Australia - Has Never Signed A Treaty With Its Indigenous Peoples!
Australia is the only Commonwealth state that has not signed a treaty with its Indigenous Peoples. The Indigenous Cultures of Australia are some of the oldest on our planet. A recent archaeological find in Western Australia’s Barrow Island places Indigenous people living in Australia to over 50,000 years ago. That's ancient!
Photo Credit Pixabay
The discussion surrounding a treaty for Indigenous rights in Australia has been going on for over 100 years and is a very interesting topic. New Zealand for example had the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840. Bob Hawke Australia's longest serving Labour Prime Minister promised a 'treaty' by 1990 but the controversial word raised alarm and was changed to 'document of reconciliation'.
There are many sad stories in the history of the Australian Indigenous Peoples including the theft of children for over 60 years during the last century. These unfortunate stolen children are known as the Stolen Generations and in 2007 an apology by the government was finally issued.
Photo Credit Pixabay
I believe the real reason for continued inaction over the issue of treaty in Australia is two-fold:
A treaty would potentially hinder the continued plunder of Australia's mineral resources
Australia's Indigenous Culture has ancient roots demonstrating how to live harmoniously with our environment. To give this culture credence goes against all the values of our western financial system
The rest of the Commonwealth, the United States of America and many other countries have treaties with their Indigenous Peoples. I believe it is long overdue for Australia to do the same.

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However after living with many dispossessed Indigenous Australians on the streets of Melbourne and in Australia's notorious Gatwick Hotel (pictured above) - I came to see the sad truth that complex processes such as institutional racism, an AUD $14.5 Billion alcohol industry, the ready availability of ice and heroin in the private prison system and lack of services continue to subjugate Indigenous Australians.
My heart breaks when I think of some of the people I met during this period of my life. If you would like I will share these stories with you.
I will be thinking about how Steemit can contribute to the Indigenous Peoples of Australia beyond just publicising their plight.
I wish all Indigenous Australians the best of luck because this fight for rights is seriously stacked against them!
Some current information regarding Indiginous issues can be found at this Facebook Group and specifically on a Treaty here.
Steemit and advanced technology education can speed up the help and evolution anywhere
I completely agree mate! We live in interesting times!
It really is heartbreaking that the Indigenous Peoples are treated so despicably. It is their homeland, their heritage...whenever I think of Australia, I think of the Aboriginal People. Western people are just colonisers and thieves. Sometimes I feel so ashamed of being one even though I have never done these things.
I feel the same way about American and Canadian Indian Nations. They are the true face of their respective countries.
We are all one race and should treat one another equally. I guess by raising more awareness hopefully we can help their full acceptance and restore their full rights.
Great post. Resteemed, this deserves to be seen!
I agree whole heartedly with you! The oldest culture on the planet treated so poorly but where there is discussion and action there is always hope! Thank you for the resteem. I hope that Steemit will provide some chances for us all to confront this issue. Followed!
That's one great feature of steemit. There are quite a few like-minded people here.
I campaigned for years alongside my Indian Nation brothers and sisters, and they still have a way to go. I have publicised dirty secrets of governments, but for years people closed their ears...if they don't hear it and refuse to see it, it isn't there. Well ignorance is not's complicity.
Thanks for the follow, maybe we can get the message across.
Yes we need proactivity and love! I am looking for ways to make a difference! =)
Very complex issue indeed. It has perplexed the various state and federal governments of Australia for many years and I suspect for many more to come.
Yes I agree! I hope that perhaps Steemit and the block-chain may offer some new alternatives for us! Thank you for your comment! I am following! =)
Absolutely believe that Steemit can be a source of change. Government intervention and paternalism has been a massive failure for Australian Aboriginal people and indigenous cultures globally.
I am big believer that change comes from within. Many aboriginal communities are tackling social and economic issues themselves, many are not. A culture of blame will not solve anyone's problems and a culture of guilt will also be unhelpful. The difficult path of forgiveness is ongoing
Well said mate... there are many factors at play in this complicated issue. I hope to see greater financial liberty for young Indigenous Australians through platforms like Steemit and I am excited by the opportunities that will afford them. Cheers! =)
Another perspective on Uluru from Aborigines:
Thank you for your input! =)
Very interesting. Thanks for sharing. I had no idea that such a developed country like Australia didn't recognize the value of the indigenous culture. It's really a pity that they are treated less in basically all countries. I mean, some places there are no treaty, others that do have, they are simply not followed or respected how it should.