My Year 2018 In A Recap and Wishing You Y HAPPY NEW YEAR 2019!

in #life6 years ago (edited)


this year sort of a lot happened and didn‘t happen. I got my bachelors degree, got a puppy labrador, tried to find apartments in Berlin, helped my dad move over 600km, luckily could travel as plus one to business trips and saw more of the world, tried to work more with Blender, do more 3D Character Designs and build my Portfolio....finally getting an apartment, because it‘s crazy what documents they require in Berlin and then job hunting:D

And YEY, the reason I was so absent here was that I got my first job:) It‘s an internship as 3D Avatar Artist at a game company and using 3D Studio, but I am still very happy. Got right into it the first week and now am able to do 3D and 2D character design, which I didn‘t really expect to be honest. I actually wanted to be more active and post more of my work, but life just gets in the way and I am always in awe, how users can be so productive and on point in every sort of social media. But let‘s start at the beginning...actually taking you back to...


Last november I was able to join my boyfriend to Devcon 3 in Cancun, Mexico. I was midst in the last preparations for my bachelor project and had to render and fix some scenes, but decided to join anyway as I never was in Mexico before and planned to see more of Yucatán, because we wanted to stay a week longer. The trip started horribly, because we missed our transit flight from Atlanta to Cancun and had to stay there over night. When we finally arrived in Cancun, I couldn‘t really relax and try to get on with my jetlag . So the first days I was stuck in the hotel room and sadly couldn‘t see much Día de los Muertos, in order to finish my animation project in time, which was also the reason I started to post here in Steemit around the end of november.:)

We didn‘t stay that long in Cancun- quite touristy for our taste, but were able to do a great tour with a small group to see some cenotes in combination with a high-wire garden. We also booked a horrible tour to see Chichén Itzá, Valladolid and a Cenote on the way. It was just the worst, we waited a long time for the bus, and it was a big bus for around 40+ people...we made weird stops, were they tried sell you all kinds of unnecessary stuff and then never really had enough time for the sights, we actually wanted to if you plan to go, just pay more and book a private tour or rent a car if you have time. So Devcon was over and the group parted and we finally left Cancun and took a bus to Playa del Carmen, stayed there for 2 nights and took the ferry to Cozumel. Had a great private snorkeling tour, saw a turtle, beautiful starfishes and it finally felt like a real vacation. We ended our trip with a short stop in Tullum and after a last great meal with of course guacamole as a starter (-miss it!!!-) it was time to say good-bye and go back to Germany.



On the 18th of January 2018 we welcomed our cute little chocolate Labrador puppy Neo into our home. I just can‘t believe how fast he has grown and I just love him so much. He is full of energy a little hyper all the time and at the moment in his puberty, so he‘s a little demanding prince at times^^ I enjoyed this year with him and it just makes me happy how my family and my boyfriends family love Neo, too! Now that I am working, I really just want to grab him and take him to the office, which is allowed, but everyone is a playbuddy to him and he is quite huge so he is staying at home with my boyfriend, who luckily has a home office and takes care of Neo.



Between February and May, we took good care of Neo and went to Berlin to check out some apartments and found one for my dad. Time flew by and another work trip came along and I was able to join and went to the US for the first time (not counting to stopover in Atlanta). So we visited New Orleans and had the first week for ourselves and stayed in an Airbnb at the beginning near the French Quarter.

We did almost every Free Walking Tour, such as the cemetery tour, french quarter tour, music and history tour and my favorite walking tour - the voodoo tour with Robe. Clearing up misconceptions, but being so funny and making the whole group dance and act in the park. I really enjoyed the city, the music, the food. I never really thought about visiting New Orleans, just saw AHS the Coven and loved the scenery but I would definitely come back:)




After New Orleans, I helped my dad move to Berlin and sort of lost time here, searching for an apartment for me and my boyfriend, turning 27, working on my portfolio, enjoying my time with Neo...never would have thought, that it‘s so time consuming to fix up your place, but we also managed to get to know the big city better:)




This was our first Christmas in Berlin, but we still decided to go back to our hometown the weekend before to meet up with our friends back home:) We did everything last minute, drove back on Christmas, got a tree on the same day, but everything turned out great and right in time:)

Berlin has a lot of christmas markets, so there are definitely a lot to check out if you are into them: typical christmas market food, mulled wine and my favorite- christmas decorations.



Here are the most of the 3D work, I worked on/ posted the past year on Steemit. My New Year Resolutions are being more productive, posting my 3D work on artstation and co., just being findable and trying to dip into environment design, mixing things up and definitely more sketching:)


So I wish you all a Happy New Year or as we say in german you slided well in to the new year & off we go into 2019!
Thanks so much for reading!




it was a pretty good year for you, thank you for sharing and happy new year

Interesting !
Enjoyed a lot !!
Wish you Happy New Year !!!

Those pictures are so amazing. Those 3D work you do is always great everytime its just as if you are made of it cos i have never seen anyone good like you.Congrats on your new work and happy new year

Good to hear on your 2018 life's journey Jellen.
Good luck and more power for 2019!

Happy New Year!

what a productive year you've had! may you have more fun this 2019! by the way, love your Neo.. =)

I like your style. Those 3d works are amazing. Thank you for this post :)

Excelent sumary!
The photo colages are great.
Wish you all the best on your new job.
Hope to see some of your creations here.
Have a very creative 2019!

truly an artist! a visual storyteller, i should say! happy new year!

Oh thanks!!:) You too:)

Great 2018 re cap happy 2019!

Hi, I perhaps came around your post 1st time. Clicks are really awesome. And, your doggy 🐕 is really a beauty.
Green waters are attractive and scenes are beautiful. You really enjoyed your 2018... nicely spent.
Happy new year by the way..

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