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RE: finding the right path in life

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Wow I kinda see myself in you. Experiencing some same things. I admire how you refused to eat meat when you was a child :) I started to think about this in my early twenties. I see you are empathic person and you see injustice around. I also had period when I was depressed when reading alot about conspiracy theories/truth.. Removing animal products is something that also rised me up! I am glad to see you are on good path and content.. Really quality read.. I am kinda lazy/scared of my creativity.. Not alot of selfesteem so its sometimes hard to express myself.. and maybe Im looking for perfection so Im never satisfied with my work..but I must say you inspired me.. I have to create something! Even if its not perfect.. I will just play.. Thank you.. Most of all I like how you think of other people and you are trying to help us with your own experience.. Salute!