How Jobs Are Dangerous!

in #life7 years ago


I feel a bit hypocritical here Because I do have a part-time job right now. But I'm not relying on it, The same way many others do. I make enough without it to survive. But I'm using my job as a personal gym to lose weight, And the extra cash is nice.

So many people think that their life will be set, If they get the job they want. They will just work there until they retire, and they'll be set for life. The sad truth of all of this though, Is it's rapidly becoming a bad and risky choice to live like this.

Income Diversification

When you have your one income source, Your job. You rely on that job to pay all your bills. I don't care how much the job is paying you. This is risky behavior.
If the company you work for goes out of business Or has layoffs. You'll be in big trouble. Or heck even just cuts your hours.
You need to diversify your income. They say that the average millionaire has seven sources of reliable income. This is why it's important to have something on the side that can back you up if needed. And I don't want to hear "my company won't go out of business." Sure big companies like Walmart, UPS, etc. Might not go out of business TOMORROW. But it's certainly possible down the road if they can't adjust to the rapidly changing market. I mean, Look at companies like Blockbuster and Hostess. (They came back, But still).

The Company Doesn't Care About YOU

This can be a hard one to swallow especially when you love and respect your job.
When I quit UPS. They replaced me. Even though I was one of the fastest people, They still were able to replace me with a couple people.
While we like to think that the company truly cares about us as people. It's often they don't. Your supervisor or boss may care, If you are lucky. But at the end of the day, You need to take care of yourself. Because if you don't. The company won't do it for you.


I don't care if it's a part-time or a full-time job, They own you. And your time. Don't believe me?
I only work 20-25 hours a week at my job, But guess what?
If I wanted to go on a week-long vacation starting tomorrow, I probably wouldn't be "allowed" to.
If I wanted to change my sleep schedule and sleep at night like a normal person. Again, I'd have to "ask for permission" to change shifts so I can do that.
Even when I'm not at work, My job still OWNS my time in a way. I can't go to the movies at 7:00 P.m. Because I'd be late for work. I can't drink during the week. Otherwise, I'd go to work drunk.
Sure these may sound like extreme examples. But even things such as being mentally or physically exhausted when you are AWAY from work, aren't compensated in any way, And that is how they control you more.
I'm not saying you should be petty about how you work, But this is to emphasize the power that a job can have over your life, Making it tough to diversify.

Less Opportunities

When we are owned by a company, We are offered fewer opportunities, because we aren't out seeking them.
Sure, Some companies open doors to other opportunities and can help beef up our resumes. But sometimes being out and about and doing random things outside of your daily routine really helps you gain those much-needed opportunities.

We underestimate how much a job can affect our entire lives. And it's really important to look at our jobs and ask ourselves if it's worth our time. Life is short, Don't stay at a job that isn't going to help you grow as a person.



Hey @kaylinart why do you need any other job. You got a well paying full-time job right steeming to your fans, and I am sure it is satisfying too :D

It's true :) And I love Steemit.
I work at my other job because I have a lot of friends there, It's also a great workout. I won't work there forever though, I can leave anytime.

Which is why we are lucky to have so many more ways of making money these days thanks to technology. Though in the older days, it wouldn't have been as easy to lose a job as they were generally all ones needing people and the companies were reputable or needed to provide the public with their products and services.

But making any sort of money is all good money and you're right about needing many different sources of income, securing in the stability.

Agreed. Technology when put into better use can be an enabler to level the playing field -- providing income to those who find it difficult to do so back then.

You shouldn't feel hypocritical you know, someone eventually had to say it. You're entirely right especially the part where you said "the own all of your time in particular", my last job (presently I don't have a job) came with a promise that I wouldn't have to work all the time (a trick!) I ended up working more than I bargained for, because I was always called to travel for facility inspections etc and the worst thing is there would be no prior information, so deep inside me, I would have to be ready for that call even when I didn't really know when it was coming, it affected a lot of things about my life, it limited my thinking and I couldn't even make personal plans like giving out appointments to see my family. Everything became a maybe because I was never sure when that call would come in. I mean I don't have a job at the moment, things are not really the way I'd like it to be, but I feel free, that pressure and uncertainty was sure eating me away gradually. I really wish no one would have to go through that, but that goes a long way to show THE stress and difficulties we go through just to try and make life work, funny thing is some jobs end up increasing the problem we were trying to solve in the first place.

This sums it up for me entirely and I totally agree:

Don't stay at a job that isn't going to help you grow as a person.

Wow! That sounds terrible having to travel without notice. At that point, You truly are working all the time.

Exactly! I really was working all the time come to think of it & the boss in question a sour miser, only thing he cared about was getting his job done, I still have no regrets I left really. I woke one day to realize it was more like a modern day slave situation than a job. That was the defining moment, I didn't know what I was leaving to but I knew I just had to leave for my health and peace of mind.

So very very true!!

It's honestly like being a slave or in prison. I'm so grateful for finding this community.

Exactly! Unless you love that 9 to 5 of course.

I totally agree with your opinion @kaylinart, it is very good. Although I do not have a company and a regular job it does not matter to me. Because for me that we can work anywhere as long as we can make money and always can enjoy this life with what we have. To me that happiness is very simple, although we do not have much money but we can also be happy in our own way how to create happiness. Why I say so, because in my country is very difficult to find a job. I like with your second picture, where it is?

I find working on my own projects on the side is way more fulfilling than working a job for a company that doesn't need me. Hopefully one day, I'll be able to just do my own projects and not need another job.
Awesome post!

Right? I hope you get there.

It is better to be an entrepreneur or at least self employed. There used to be three legs to the stool. Pensions, savings and social security. Well that has gone to hell. Most employers do not do pensions anymore. Most employers do not care anymore. When you have your own business you have clients. If you lose a client or two it will not kill you like loosing your job. People need to protect themselves and be creative in their thinking. Diversify. Crypto gold silver, owning a business, real estate etc. But the best investment is in people and others but even in your higher power. That one is well worth it. Thanks my friend.

I can definitely relate to a lot of points mentioned here. It's difficult working in an auditing firm (even if I'm on the consulting side). There is a heavy expectation that you devote almost 100% of your time. Giving less is frowned upon, and you suddenly become labeled as "underperformer".

Time is not ours when we work for someone

On top of this all, they don't seem to care about our welfare. In the end, it's all about the profit, and we are really seen as "resources" rather than talents, more so as human beings. It's a tough one, and most of us don't have any other options. I do believe, however, that we just need to allocate a portion of our time to search for open windows -- allowing us to breathe and see other more worthy opportunities.

Diversify income

I consider myself lucky because I found a way to earn other than my job. To be honest without income streams coming from this passive source, I will not be able to afford opening a savings account, getting a life insurance and opening investments. So, yes, to those running through the comments section, I agree with @kaylinart! We need to diversify where we get our money.