Poison Ivy! A survivor's tale.

in #life7 years ago

Ahh, the dreaded scourge of many a summer day...


I really wish that I was normal in regard to the Urushiol oils found in this wily plant.

Most people have trouble with the toxic oils found on the leaves and stems of poison ivy, poison sumac, and poison oak. But every so often you have those lucky or unlucky people who are either immune to the itchy liquid or highly allergic to it.

Unfortunately, I personally fall into the later, being severely allergic to it.

Most will develop a rash, a bit of itching, some blisters and that's about it. Fortunate for them, they only need a bit of calamine lotion and it will be alright.


But what happens to those who can't stand it? Basically, our system goes haywire!

Rashes, itching, and blisters are many times the least of our problems. Swelling, fevers and trouble breathing can hit hard and even send people to the hospital.

My recent bout, which I just managed to get over without a hospital trip, was transported inside by my cat who had wandered for a while outside. The lovable kitty named Tim jumped on my chest while I was watching TV. I thought nothing of his purr-filled rubbing on my chin and neck and pet the guy until he curled up and slept.

The next morning said otherwise. It started with just a minor itch, like always, but I quickly realized the problem. It was itching far more than it should. Calamine wasn't going to cut it this time!

So out came the Benedryl, two to five a day, to combat the swelling, itching, and fever with an aspirin to help with pain and fever. Some Tecnu to help with localized itching and some soap and water to clean up the oozing when the blisters broke open.

It took about two weeks to finish it off totally and at the worst of it, my chin, a little of my lips, neck, right eye, and right side of my face had swollen, and my hands got spots of blisters.

But I was lucky. I caught it in time to stop the reaction from progressing too far and requiring a hospital visit and a steroid shot.

I'm not writing this to earn sympathy or to gross anyone out, but to let people know of a way to combat severe poison ivy rashes and hopefully educate others about the more severe reactions to this oil. Don't take it lightly if you get it around your eyes or mouth and see your doctor asap if you think you have or you get blisters around them.

Like I said, I was lucky. I was a few hours away from the hospital and it could have gotten much worse. I've dealt with this all my life and only had to have a booster once. Be careful out there and be mindful of your body!

But let me leave on a good note. It's spring! Enjoy the pretty flowers!




Nice post, keep it up and don't get discouraged, it takes a while to build a following, good luck!

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