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RE: Uncertainty avoidance

in #life7 years ago

Each person has the right to decide for him/herself, but also I can tell you that in countries where there is no discrimination and more women in the university than men like in Spain, women chose professions that don’t require hard science in general.
Yes I also know women that are good engineers and men that are good doctors and good nurses, but the reality is what it is and not what you would like it to be.
I have never seen a counselor before choosing what to study and I think most people here also don’t. We chose by ourselves.
And for me biology is science but not hard science, unless you go into research. Anyhow we were speaking about engineering.


Actually, biology these days is every bit as cutting-edge as engineering, as we are rapidly disproving the cherished "truths" of previous generations.

Science is science, and regardless of the degree, most science degrees require the same core classes to graduate. And that has been true all along.

As for "what I would like it be," I have no opinion.

I think that people should be able to study what they want to study, with no interference from others, but we're not there yet.

Hopefully we are getting closer.