My Participation In Corruption Of The Medical Industry!
This is the true story of my participation in the corruption of the medical industry. A decade ago I assisted at an event sponsored by one of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies. I was only a small cog in the machine but the bigger picture was clear.
The event was held on an island in South East Asia. The attendees were several hundred Doctors whose practices involved treating families and children.
Only later did I realise that I was directly participating in the corruption of these Doctors. The following sequence of events was to change my perspective irrevocably.
Hippocrates & The Hippocratic Oath

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First I must explain the Hippocratic Oath to those of you who are unaware of it. The Hippocratic Oath is named after the Greek physician Hippocrates who is known as the father of western medicine. All the Doctors participating in this event had sworn a form of the the Hippocratic Oath to become a Doctor.
In part the Hippocratic Oath says:
"Into whatever houses I enter, I will go into them for the benefit of the sick, and will abstain from every voluntary act of mischief and corruption " - emphasis added
"I will give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor suggest any such counsel" - emphasis added
In addition to taking the Hippocratic Oath, Doctors are required to complete a certain number of study hours per year. This is to ensure they are up-to-date on the latest medical information.
Where Is The Medical Corruption?
The event I was assisting with was held for one week in a resort situated on an idyllic tropical beach. On behalf of the pharmaceutical company we chartered flights and flew the Doctors to the island for the entire week of "study" . The Doctors were allowed to bring their wives and children. Many bought their mistresses. All expenses were paid by the pharmaceutical company: flights, transfers, accommodation, food & drink - everything was included!
I did not realise what I was engaged in - but that changed on the first day...
The first morning I set up one chair for every one of the hundreds of Doctors in the huge auditorium. I ensured the sound system was working then I waited for the Doctors to arrive. I was delighted to see that the first Doctor arriving happened to be my own personal physician. I had known her for years and have a very high regard for her. She remains to this day the best Doctor I have ever known. I hesitate to add this detail here but it is what happened.
A further 10 Doctors slowly ambled into the auditorium and the presentation began. As the day progressed the few Doctors who had turned up drifted away until the only people remaining in the auditorium were myself, the pharmaceutical representative and my Doctor. By the morning of the third day the only people attending the lectures were the 3 of us! We sat in a small group surrounded by hundreds of empty chairs. For the final 2 days of the week I only set up 3 chairs.
The other Doctors seemed to know the drill and had excused themselves immediately from all lectures. They preferred to spend their time on the beach, eating, shopping or locked in their bedrooms!
At the time I did not care.
However I soon began to work out what was going on...
The pharmaceutical company was funding the "event" and paying the Doctors' expenses. At the end of the week the pharmaceutical company certified that all Doctors had completed their yearly hours of study. The Doctors didn't have to attend the lectures if they did not wish and received an all-expenses-paid holiday.
It seemed logical that the funding for the event was derived from the profits accrued from the sale of pharmaceuticals by the Doctors - but this would surely be a conflict of interest!
Everybody looked happy and it was clear that this yearly all-expenses-paid holiday for hundreds of Doctors fulfilling their study quota was a regular and accepted practice within the medical community.
There are some serious problems with this scenario:
It seemed implicit that these Doctors had all achieved certain sales quotas for the sponsor pharmaceutical company. Those who had sold enough were invited on the yearly study jaunt. Doctor sales quotas for pharmaceuticals don't officially exist as this would represent a major conflict of interest. I wonder if the Doctors with low sales figures were invited back the following year?
The pharmaceutical company was confirming that these Doctors had completed their yearly study quota without any oversight from a medical body. The vast majority of the Doctors did not attended a single minute of the lectures. Even if they had attended the entire presentation was a planned sales pitch exclusively for the pharmaceutical company's products. No discussion of any other medical topic transpired!
The many families who these Doctors treated were completely unaware of a potential conflict of interest between the pharmaceutical company, the Doctors and the Government which would place the needs of their families behind the profits of the sponsor.
