Improve Your Quality of Life With These Simple Tricks!

in #life7 years ago

Tranquility is the essence of life

The most important thing to lead a quieter life is to believe that your life is calmer. If you behave like a rushed person, you will also be in a hurry.

If you take the time to do everything with attention, you will get better results. Attention creates more concentration. As a result, you will not only be able to do your work better, but you also lose less time searching for your stuff or recovering mistakes you made because you were in a hurry. If you have carefully put your keys down, you always know where they are.

Take more time for things

I try to leave five minutes earlier if I need to get the train so I'm sure I'll be on time. It gives a much nicer feeling if you know you do not have to rush. Rush is the worst enemy for a calm mind.

The urge to achieve your goals

Take a little step back from the urge of performance in your daily life. This is the most important tip. If you stop always wanting to perform, If you take the time instead of chasing your goals all the time, you will grant yourself an easier and relaxed life. You should realized that it is not all about performing, time for relaxation is also important.

Don't see relaxation as something you need to perform. Relaxation can not be measured in terms of performance. You can not get figures for how well you relax. There is no deadline for when you need to be relaxed. Relaxing is not something you do because it's 'must', but because you liked it. Because it gives you energy. Because you deserve it after all that hard work.

Say no

An important reason why people often get very busy is because they can not say 'no'. If you want a easier and relaxed life, it's essential that you learn this. If you do not do this, your agenda will eventually become full of all kinds of appointments (which you probably do not even mind). If you do not want to do something, say that. Does anyone invite you to a party, but do not you feel like it? Do not go.

It's difficult at first to say 'no', but it's getting easier if you continue to practice. Certainly if you can calmly explain why you do not want or can not do something, people will respond with understanding. Yet, there will also be people who do not.
But you do not have to worry about it. You do not have to account for the choices you make. Ultimately, it's important that you indicate your borders, even though others do not always like it! It's your life and you decide the choices you make!

Plan more realistic

A quieter life begins with better planning. You can party till late in the night and get up early the next morning. At least not every day.

The solution? Realistic plans and more 'no' say. If I know I have to get up early, I plan to leave at least as late as possible. I know that I'm too tired the next day.

Even if I know that I have a busy day during the day, I leave the evening free. So I can rest a little and go to bed on time.

Another way of realistic plans is knowing how much time something costs. If you need a meeting for a minimum of two hours, do not plan on one day that you do not have those two hours. It sounds very logical, but this often went wrong with me. For example, I often forgot to calculate travel time or I had to eat, which meant that I eventually came across time.

If you see that something is not feasible because it costs too much time, do not plan it. Nobody has time to follow two studies, do three sports, have a social life and then two more jobs. You will have to make choices!

Set priorities

A quieter life does not mean you should do nothing at all. A quieter life means to me that I have space to do the things I feel important. You must know what your priorities are for this. My priorities are currently my study, sports, healthy eating, spending time with my friends and family, and maintaining my blog. Then there will be some time left for mandatory things like answering mail, shopping and working.

Image Sources : 1 2 3 4 5 6


Thanks for your info

a great post and all I am glad to say I now do but a few years back apart from arriving 5 minutes early for the train I didn't do any of the rest

and I do notice the difference now life is so much better calmer and have time to enjoy the important things in life

Saludos xD


Thanks for your useful tips. They are helpful in life.

Thanks Jones 420 for upvoting me. May God bless you more.

Jones is a great man. he upvote me as well. Thanks man. i will always upvote you. it's good when will help each other. To you Jones and everyone that do upvote me.

Thanks. Kayleigh-alesta for adding your upvote.

Thank you for tips

try to follow this tricks

great post!

So well said , it seems like everyone now is always in a hurry ,no time for pleasure even not taking time for themselves to enjoy life.