Why I Stopped Drinking Alcohol II: It Does Absolutely Nothing Good For You

My video, "Why I Stopped Drinking Alcohol And Will Never Drink Again" has gone quite viral.
Being a good anarcho-capitalist, and seeing that the market wants this content I decided to do another "walk n' talk" about alcohol with the surprisingly obedient anarchodogs today.
I reflected on 30 years, and $500,000, worth of drinking and came to the conclusion that alcohol did not improve any situation and only made it worse.
I reflected back and came to the realization that if I had just spent a few hours, or a few days, in dealing with some of my social and shyness issues I would have saved all that time, money and would have likely been a billionaire by now.
Not that money is everything... but alcohol cost me directly hundreds of thousands of dollars and indirectly, likely, hundreds of millions.
All just to make all my experiences less enjoyable, less connected, vague, blurry and, in many ways, rather pathetic.
Given that, I'd say I definitely paid too much!
You can hear all my thoughts on it and more here:
The good news is that I have finally shaken that monkey off my back and am still young and healthy enough to redo life. This time in a much more connected, authentic, memorable and healthy way. And all for the difficult to turn down price of $0.
Let's see, $500,000+ to make things worse? Or $0 to make things better.
I wish I knew that was the choice 30 years ago.
If you know anyone, including yourself, who could use some of this wisdom before it's too late, check out my video above and share it and follow me here on Steemit for more.

Alcohol or the proper chemical name which makes it sound like the poison it is- ethanol, is the most harmful drug there is based on harm to the user, and harm to others. Even more harmful than methamphetamine, or heroin.
I say

What a weird profile pic you have.
I very much doubt it's as bad as meth or heroin. You can casually do alcohol, I don't think you can casually do meth or heroin.
Look up the work of a doctor called David Nutt. He has talks on youtube. Here is one of his studies. Copy paste url/doi or pmid into sci hub for full article https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21036393
MCDA modelling showed that heroin, crack cocaine, and metamfetamine were the most harmful drugs to individuals (part scores 34, 37, and 32, respectively), whereas alcohol, heroin, and crack cocaine were the most harmful to others (46, 21, and 17, respectively). Overall, alcohol was the most harmful drug (overall harm score 72), with heroin (55) and crack cocaine (54) in second and third places.
You have good point. Good thing I decided to stop casual drinking. I only do it during occasions and I do it lightly. I quit smoking too. It's been almost 3 years since I last smoked.
Gd point sammy... Statistics show that there are more deaths attributed to Alcohol than Marijuana. Yet they classify weed as a Schedule 1 drug (same category as Heroin).
Interesting short video I found on the subject:
It is based on the likelihood that people will abuse it, obviously not the harm it causes.
I guess the only explanation is that the government is making money from Alcohol sales or something like that.
I can identify with this statistic unfortunately..... mney don't solve all your problems.
Wauw, almost dont alchol but wauw, i do smoke cannabis, and we had had a ghb epidemic in our town, i i can tel you that chart makes no sense, GHB should be upthere with alcohol.
•Fatal overdoses.
•Going comatose behind the wheel.
•Violent behavior
•More addictive then heroin
•whitdrawl worse than heroin (People die from quitting cold turkey, the police have to let them go if there is no doctor, they now have special GHB holding cells with a doctor apointed.
Link is in dutch maybe google translate it.
i knew you were dutch when you said wauw in stead of wow..
I don't see how cannabis can be so high in terms of harm to others, is that because of second hand smoke?
But cannabis by itself doesn't need to be smoked you can eat it as well.. i just don't see how cannabis can be a causal factor of violence or even traffic accidents or whatever, i think that's more the person using the cannabis rather then cannabis being a factor in that.
Me myself quit drinking alcohol when i was 17 and quit smoking weed when i was 24, now i'm completely drug free.
People just casually use GHB?
I know what you mean both of my Parents Died from their life long love of Alcohol
its sad they risk their health just for alcohol.Every thing that harms your health should avoid. Because life is much precious.
so I guess we should avoid life, as it is a cancer slowing killing us. Plenty of people drink Alcohol there whole lives and do not die from it, in fact some live longer then those who don't. Anyhow you could die at any moment, so don't live in fear. If you like drinking do it, if you like extreme sports, do it.
Yes you should not take this poison by self. Life is precious take care of it , enjoy it with good things that can make it long and happy.
Wow .. All that chemistry !! and I just know how to say BEER :)
Meanwhile, pot is still illegal here in Utah.
Alcohol is a drug.
It is classed as a depressant, meaning that it slows down vital functions—resulting in slurred speech, unsteady movement, disturbed perceptions and an inability to react quickly.
I agree
It's the last poison in my bucket list of to never do again. IDK HTF I am going to do it, but ... last time I didn't drink for a long time, it was because I had no money. It destroys my judgement, whereas everything else was destroying my circulation. Caffeine, Nicotine. The symptoms of this decay were painful. Alcohol doesn't do this. It also makes me less afraid.
I like new theme of posts, more about life, less about politics!
Alcohol is the worst, weed gor the win.
True but sober is best, I enjoy remembering the enjoyable parts of life
We need a huge 420 community on here hehe
Best Regards Jeff, You are Indeed a Cool Example of Investigate All Things, And Keep What is Good
That's from the bible. 1 Thessalonians 5:21
I don't really know the bible very well. But i do know I like that 'turn of phrase'.
Another one i really like: In the beginning was the word, and the word was with and as God
On Another Note:
Who invented the English Alphabet? any idea? Because we could just say everything came from the Alpha Bet
You know, when you as an Alpha make a play...because a Good bet is always a strong play.
haha this is my cheeeese play overload the fromage
I used to drink a lot but as the years have gone on I have cut right back, it just takes too much out of me.
I pride myself on my intellect but the day after drinking I am to put it bluntly, dumber. It is even noticeable after just a few beers.
The cost of losing a whole day is rarely worth a few hours of fun
Agree with this, it can take me our for a week these days.
I used to drink and smoke like crazy..
You are totally right about this Jeff.
Thanks for sharing this!
I plan on never touching this stuff throughout my whole life. If living is suffering, then so be it. Dulling the senses won't make it any better.
I have never touched alcohol. I don't intend to. This is an interesting post regarding that which I have never touched.