Managing my life better - Become aware before achievement. / Administrando mejor mi vida - Tome conciencia previa al logro.
Be aware of your achievement by preparing before you begin, you are guaranteed to have much of the work done. "You can exceed your level of capacity as you can develop much greater potential during your life"

To overcome this point You can take the initiative to make a previous preparation, just before developing a topic or perform that more complex task for which at the end we will feel greater satisfaction and sense of reward in the day.
For this we make a planned preparation in a strategic way in the environment, such as the story of the lumberjack that the disciple called the challenge to his teacher and he struggled to cut more wood than his teacher, in each break the student saw to his teacher resting and sharpening the ax, while he used all his strength and speed to succeed in the proposed challenge of cutting as much wood.
At the end of the day, they counted and the greatest number of wood cut had been achieved by the teacher, to which the student as a complaint asks: How is it possible if every time I stopped to rest the teacher already I was resting and sharpening his ax ?, To which the teacher replies: I have taken the time to sharpen the ax and in this way I have cut more logs more effectively at the same time, experience has shown me what to think strategically provides better results, "Sharpen the ax."
This is what it is !, sharpen the ax, take the time to make the pertinent preparations for the best development of the complex task that awaits us.
For example: Prepare the workplace, prepare the desk with everything necessary to perform the task, prepare all the necessary reports and materials, have EVERYTHING at hand to NOT blur the task, that the area is clear of all Possible distraction, a comfortable chair and everything you need. Remember that all this is sharpening the ax, it will make you much more productive than if you didn't do it this way.
Apart from preparing everything external, the context, internally must be prepared internally to perform the task, that is: Take a correct posture, adopt a mentality according to the accomplishment of the task, such as attitudes, self-confidence , visualization of the point of arrival (The task with the concrete results), remember that the successful preparation is both internal and external. It's like preparing the table and visualizing dinner with your friends enjoying dinner successfully in every way. This can save you wasted time and bad times during the execution of any task.
No doubt these tips will improve the process of the next step to better manage your life! Just try it and you will see.!
Tomar conciencia de su logro preparándose antes de comenzar, le garantiza tener gran parte del trabajo realizado. "Usted puede superar su nivel de su capacidad ya que puede desarrollar un gran potencial mucho mayor durante su vida"

Saludos @jhelbich,
Muy acertada tu publicación. En alguna parte escuché o leí, que el éxito viene con el 1 % de ingenio y el 99 % de esfuerzo. Me parece bien, pero cuánto esfuerzo se ahorraría si nos preparamos para ello. El dilema entonces sería, ¿En que he de prepararme?
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