How I Feel About Marijuana After Trying It!

in #life7 years ago

Those school lectures certainly worked on me as a kid And a teen.
Weed is bad; Weed will make all your teeth fall out, Then you'll lose your brain cells... Then you'll die.

I became terrified of drugs and avoided them no matter what.
I would NEVER try any drugs I said!

But as I got older I started seeing new evidence that supports that weed isn't bad for you. That's when I started understanding more, That Marijuana is just a plant.


This post talks about MY own experience with weed for the first time! I didn't do any in-depth research on whether pot is healthy or harmful. I still don't know much about it, So do your research before you try it!

That's when my opinion on whether it should be legalized changed.
Especially as my views on how much involvement the government should be in our lives.
Even though I had never tried pot, I had a strong stance on it. As adults, we have a right to choose. So make it legal! Heck, Make the other drugs legal too. Because we have a right to decide. But of course, Include warning labels and what not.

It makes my blood boil that I was taught so many lies about weed in school.

I Sort Of Felt Like A Hypocrite

I had never even tried weed at all. I'm not saying I should try all the drugs to have my stance.
But it seemed silly me preaching about how it needs to be legalized when I know nothing about it.

My boyfriend and I decided to get some while we were in Colorado, Sadly it's not legal in Utah.

I Was scared

Of course, I was. We got some edibles, Some chocolates and lemon tarts. I mean they looked harmless.
But it was still freaky. We learned so much about drugs in school. Here they were in front of us.

Surprisingly, It wasn't what I expected.
When I went to Denver, I had a nasty, infected wound on my leg.
When I walked it stung. I noticed the pain was completely gone after enjoying a piece of chocolate. It completely relieved me of the pain!

My brain seemed different. I felt almost drunk, but the symptoms were less severe. I was super giggly and happy!
Then of course food sounded good! And I had a slightly dry mouth. But it encouraged me to drink water, That's a good thing right? You can never have too much water! But overall being "High" didn't feel bad. When I drink alcohol and get drunk, Which doesn't happen often. I end up feeling like crap. I regret it so much, Especially when I'm laying on the floor feeling like puking my guts out.

Weed didn't give me the crappy feeling at all!

I woke up the next morning. Feeling completely normal. No hangover, No puking, I also didn't feel like I "needed" more weed.
I felt fine! Maybe a bit dehydrated, But the same thing would happen if you ate a handful of any herb, Oregano anyone? A handful of mint?
Yeah, that sounds like it would cause dry mouth too.


Am I Going To Eat Weed Every day?

Probably not! Don't worry; I'm not going to start writing stoner posts each day LOL.
But it was great to try it! And I may occasionally have some once in a while. Although I'm still against smoking it. Unless I do more research on that. (Smoking anything sounds bad for the lungs.)

Why Isn't Alcohol Illegal?

There is a huge difference between weed and alcohol. I am surprised.
It drills in my belief that the U.S. Government doesn't give a crap about their citizens.
Cigarettes seem a lot worse than weed too. Although I'm not a smoker, I'm basing that knowledge of the people I Know who smoke.
So what gives?
Cigarettes and alcohol are legal? But they seem a lot more harmful than weed.
Sure you could argue that I do not understand the long term effects of marijuana because I only tried it over the course of a week.

But my opinion hasn't changed on one thing. It needs to be legal! Adults have the right to decide for themselves.

@lauralemons Drew me !
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I agree with your stance on marijuana. People should be able to make their own decisions when it comes to the individuals use of "drugs". Marijuana has helped many people with medical issues.

Overall the war on drugs has been an absolute failure!

I hear edibles are the way to go!

Either that or Vaporizers, since they don't actually produce smoke, they have relatively no effect on the lungs! :)

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good job , educate yourself first , don't stop you'll be rather amazed . Steem on

I believe I read somewhere that Big Pharma lobbied against weed back in the day because they saw it as a threat to pharmaceuticals. They essentially used scare tactics and made it seem like a drug that made people "evil" and do terrible things. People started believing it and here we are.

I'll edit this comment if I find some sources....


Here is an article from the Washington Post

It pretty much says that weed helps a lot of people and that Big Pharma would rather have those people take pills than weed.

its so dumb really, alcohol kills people all the time and cigs, yet here is mary jane illegal,
its all just some conspiracy to enslave the masses i think

Lol bro I honestly don't know what to think anymore.. Too much wasted effort to even try and understand

I think we all need to learn from are native American ancestors they know how to be good stewards of the resources the earth has to offer.

What would yall do without the walmart down the street if you can buy it make it or grow it.

Awesome post! It really helps a lot of people through a lot of situations. Glad you had a positive experience!

I agree! Cigarettes and alcohol seem like they are way worse for you. It is weird that they are legal while marijuana is not in many states.
I have never tried weed, but reading your experience reminds me how many lies we have all been fed about life -- in this case, weed.

