To the displaced and colonized.

in #life8 years ago (edited)

With everything we see going on in New Zealand, and the world. It's not hard to tell why it's happening. There are many symptoms of a failed system (or a working one depending how you look at it) taking place in Aotearoa. Systems of a disease filled system are: Poverty, domestic violence, suicide, depression, pollution and more.

These symptoms are evidence that something isn't functioning correctly. That something is the government.
For non New Zealanders, Aotearoa is the Māori name for New Zealand

The way Māori lived before colonization was very decentralized. But when the British arrived, even the Treaty of Waitangi was translated in favor of the British, and the Treaty is still not fully honored.

At one point it was illegal for Māori mothers to breastfeed

At one point it was illegal to speak Māori (Our Native language) in New Zealand

These are my ancestors. it took me 28 years to find out.

I know what it's like to feel like there's something missing.


Many are disconnected. Many are lost. Many are hurt!

I know our story is a carbon copy for many cultures around the world. I know you relate.

While it's not all bad, and Aotearoa is still filled with beautiful rich culture that rises above the madness.

It is a beautiful country that is in pain, just like many countries around the world. We are still heartbroken at what is happening to our people. With the elections coming up, I see a lot of hope everywhere. This is good, but we need more than politicians fighting with each other, instead of for the country.

many can say you can't blame the government for the way things are. But them & their systems ARE the reason for the way things are.

Since being on Steemit, I see the huge contrast between Centralized & Decentralized. it is a HUGE contrast.

On facebook i see hurt people everywhere. I see videos of violence & abuse. I see people arguing back & forth with each other constantly. I see ads pop up as targeted marketing. I see sadness.

On the other side, on Steemit, I see solutions, respect, intelligence, identity, love. I see healing & beautiful people helping each other

I almost powered down today.
But then I remembered all of the reasons I fell in love with Steemit. I still have so much to learn, and I feel like the dumbest kid in class sometimes reading all of these incredible posts. But that is how we grow. I am forever a student.

I am reminded daily of ways we can apply the blockchain technology to everyday life to make it more livable, the way humans are supposed to exist. Before our time is up.

I don't know if this post makes sense, or even if anyone will read it. But I'm not even going to proof read this, it has come out how it has been whirling in my head - I guess it's a journal entry.

Ngā mihi


Hello Thank you very much for your post, I am in NZ since 2months and I slowly notice What you are speaking about... I See a lot of different community (kiwis, Maori, chinese,..) living in the same place buy not together (I'm in Auckland).. I See a green country becoming less and less green.. But as you say through alternatives Like Steemit we can slowly change things..
Colonisation is very painfull history and it take long long Time to recover. But if we focus on positive things, projects, ideas, we can improve and not Let the fear and the feeling of being powerless win .
Thank you again.

Good post buddy - steem on :)


Relate so much to your post, the disconnection is a big factor, but we could all leave the politicians to play with their toys and go back to decentralization.
What an amazing family portrait of your ancestors the girl in the white dress doesn't look too happy, it would of been such a transition to go from the cultural clothing to heavy English wear.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Aotearoa is a new word for me, didn't know it meant New Zealand, and it's a pleasure meeting a New Zealandian here on Steemit. Hope you have fun here!

You learn something new everyday (second) on Steemit ;) Thanks powered down? Why, what were you going through?

For like half a day. Then i realized how petty I was being & the fight didn't last long LOL. Just some health issues. Nothing major!! ^_^

Hm, okay...If you need somebody to talk to man. I'm here. Find: Geechi Dan on Discord.

Aww thank you! I'm Kunoichi #7505 on there

Nice article. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Thanks for reading ^_^