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RE: Insomnia

in #life8 years ago (edited)

I feel you man..

I'm bipolar as well and I'm starting in on a low spell here soon I feel.

It's impossible to be happy and content all the time.. SO let that go right now.. You will have periods in your life that suck more than others.. It's just how the game works.

Mania is a gift and when you're on a roll you're on a roll. Irregardless of how shitty you feel you must continue on and wait for the mania to once again give you fuel to dare to dream..

I understand you because I live this every day. The mania is amazing but leaves you feeling empty and depressed.. My only advice to you is this.

Chin up, It will get better

Also, on the poles that aren't you.. Here is the fun part.. They are you. :)
It's just a matter of mixing them together and you find your character. <3


I can't mix them somehow. Maybe because of imbalance, maybe this is just bipolar being

If you don't mind me posting a link here I think maybe this might help:

Dealing with Depression from Someone who was Gifted with Bipolarism

Hopefully you can read through that and see how I deal with my ups and downs.. It is a rollercoaster though for sure. If you need a set of ears to talk to that knows first hand how bipolarism can effect you please feel free to PM me on or come hang out in the #klye room on there.

You aren't alone in your feelings. Don't feel the need to suffer in silence. I'm certainly not a shrink by any means but I do get it.. Hell, I live it too. :)

Oh cool! Thank you, I ll read. Understanding that you re not alone and not freak partly helps. I m following you. And also chats are good, but I m new in steemit and didn t underrtand how to use it yet. But i will.
I consist in one russian group of bipolars on facebook, we talk there when it is bad. It helps . And to read really stories in your board.
Thank you anyway

You are not alone nor a freak... I promise. :)

I am always here to talk if you need. Your english is better than my russian though and I apologize for not being able to communicate with you in your own language.

You will be ok. <3

Also my manic periods became shorts and weak. It'z like a bullying against depressions

When you have times where the "bad" is outwieghing th "good" you need to embrace the depression and look towards the good that you have coming.

It's not all bad, nor will it feel all bad forever. It's a cycle and eventually you'll be back on top again. Hang in there k? :)

Yeah It s not forever
It s new day again and I just need to take this and do my day stuffs))
I have worsening on the evenings

It's always worse at night for me too..

Helps having someone there.. But if you don't just have to cuddle yourself and sleep. Morning comes and hopefully you feel better. :)