As the event was a one sided sales pitch there was minimal discussion about the potential health risks associated with the various products of this pharmaceutical company. The statistics of people who die every year from new pharmaceutical products makes it clear that they can be "deadly" and kill many people. I wonder if any of those hundreds of Doctors had ever prescribed one of the pharmaceutical company's drugs that had an adverse health effect on one of their patients?
This event was hosted by just one pharmaceutical company but I suspect all the other large pharmaceutical companies were hosting similar yearly events.
Although this transpired in South East Asia I have been reliably informed that corrupt practices of collusion between pharmaceutical companies, Doctors and Governments happen all over the world. Update: the comments to this article add credence to this view.
I believe the pharmaceutical companies change their event suppliers regularly so this situation does not become too obvious. I was able to work out what was going on in just 3 days!
Implicit in this corruption were multitudes of people from the pharmaceutical company, civil servants from the Government agencies and hundreds of Doctors. It was so obvious what was happening but everyone was quite happy with their pay packets, so everybody was keeping quiet. Literally thousands of unsuspecting members of the public were funding this process to their detriment and the corruption of medical integrity. Hippocrates must be turning in his grave!
I draw your attention again to the Hippocratic Oath and the words "corruption" and "deadly" :
"Into whatever houses I enter, I will go into them for the benefit of the sick, and will abstain from every voluntary act of mischief and corruption " - emphasis added
"I will give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor suggest any such counsel" - emphasis added
I am sure you are curious as to what became of my Doctor?
At the end of the week I asked my Doctor directly what she thought about what was going on. She skirted the topic not wanting to discuss her colleagues but I could see she was distressed. She was the only Doctor who attended every minute of that event, taking notes and asking uncomfortable questions. Her conduct gave me the greatest faith in her. I doubt she was invited back the following year.
What happened to me?
The truths of this experience took a few years to sink in. After I digested and analysed what I had seen my perspective changed. I began to study. I learnt about the history of our medical systems. I studied the shift from homeopathic medicine to allopathic medicine.
This knowledge led to a paradigm shift in my perspective that has changed my outlook on many things to this day. I now have a very different view on the veterinary/medical industry and our food supply. I am fascinated with natural healing. These are all excellent topics that I could write more about if you are interested!
Sounds like our modern medicine system. I think many people realize it gets worse than what's portrayed here.
True, the rabbit hole is very deep.
Have worked in the pharmaceutical litigation industry, I can verify that the rabbit hole is very deep indeed. The incentives to falsify studies and lie are just too high.
I'd love to read or listen (if you prefer to post a video) about your firsthand experiences. if you do can let me know by replying to this comment or another comment that I will see? The more insiders that can share their stories the better it will be for humanity.
Absolutely! Because you asked I will make this a priority and will inform you once it is done. My wife and I, both attorneys, worked for a plaintiff's law firm and she was a lead researcher on drug lawsuits. She made the firm and her clients millions because of the shady things big pharma is doing. The sad part is; no matter how much they pay out to their victims, it is a fraction of the fortunes they are making by selling their misrepresented product.
What an excellent comment! I will be following you and can't wait for your updates! Upvoted Thank you! =)
Following you both :)
Great name! Followed too! =)
Thank you @pushing.truth. There are many people that will benefit from your content. I will also do my best to support you, spread your message and help to promote your channel and I'm sure that many others will to.
Agreed mate! Great name! Followed! =)
Thanks @jockey
Yeah. That's very true. The thing is that's it's way worst.
Agreed... this was only scratching the surface but even then the corruption was palpable! =)
So sad, unfortunately not a lot of people know what is going on. Oh, the rabbit hole...