So true! It doesn't make any sense. It kinda makes me want to look more into the history to see why.

What substances a society deems legal and illegal can say a lot. Caffeine to keep us productive despite long hours and early mornings, alcohol to drown the sorrow from the weekdays and cigarettes because they know we hate this vicious cycle, so why don't you kill yourself slowly but surely? As "stress relief"

@kaylinart -We do have a right to choose but I think society has in general decided that things that are addictive should be tabooed. Children are taught to avoid all such things because they do not probably have the judgement about when to stop and may get addicted. As we become adults, our judgement matures and we can exercise choice but at that point, what is good or bad gets also dictated by how much revenue gets made in taxes by the government. That is why, I think cigarettes and alcohol get supported as legal. I am glad that you tried it out. Anything, in moderation, can not be bad. I have personally never tried it. I also think that the highs that you get with your art creations may be higher than the weed highs for you, once the novelty of trying it wears out because you are a great artist. Thanks for sharing your experience. Upvoted

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Thank you!
I definitely think we need to be careful about kids, and I think you made a lot of good points on why it was made illegal in the first place.

to my knowledge it was only made illegal after prohibition so people would keep their jobs fighting some type of drug in america

I think we underestimate our young people. Tell them the pros and cons. Informed adolescents quickly grow into educated adults. And there are cons, a young persons emotional development can be halted if they numb those emotions with any substance thc, etoh or prescribed antidepressants or anxiolytic.
Family history of psychosis means you may be more susceptible to paranoid ideas. It does complicate issues for schizophrenic people. Depressed people may become less motivated and melancholic.
Equally if you give an adolescent antidepressants (and many do whether you agree or not) and you increase their suicidal risk dramatically in those first few weeks.
Along with many other Side effects too.
Information is key. Open dialogue with young people with respect for their intellect and growing independence. Why feed a 15 yr old scare tactics and propaganda.

well said, i have depression and have friends that have depression, they take medication for it and idk, perhaps I'm not educated enough to speak on it but i think so many of the prescriptions out there are bad.

It's a crutch. I smoked the devils lettuce from age 15-19 then 8.5 years in the military... then restarted from age 26-29... I've stopped for a month now. I'm clean... it was a crutch. It has its positives. It should fix the heroine/pain killer problems throughout the world... i may go back and smoke when i'm older but right now... i'm done with sedating myself with the crutch. Cheers. IT DOES SPARK CREATIVITY! But it may bring laziness... my two cents.

Exactly! I like your thoughts on it! I still don't know much! But I can see how it can be used as a crutch.

it's still better than getting drunk, taking ADHD medication, pain meds and happy pills. It can substitute for all those things for the people that need it. I just don't need it in my life right now.

i love that man, i feel like what youre saying is just a prime example of how things should work, use it if its right for you

Moderation is key and keeping yourself productive in someway while high is a responsibility. There are those who smoke all day (like, a lot) and do absolutely nothing. Yet I've known some people who you wouldn't guess smoked or were even high.

Of course marijuana effects people differently.. my one friend can't stay awake whatsoever no matter what strain he tries.

Sour Diesel should put him to bed. Leafly was a app i used to use. It would break down strains to Sativas and Indicas with info on their pros and cons. Sour Diesel was rated very high for a indica. Ask him if he tried Sour Diesel. And or edibles. Edibles ten to put people to sleep too. It also helps if you live in a state with recreation and or medicinal. Makes it easier to obtain. STates that border legal/recreational states ten to get better strains too. Or city hubs like Houston or Dallas. If you're in another country... i have no idea how you would obtain.

That's the thing.. he has tried sativa's to no avail. Something about him just makes him super tired when he smokes!

Sativas are uppers... Indicas are for pain and sleep. Indica... Indacouch. Couch lock.

The case for weed legalization is quite interesting. Weed is one of the most vilified drugs out there, and yet is so weak. People can get addicted to it, but overdosing seems kinda difficult (never heard of any). Also, it seems governments are more interested in prohibiting weed as a way to attack drug cartels' income, not because of our health, but even that reason seems dumb, because prohibition makes the price higher and the quality of the product lower. The impacts of the war on drugs are horrible, and all for trying to regulate what people can and cannot do their own selves. If you look at the big picture, and in relation to the alcohol and tabaco markets, this prohibition policy world wide looks more and more immoral in my opinion.

Overdosing on weed has never been documented. I remember reading something like you'd have to eat 10s of pounds of marijuana to overdose.

People can get addicted to sugar and it can sure kill you slowly but it is far from illegal.

What is it about weed that makes it illegal? Besides disrupting major industries I'd say Terrence McKenna said it best: "Psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned that you may jump out of a third story window. Psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve opinion structures and culturally laid down models of behaviour and information processing. They open you up to the possibility that everything you know is wrong"

They spent all this time and money indoctrinating you and you think they wanna fuck all that up? Hell nah!