Time's no Mercy

in #life7 years ago (edited)

She used to remember the past as something beautiful, she knew that everything was not beautiful but generalizing her memories had been more good than bad, as she grew up she realized how fast she lived, the fast of a moment, the Present was as fleeting for her as blinking.

Ella solia recordar el pasado como algo hermoso,ella sabia que no todo fue hermoso pero generalizando sus recuerdos habian sido mas los buenos que los malos,a medida que iba creciendo se dio cuenta lo rapido que pasaba vivir,lo veloz de un momento,el presente era algo tan fugaz para ella como el pestañear.

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She grew old and realized how much she longed to return to live those days where music, watching the small details and seeing herself in a mirror was routine, was normal, those days of tranquility, youth overflowed but at the same time she knew.There was nothing to regret.

Ella envejecio y se dio cuenta cuanto anhelaba volver a vivir esos dias donde la musica,el observar los pequeños detalles y el verse en un espejo era algo rutinario,era algo normal,esos dias de tranquilidad,de juventud desbordada pero al mismo tiempo sabia que no habia nada que lamentarse.

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Even came his time to leave, felt a fleeting joy, smiled looking around, discovered the beauty of having lived, throw his last breath and do not know where he went, living has been worth she said.

Incluso llegó su hora de marcharse, sintió una efímera alegría, sonrió mirando a su alrededor, descubrió la belleza de haber vivido, botó su último aliento y no se sabe dónde fue, vivir ha valido la pena dijo.

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written by Jessely


thank you so much :D

I like ti :) very good post :) I hope you make soon more :)

thank you so much I'm glad you like it :)

you are welcome :)