Agreed! The first thing we must do is discuss this topic openly! =)
Thank you very much! I agree this is a huge topic and it needs to be addressed. Discussion is the first step - yay Blockchain! =) Followed and upvoted! =)
Agreed mate! Followed and Upvoted! =)
Thank you @jockey ...upvoted & followed. I'm aware of this dodgyness. I am a homeopath & spend most of my working week treating people from the ill-effects of allopathic medicine. I do a (fairly irregular) series of posts called 'A Day In The Life of a Homeopath...' where I pick a day & then comment on each case that comes through the door. This is my latest from a few weeks ago:
Thank you for your comments mate! I have also upvoted and followed! I have a lot of amazing stories from a wild life around the world to post! I will continue to post them! The medical switch from homeopathic to allopathic medicine in the 17th century (I think) is a very interesting topic! =)
Thank you :)
I think you're alluding to the Rockerfeller-funded destruction of homeopathy & eclectic medicine (herbalism) by the AMA (American Medical Association) in the latter half of the 19th century. Apparently 50% of US doctors where homeopaths or eclectics in 1850s... 50 years later the AMA had successfully engineered for all their medical colleges to be closed (colleges that accepted women & black people) & a allopath who was even FRIENDS with a homeopath could be struck off & barred from practice. It's been pretty much erased from history though.
Excellent comment mate! I am fascinated by this subject and the small pockets of ancient herbal wisdom still left. The Church used to burn women as witches in the Dark Ages for understanding herbs. I seek out traditional healers around the world. I badly damaged my foot yesterday and the local village healer where I live on Bali is bringing his herbs and massage skills to fix my foot! Followed and upvoted! =)
I share your views on the medical industry and appreciate my homeopathic approach in treating my family.
Upvoted and followed.
I'm new to steemit and plan to write many posts on radical approaches to health that side-step big pharma!
Here are some of my other posts:
Partially Torn ACL - Health Care Cost
Latin America most happy - US ranks 38th
Ethereum's Ups and Downs
Did the FDA do something right? Proposal to reduce opiods with alternative pain therapy like acupuncture
Gets rid of Zits, Cold Sores, Scars, and Wrinkles. Sleep Sounder. Light Therapy.
Plastic Bag use Dropped 85%
Don't know how to cook with turmeric?
Fasting -- more time on Steemit
My New Favorite Thing
Quite a story, thanks for sharing your experience. This goes to prove the points I made in my big pharma series. I have my opinion about the pharmaceutical industry from a scientist's point of view, and it's good to get another "insider" experience from a doctor's perspective. Pharmaceutical events funding are routine. Hell, even during science conventions I often saw a load of pharma kiosks scattered between the lab equipment sellers. That's because doctors often attend research conventions, so pharmaceuticals try to reach them on every occasion they can.
Thank you very much! I will be reading your big pharma series with pleasure! =)
This is nothing.
The corruption inside is far deeper.
This was a benign sales and marketing push in comparison.
And yes, to all other who might read this, doctors have quite modern rocky-fellow medicine when they learned what was actually going on.
Someday I may speak about my experiences.
Sorry, all I can do now is say that @jockey is not lying, and it is far worse.
Please do share. And no, he's not lying at all.
Yes please do share @builderofcastles! Great name by the way! Thank you for your endorsement @drakos! =)
Thank you very much! I was inspired to write about this yesterday after a dentist disagreed with my post on oil pulling for a healthier and happier smile. I felt I needed to explain my perspective on our conventional medical industry. I agree that the corruption runs much deeper but I am not sure this event was benign. It could well be that families and children were injured from these drugs and the doctors, pharmaceutical company and Government were to blame! Thank you also for your endorsement! Upvoted and followed ! =)
Power corrupt and absolut POWER corrupt absolutly.☝
Correct! Thank you ! =)
I'm an RN...and I can attest to this. One of my co-workers is married to a Dr. it's shameful, and it makes you wonder why they enter into the medical it truly because they want to help others or is it all about the money?
I work in a large hospital and you can tell which doctors are passionate about their patients and which ones are in it for the money.....
The sad this is...certain companies target the nurses as well....I work in the neonatal intensive care unit , which is part of women's services, we have a flyer for Abbott company promoting human milk fortifier...the dinner is at Perry's Steakhouse and Grill...not a shabby place to eat...and it is all paid for by , you see , the practice continues....
Thank you for your comment! I am always interested to hear insights from people within the industry. I am not surprised by what you are saying but I am saddened. Human Milk Fortifier... That just sounds insane! What is that anyway? The only thing we can do is continue to discuss these issues to spread the truth! Upvoted and Followed! Cheers! =)
This is all done by attemt to take your humanity and trunsform as in too GMO.
