You can travel without being wealthy aka a girl from a "struggling" family chasing her dreams!

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Dear Steemians,

“You can travel without being wealthy aka a girl from a "struggling" family chasing her dreams!”- this topic was with me from the beginning of my journey with Steemit community.
I am writing about my experiences from solo backpacking in Latin America and my other adventures. It all seems a little unrealistic for someone who is working from 9 to 5, or, more often from 8 to 8. Many people who knew me were telling me that I should talk more about my own example. That it will be worth explaining that I was not some spoilt girl that had her ass covered if anything went wrong.
Everything I have, or experienced - “money-wise” (I’m obviously not talking about my Mom’s love, time and dedication!) is purely thanks to my own hard work and dedication. So here it is. My little story.

“You can do it, you can start fulfilling your dreams. You shouldn’t wait for the perfect moment when you will have time, money and god knows what else.”
I know it sounds like a cliché. Like something you have heard so many times from people in the television or internet. But it’s not. You really can. You may need to start small. Set smaller goals. Just to gain confidence that you can really do it.

I come from a “struggling” family. My and my brothers, we are the first generation that was able to study, and only because public higher education is free if you pass (rather difficult :)) entry exams. Don’t get me wrong, I was never hungry. But I didn’t have barbies, legos, or a decent bicycle. We didn’t travel. I am extremely lucky that I have talent and passion for languages because I have never had private lessons, thus I was simply learning them on my own.

Fast forward to the end of 2014, when I bought my tickets to South America. I didn’t have much money put aside even though I was working like crazy and didn’t have decent holidays for several years in a row. This was the choice I made - I devoted my time and energy to a start-up company that I was believing in, although neither was I the owner nor had I shares in it. When I finally realised that I need a change, I did it drastically. Some advised me "to get sick" for a longer period of time in order to gain "time” and easy money. But I just quit. I preferred to play it fair.

I started to prepare my dream travel. Without money. Without the language. Without significant “experience”. Without companions.

Most of the people were telling me that I’m either crazy or brave.

I decided that I don’t want to wait and first earn the money for the travel. I didn’t want to waste more time and energy! I needed to move, to grow, to experience. And I needed it N O W.

I know it sounds irresponsible and sure, it wasn’t a perfect solution. It was making me nauseous, I didn’t sleep well for a while etc. It was a large commitment. It was a big responsibility. After all, I decided to borrow the money and spend them on travels, purely on me. People my age were borrowing money to pay for a house or a car. I felt like an alien. But somehow, deep inside I knew, I felt strongly that this was a good decision and that I would be good!

Money? I had 33%. I borrowed 33% from my dad with no interests and borrowed 33% with from a company on 12% interests… I knew I will have to return all the money immediately after coming back to Europe.

I had the time of my life. I was travelling on my own. I was meeting beautiful people, visiting stunning places and doing things for the first time! It was amazing most of the time, and difficult at times. I have learned a lot about myself. Most importantly I gained certainty that no matter how difficult the situation seems, I will be good, I really can count on myself!

How did I paid for my 4-month trip?

After coming back I was working for 3 months as a stewardess on a private yacht cruising in the Mediterranean Sea. Seems fancy and fun. But… I was working 17 h a day (from 7 am to 24). I was not only serving cocktails and meals. But I was also, on a rotatory basis, cleaning toilets. In my free time, I was also babysitting 2 beautiful girls, owner’s daughters, because they simply liked me too much. I was constantly tired. But I had a goal.

How can you get the money for your dreams?

  • the right country: the most important is to choose the right country - be wise and work in a well-developed country, where you will be very well paid, like Nordic countries, UK, Switzerland, maybe Germany;

  • jobs: there are many seasonal jobs that are waiting for you! You can pick up the fruits; you can work as a waiter/waitress;

  • if you decided to work in a different country, and therefore you have to rent a place to sleep – make sure to rent a room in a shared apartment or maybe consider sharing a room. It is just or a short time, and accommodation is often a significant expense;

  • you have to keep your expenses at a minimum level; avoid eating in the restaurants, cook for yourself.

Are you too "old" for those kinds of jobs and sacrifices? Or too well educated you say? Well, I was over 30, with my 2 masters. If you want it, you will move mountains to reach it. If you don’t, you will only find excuses.

