in #life7 years ago (edited)

happy hippie new.jpg

“The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance; the wise grows it under his feet.”— James Oppenheim

Life doesn't always dish precisely what we want, when we want it - and truth be told, this is normally for the best... but often we have to cultivate the best we can out of what we have.

"Happiness" as a term is applicable to MANY facets of our lives - but the principal of "making the best out of something" is the same throughout - be it an emotional situation, a work related matter, or something trivial.

As a random example... I started living on my own at a pretty young age (17) and being at "entry level" in the corporate world - my salary was not anything close to amazing as you can well imagine. I moved into what was essentially a garage. Well actually, no - it wasn't "essentially" a garage - it WAS a garage lol! There was no hot water and the shower and toilet was across the garden... but - it was mine. It was my first little "home" and I wanted to make it feel like a home.

Actually - the garage that I lived in for two years with no hot water, insulation or toilet on hand (haha) was actually previously the recording studio for a band called "The Mccully Workshop" - this, is in fact.... my front door on one of their album covers! Although it looked a lot better when I lived there lol!


This is one of their other covers... oh the good 'ol days, right ;)


I have de-railed lol...

The point I was trying to make... was that I had less than nothing. My rent pretty much swallowed ALL my money every month and I often had to pawn things just to be able to buy food. For the first year, I did not have a fridge, I lived out of a cooler box. My bedside tables and other were cardboard boxes covered with material of some kind or another... but the point being... I did what I could, with what I had... and made it my home - and I was VERY happy there for two years.

I planted my herb garden, entertained friends often, spent afternoons on my bed reading, decorated it like I loved it - and completely made it mine!

So, essentially - what I am saying is... you can ALWAYS create happiness around you - no matter your circumstance.

Go do that ;)



People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily! – Zig Ziglar

I am a total sucker for anything motivational and/or inspirational, I often spend a good amount of time browsing quotes online to share with followers on various other platforms so I figured why not make it a daily habit here on Steemit too :)

Despite the fact that I am a complete and utter tech junkie and I love so much about our modern world - (yes, there is a lot that I DON’T like as well… but keep up people… this is a happy hippy post), I have often considered the fact that I might have been born in the wrong era.

I have an insatiable love for anything 60’s!

So here I sit - in the 21st century, perhaps minus the bell bottoms but definitely not without the happy spirit, excessive array of colour (everywhere) and juuuuust a few gadgets to boot…he he!

Welcome to…


Until next time…

Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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I been missing these somehow. I like this one as usual. Will have to stop by more regularly.

Glad you appreciated it @armshippie :)

Upvoted and RESTEEMED :]

Much appreciated :)

We always think that the grass is greener at the other end but truth is that it depends on how we nurture what we have.
Lovely quotes dear
Am inspired

Too true hon!

Thanks for sharing Jaynie! Loved the quote, "A foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise man grows it under his feet."

people who wait for others to make them happy rather end up disappointed. It is always necessary to create our own happiness. I like all the ideas you always share. Thanks Jaynie

good post. adapt survive keep smiling. easy to say hard to do but is all we got.

true story :)