What an interesting perspective! Humans as GMOs - it makes sense!
Followed and upvoted!
Thank y steel Human😁
Human milk fortifier is an additive we use to increase the calories of breast milk. You see, breast milk has 20 Kcal's...most premature babies require more calories for growth and development, since they are premature babies. Even when offered a bottle feed(which we think nothing about) requires a lot of energy from the premature baby...if we do not increase the calories in their diet via TPN ( Total parenteral nutrition) IL ( intra-lipids) and milk fortifiers, the premature baby will lose weight and fail to develop properly. Of course, every "medication" has it's side effects...the TPN and IL are given intravenously...and that has all kinds of side effects so the doctors try to wean them off as quickly as possible and introduce breast milk ( with is the best for them) or donor breast milk if the mother is not producing any . Well, that's where the fortifier comes in...many times they are on a 24 Kcal's ...and slowly get weaned to 22...then eventually 20 before going home. In the past, we used to have to add MCT oil, beneprotein etc for increased protein and calories, but , again, they all had side effects. Even some human milk fortifiers are better than others....they have done evidence based study that show some brands are more acidic than others causing many neonatal GI disturbances/ there is always a company out there trying to show how their product is better than others....but my thing is, the data can be skewed to favor their product...and if it's not natural, then it will have some sort of side effect....I feel, if what they are selling truly is better that what is currently in the market, you should have to take people out to fancy dinners etc...the product should speak for itself.
I completely agree with your view! Thank you for taking the time to answer my question! =)
I think you may enjoy my post on vaccines in Australia!
Cheers! =)
My mom is an administrator in the medical community. She said that when it became illegal for pharma reps to give the office gifts in exchange for access to the doctors, they simply began to take the doctors and directors out to expensive lunches and spa treatments. Meanwhile, the office staff had to deal with patients waiting 2 hours for their appointments. This occurred a few times a month.
Thank you for your comment! Great name! I have been a farmer and adventurer almost my entire life. I am saddened by your comment but not shocked! The state of affairs we find ourselves in is appalling. Go crypto! Go blockchain! =)
Followed! =)
The medical/pharmaceutical industry is bought and paid for. This is just one example. Thanks for shining the light.
You are most welcome! If countries take back control of the issuance and distribution of money all of this will cease! =)
I am glad I no longer participate in that circus.
It only lasted a week but that was all I needed to see what was going on! =)
Thanks for this deeply personal share! Many of us have heard of these "training trips," and what actually goes on there, but this is the first personal accounting that I've seen. You never forget the moment when the disillusionment begins. That moment of awareness leads to another moment, and another, and another, until your eyes are too open to the corruption to shut. There's certainly a place for modern medicine, and pharmaceuticals; however, the pharma industry is billions of dollars strong and padded & protected by governments. With all of that in mind, it's dangerous for a person to put their full trust in it, or even our doctors sadly.
I agree completely! I have many more stories to tell from a life of wild adventure around the globe! If we keep discussing this we can make progress! Thank you for your comment! Followed and upvoted! =)
Yes, please write more.
I am rendered speechless by your candor; @aggroed can testify that this is an accomplishment.
Thanks for opening up like this, I'm not sure if it's because of the anonymity or because this environment encourages it, but it seems to happen quite a bit.
Perhaps the blockchain will finally allow for the human race to participate in a "community"?
Thank you very much @theblindsquirl ! Your compliment means a lot to me! I noticed you went to my article on having a healthier and happier smile from oil pulling. There was a dentist who disagreed with what I was saying without having tried it himself. It was his article which inspired me to write this post yesterday! Upvoted and followed! =)
You are very welcome.
The "Dentist who kept commenting on something he did not know is what some people refer to as a "Shill" for the medical industry. I say Industry because I believe that most doctors no longer understand, let alone believe in & follow the Hippocratic Oath.
Those are just empty words.
Yes it's very interesting... I have traced this back to the shift from homeopathic to allopathic medicine. Our education system is to brainwash! Thank you for your comment! Upvoted! =)