 - a bracket that typically knows the nature of the game how it is played, but not a pro. Pro gamers MMR ranged from 6k to 10k mmr. Up until I decided to quit because I need to.

I sold my account at a very Cheap Price


That's the toughest decision to make. The price could have been doubled or tripled, but I intended to sell it at a very low price. A big leap that I did to start escape the addicition. I also sold it because I am in need to pay my remaining tuition fee to be enrolled. I badly need money to continue my studies that time.

So I was enrolled

Dating June (the month I also joined Steemit), Dota is out of my mind. My only real problem was how to earn income. I don't wanna be back to work as possible, it will be my last resort to do. Then suddenly :

A friend invites me to Steemit

The blossom started, it helped me financially : personal, school, family, and other things were all funded because of Steemit. Not so big, but quite enough to compensate my needs especially as a student. I commonly shared that to some of my posts, that's how I am proud of how changed a stage of my life. It's also the reason why I am so passionate to share the platform to people, especially students. I am a living testimony of what Steemit has to offer. Its also a fun journey! :)

Photocredits : 1 2 3
Dota photos are mine.


Wow sir, what a great transition from a time-waster to being a very productive Steemian. I admire your will power. Cheers to more success for you!

I really hope that I will be like you someday @jassennessaj . Who is an advocate leader and productive steemian. The reason is that I can relate your past experience to my situation right now. I am on delima if I could pass my scholarship or not???. I am doing my very best but everything has its own limitation. I am also thinking that through steemit it can sustain my tuition fees. I hope I can achieve it. :)

Hey congratulations.
It seems to me that when we live through those challenging life situations, we end a lot wiser and more tolerant and understandin of others than we would have been otherwise. So maybe everything is exactly how it is meant to be for you and i?