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RE: Irma went West instead of East, Miami is spared, Tampa Bay is in the crosshairs

in #life7 years ago

It is better to be safe than sorry . It was good that counties in FL were evactuated . I hope Tampa, FL can make a fast move. You know what was surprising to me , i live in NYC and I saw that tickets for plane rides from FL to NYC cost around $200-300. During this disaster , they were costing $1500. Why is it that people try to benefit from these kinda things instead of trying to help? Sad world


You can thank the anacho-capitalists for cheering price-gouging on! A free and direct market is what they claim brings equlibrium to an otherwise unfair market practice of stable and fixed pricing. I have to disagree with this philosophy, at least on a moral premise.

So if you don't let free market set prices, who do you propose will set prices? Your friends? My friends? How is that moral? Do you understand what happens in socialist countries like Cuba and Venezuela when the power of government is used to intervene in the market and disrupt supply and demand.

I know that during time of crisis it sounds all soft and fuzzy and warm and nice and cuddly to talk about the "mean old free market".

That is exactly the time when the weak minded are found out, and we see lack of logic on display.

Sorry to be a touch harsh, but if you don't believe in free markets, you need to move to your favorite socialist/marxist country.

I hope you have a lot of friends in high places in your new country, so you can get special favors.

Else you are going to find that the free market wasn't so cruel after all.

And just how do you think Cuba and Venuzuela became socialist societies? Via anarchism, that's how! I believe in free markets, I just don't believe that the greedy should take advantage of the needy in times of crisis. You obviously need to try your shoe on the other foot. I'll bet it doesn't fit.

That is terribly sad but unfortunately happens in many scenarios. :(

Too different ways to look at this. At $200, everyone with a casual need for travel would purchase, and supply would be gone. At $1500, the tickets would be purchases by those in most need of travelling, and so the limited supply went to the people with highest need. Pricing is the mechanism that keeps supply and demand in balance, and ensures signals are sent to market when supply and demand get out of balance.

That is generally perceived as a good thing. When prices are allowed to go up, it can bring more supply to an under supplied market.

If you don't have these signals, then you get the empty grocery shelves that you often see in Russia, and Cuba, and Venezuela and other socialist paradises.

There is no one with central authority that can control prices and ensure supply is maintained, like the free market.

Counter balance is time of crisis sometimes price increases are pure profiteering.

Water is probably a better example where if the free market was allowed to set prices the supply after crisis would be handled within 24 hours.

Plane flights are not as easy to bring in huge extra supply. Water it is possible to bring in huge extra supply. Which the market will do if the price is allowed to send appropriate signals.

You make a huge (bad) assumption... that anyone who needs to evacuate can afford a $1,500 air fare.