The science turns into religion? Dark times proceed, dogma and chaos. (featuring @njall as author)

in #life8 years ago

Modern science reminds me of theocratic dark ages.
People used to observe the world, made observations; they created concepts based on the observation and personal experience, they followed it, then a cult was formed, the cult gained money and power, it began to reject “inconvenient facts”, pursue and humiliate “dissension”, in the end it turned into sect which tried to save the power and earn more money, while initial “search for truth” ceased to be relevant.

In spite of this destructive current, devoted followers still remained who followed the idea and really looked for “truth”, who found it and discovered new knowledge, who carried it to the world for the sake of the truth, not for money and power, such people were the first to stop sectarian thinking and they became heretics.
What about the majority which was ruled and exploit? Nothing, they gave their mind to people in robes, accepting them as authorities and great ones, they didn’t think, they were afraid and happy, they did what they were told to do, and avoided what was supposed to be ignored.
For a certain period it can be beneficial, but any person, who’s seeking for development, say one day: “What’s going on here? Give my brain back, not I can think for myself!” Exactly such person has all chances to become “enlightened”, because he knows what’s good and bad based on his experience, he creates his own concept of the world and makes his steps to evolution.
And then life will challenge him, his honesty and ideals.

So we’ve got a model: authority – mass – derelicts / truth seekers.
Of course, someone becomes a derelict for the sake of the truth, someone – looking for his own herd to rule and parasitize, but it’s not important, it’s seen well looking at religions of dark ages as an example. But let’s take a look at the contemporary, 21st century, the century of science and development.
Once people looked for truth, they studied natural phenomena, stated it and made concepts, one moment they were called scientists, the power of such people was growing as well as their authority, they came through many challenges, but what’s going on with the modern science?
First of all there’s a strong hierarchy, they got ill with “Power”! If you try to speak “inconvenient” facts, theories and ideas, they will say: “Heresy! .. we mean pseudo-science!” and that’s it. They will make fun of you or even kick you out, taking “white coat” away in disgrace.
If only it was objective truth or a brave and honest point of view, but the modern science is worse than politics, people have stopped studying facts adequately, there are real wars: “These are right, those are wrong, this is right and that’s not!” etc, is it okay?
I think the cause of it is power and money, just as there was dark time for religion, now this Dark Age has come to the science.

The real progress is seemed to be going, there are lots of discoveries and inventions, but look at this closer: many scientists work to create weapon, weapon in the 21st century! Creating things which can destroy the whole planet, is it reasonable? Do you want to say that we’ve evolved? The answer is simple – it’s power and money. Well, what about others? Create new models of smart phones and other toys? Really? These people contribute to consumerism, to this dirty market of instincts and stupidity. Okay well we’ve got plenty of toys, but why so few people work on real problems?
Why so few scientists work on ecology, alternative energy sources or quantum physics?
The answer is – power and money, there are “wars and hierarchies” in such things, but there are even more of it in consumerism.

Moreover the institute of science has become anti-social model, rejecting facts about the age of Pyramids, the idea of ether given by Tesla with the entire modern world etc. It’s terrifying, it’s real dark ages, we could have built the perfect world, real utopia! But until people are engaged with fighting for money, power and pleasure this chaos will grow and bring more sufferings!

What about others?
The majority of people put blind trust in the people wearing “priest robes”. “Have you seen his white coat? He’s a scientist, he knows everything, I fully trust to him!” “Hey! It’s so easy to twist you round my little finger, isn’t it?
If people were studying carefully the modern “Bible”, different scientists made important discoveries, but no. The most people consider science as the basis of their consumerism and egocentrism, they don’t even know anything, and they proudly speak: “It’s a lie, I’m an atheist, everything’s lie, there’s only flesh and I like pleasures!” But they haven’t even seen scientific works!
They are just lazy, dependent weak minds, the worst of sectarians!

The modern science has proved huge possibilities of consciousness and its effect on the matter, it’s proved officially, but still people keep saying: “What? Bullshit, I don’t believe this”. What bullshit? It’s a fact, probably it’s “inconvenient” to you, you don’t like it, but it’s a proved fact! “Oh pseudo-science, bullshit” the problem is that a person has eyes but doesn’t see!
He’s become so “scientific” that he dines the science itself for the sake of his “convenient world”, while this “convenient world” is the reason of many miseries from personal suffering to ecological disasters.
I see this parallel between dark ages of religion and modern dark age of science very precisely. Few scientists “look for truth”, but many of them try to preserve “their place in the sun” for benefits, money and power.

I’ve given a part of arguments but I hope you hear me, hear “the cry of heretic about the truth” :)
It’s psychology, until we don’t reject the trend: “Master – slave” there will always be problems with mass evolution… it will not only slow down, but sometimes pull down in the Middle Ages! And no matter how, religion, science or anything else, everyone should become “heretic”, learn this world on his own, develop and help the civilization.

We have worthy scientists, great people and the real geniuses! But I hope that it will be not isolated cases, and will become the real ideal and aspiration of all civilization.


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Written by @njall

@knozaki2015 features authors and artist to promote them and a diversity of content.

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I like your argument and comparison of religion to science. It is very true that science became a religion for many. As long it was said by a scientist, it is true. It does not matter how the scientist arrived at the answer.

Yes! Thank you , people must use mind ! No slaves idea

There is nothing worse than a politician talking about "settled science".

Important topic for today's world

Thank you! I try

Now you don't need to do this.

Please use the REBLOG feature, and reblog the user's post in the future. It will show up in your feed for all your followers to support the author DIRECTLY. And you don't take their SteePower. EVERYTHING will go to the author you support.

Thank you. Take care. Peace.

see my other comment

It shows up as a post in your feed, for all your followers to see, same as this "Featured author" thing. It's one post on Steemit, but shared, like FB.

It's about giving them all the SP and SBD, if you really want to help them, that is. Otherwise, it shows you more want to make $money than to help them out.

dantheman just posted that it won't count towards my post limit.
So i will happily reblog authors instead of doing featured articles. (of course i will still feature some of them if they wish to be featured)

reblogged interesting feature , but still optional and the author of a supervisor are entitled to agree on the terms of cooperation , and there is not a question of money, this question for teamwork

hey njall. I will reblog your next post next week monday! Let's see how this works out.