So here's the clue: all this will only work if you are really committed to your goal. If you are not, those sacrifices will seem too big, too overwhelming and unnecessary.

Sending joy,


It is very inspiring Kasia. I feel the same with our family background and dreams you have. It is very fulfilling to travel in one place especially when you work hard for it. I know you still have a great future ahead of you. Thank you for sharing us how to make dreams come true. :)

Dear @fatimajunio thank you for your kind comment! i get the impression you actually read the articule. Yes, the sky is the limit, so i am wishing you the same - to follow your heart and make your wishes come true :)

Bien por ti Kasia, seguro estas disfrutando el español de latinoamerica. “Viajar es un ejercicio con consecuencias fatales para los prejuicios, la intolerancia y la estrechez de mente”. – Mark Twain

exacto! ¡Y los viajes no tienen que estar largos o muy exóticos!

Awesome post! It reminded me of my very first vacation ever!
I recently had the pleasure to travel to Puerto Rico, St. Thomas, and all the Virgin Islands..
Im 57 years old and I have never left Houston,Texas ...
Until I finally decided do something for myself.
4 kids and 14 grandkids later....
I was so excited I made a video of all the footage.
check it out on my page, it's called "Kissed by the Caribbean" It was one month before the devastating storms..
20170402_162433.jpg20170402_083716.jpg 1491161620410.jpg1491216837287.jpg

great pics thanks

Your story is very inspirational!! you are a proof that it's never too late! but people prefer to complain! God bless you! ❤️

Its so true, sometimes you have literally just got to leave without thinking too much otherwise you'll never do it. There will always be something a new job, house, partner etc procrastination is a killer of dreams. Good for you for stepping outside your comfort zone to reap the rewards.

that's a nice comment, thank you :) i would add "fear" (in a large sense) as a dream killer:)

Your story is so very motivating and makes me want to live my life differently than I have been recently. I am 30 with a Masters Degree but I feel like I am working myself to death and don't want to anymore! I loved your tips on traveling on a budget and just taking life by the horns. I have been talking to my friend about traveling more and this is perfect for what we have planned. Have fun! ~Ivy~

Hey Ivy! so glad that you liked my post! all is possible. take a break from your regular life and try something new. you don't have to change your life completely:) but it's hard, cause everyone is expecting us to be "normal". good luck dear :)

Great that you can go on this adventure and still work for your bread, i think with these abilities you are on your way to a successful and fulfilling life, congrats

Thank you for your kind words:) i think we all are able to do this. first step? get out of the comfort zone..

Ny dream i got from @Susanne

Working my own business. Being a good father. Earning money on steemit while travveling and using the money i earn to travel an be there for my kids.

One step at the time. Already going to Thailand with the kidkids this summer. And taking my dad back to thailand

oh, that sound amazing! and inspiring!! ❤️

I had an inspirational teacher who always cautioned me about not doing things that you want to do because of a lack of money. I am sorry to say that I never really took his advice. Travelling is the best way to understand how life works, and the little travelling I have done has had a huge impact on my worldview.

Kudos to you for taking the risk.

don't be too harsh on yourself. it is really difficult to believe that you don't need stabilisation all the time and pack your backpack instead. Sometimes it takes time! if you really want you, you will travel more. on your own terms.

You're very nice to say that, but I should have travelled more when I was younger. I was lazy and too interested in partying. Since I met my wife I have been to Sri Lanka, Costa Rica and NYC and all three were amazing. I do hope to see the world a bit more, but the opportunity is very restricted these days!

This is amazing! Full of lessons;
It's wisdom to go in search of opportunity and be prepared for it.
It's also wisdom to do the right things at the right time, with the right people, the right places, for the right purposes, with the right intention.
Taking up seasonal jobs has been explained as an opportunity for a better life.
As the saying goes that "where the use of a thing is not known abuse is inevitable". To live well and not extravagantly, luxuries should be avoided.

Thank you @k-a-s-i-a for the wisdom nuggets, I'm more wiser

thank you for your nice comment! :) good luck on Steemit!

This was so personally inspiring to read! I am planning a big trip abroad this summer and have recently found myself very anxious in desperately to figure out how to make it all work between restrictive work vacation time and limited finances.

But this was such a good eye opener. I will only be young once and do not want to avoid travel anymore!

exactly! thank you for reading this post :) i 'm sure your trip will be amazing, just don't hesitate :)