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RE: Meat consumption Kills your body, tortures the animals and devastates the environment!

in #life7 years ago

Hum interesting but what about those who have a fast oxydizing metabolism like myself who need at least 60 to 80% of protein on my plate to function properly. Or why is it that if you give vegetables or anything less than meat or even raw meat to an Eskimo he will immediately fell and be sick ? I have learned that everybody has its own biochemical individuality and metabolism not everybody can be vegan. Studies show that its important to eat like our ancestors did. It is also proven that a plants suffer like humans and animals wen cut or pressed or cooked.


I feel it could have to do with these bacteria, they seem central :)

Yes bacteria and enzymes. For example asian people have a hard time digesting dairy products and alcohol. Europeans digest both easily. Europeans are not suppose to eat soy products because they dont asimilate it, this is where disease starts for most of humans.
Its when they start a different diet. I say eat like your ancestors did and you will be fine. Know your biochemical individuality your metabolic type and eat accordingly to it.
Never diet

Yeah but our evolutionary ancestors are all vegans :)


I am glad you mention it, since it is of non issue, 99% vegans will do just fine! Soy and beans and much else contains more protein than meats....

You are right, the Eskimos have a very unique gut flora, they would need 2 weeks for the bacteria to settle prior to feeling god, one bacteria will die, another will take its place, the one which thrives best in the new environment, which is the medical definition of "feeling bad" :)

The bacteria is unique in us all, since we have very little contact with one and another, but not as unique as the Eskimo, they have no cellulose in the food.

I am here to save the planet, animals that are tortured, and humans that starve. We sure can feed the few specimens that NEEDS meat with NOT suffering animals, how about that?

Out ancestors ate meat perhaps twice a week, the bulk calories came from roots, fruits, and other plant sources, that is my etimate, and I´ve even added archeology to my biochemical engineering degree just to get a bigger view on this topic :)
Cattle came 6000 years ago, no evolution has been observed since, so cattle has nothing to do with anything. Only our gut bacteria matters, and it has evolved for cellulose etc not meat.....And guess what i took at least MILLIONS of years :) ergo unaffected by meat, they do not eat proteins, we are talking about bacteria.

it is also proven that a plants suffer like humans and animals wen cut or pressed or cooked.

Absolutley not! Not even close.

It has not even been proven that humans are conscious.....
It has not been proved that we evolved.
Big bang is not proven in any scence.
The atom model is wrong, carbon chain models wrong, pretty much nothing is proven, so that statement is way out of both philosohpy and science sorry, but feel free to convince me :)
Any great refferences in mind?

Meat requires energy to be broken down, way more then plants, the body loses out on this, as do the environment, beyond opinions, this is not a debatable issue it is mass murder.

In a case of a fast oxidizing metabolism eating meat (compressed vegetable nutrients) is the best form of protein. People with fast metabolisms need high purines meats ( organ meats : liver, kidneys
etc) there carbohydrates intake should be much lower. Fast oxydizers need complex amino acids to create energy if not they will go into insulin spick and then crash and start all over again. Whenever this happens the blood and bones and tissues are solicitated to give minerals and vitamines to maintain correct levels of calcium and other minerals in the blood. Depleating bones, tissues and blood. As of fats and oils they to should be increased. Our cells are made of almost entirely of cholesterol and you find this is eggs, fats and oils. No wonder why people are on medications to fight cholesterol in there blood stream. Its because they eat to much vegan fats. Some of us are not designed to be vegans. By they way soy products are carcinogenic. Only fermented soy products can be beneficial for some of us.

"It has not even been proven that humans are conscious....." are you sure about that ?
I know I am conscious.

Another thing, how the hell is that even possible to get 80% protein content from meat?
You need protein extracts,,, they are best made from plant sources in all regards. Your health, the environment and off course the animals are better off!

Not everybody can assimilate plant sourced protein. Some of us need very complex amino acids to create long term energy to fonction.

There are 20 amino acids... all made in our gut.. I fail to see the argument.

Are you aware of the fact that ALL amino acids are exactly the same in all plants and animals?
The 20 amino acids never change. Alanine is always Alanine, regardless of where you get it, belive me, so any composition could be made easier from plant sources.. If you are not one of the very few with sever chronic gut disease, your guts will do the rest.

And the ones lacking will be produced due to the chemical equilibrium they are bound to...

Again 99% vegans are enough, the few incapable of adapting will have meat, classed as a medicine :) that works?

IF you need 80% protein, no meat can save you, still you need extracts, your body can´t detect differences in amino acids from plants or animals, there are NONE!


Maybe it can't detect but it dos not mean it will assimilate.
Biochemical individuality is the most important factor wen it comes to nutrition.
Speaking of health I have witnessed amazing recoveries by sick people who changed there way of eating by including high quality meats (grass fed) . I mean spectacular recoveries. Our soils are depleted plants are weaker animals and humans get sicker and sicker. So we need more and more nutrients and minerals to stay healthy this pushes companies to make more and more food but empty food. One thing I know is that like a weak plant emits a signal that insects see then attack it so this plant finishes by returning to be eaten by micro-organisms in the soil so it can enrich it by decomposing, humans to are attacked by diseases our immune system is weakened by poor foods so us to will enrich the soils.
Everything has to bee consumed in moderation thats for sure.
Im not trying to say that there is no abuse in the way some animals are treated for consumption.
We are part of a very complex system and there is no diet that fits all. Like not all medication has the same effect on everybody. I think that overeating is also a big problem. Abuse takes different forms and its education and our consiousnes that makes the difference how things will turn out.

Meat could be good once a week for many, but still, contain nothing we can´t solve without it :)

Yeah the system is the problem, so I decide not to contribute to it!

The stake and its proteins needs to be broken down to individual amino acids, this takes energy, more then equally amounts of amino acids extracted from plants. So we lose 90% energy in production and more upon digestion, transports, water usage etc.

The soils sure are going towards nutritional depletion, so are the animals and sadly humans, starvation is real.

Lets hope for some global change sooner then later!
