Stop Eating Meat and Save the Planet 🌍

in #life7 years ago

Greenhouse gas emissions

According to a World Watch Study, which took into account factors such as livestock respiration, methane production and land use animal agriculture is responsible for 51% global greenhouse gas emissions.


To put this in prospective, all of worlds transportation is responsible for only 13% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

So CLEARLY the way to impact the environment is with our DIET, not with our cars.

And taking meat out of your diet is pretty easy SINCE WE DON'T NEED IT, but we need things like cars and electricity.

But Global Warming Is Just A Myth RIGHT?

"If we don't see it directly it wont hurt us."
Well of course it will, and it is affecting us more that we would like to think.

Some Global Warming Evidence by NASA.

Carbon footprint of food

As we can see from this research, the foods that have the highest carbon footprint are animal products.

So what can we do about it ?

Well we can adopt a Vegan Diet, which is what are bodies are designed to eat in the first place and think about what kind of consequences our food choices have.

You don't have to eat meat, eggs and dairy just because everybody around you does and you are too afraid to be different. You can be the one that leads others by example and be the change you want to see in the world. Everybody can.


Yes, the meat industry can indeed be seen as a monstrosity. Since about a year, I've reduced my consumption of meat significantly, and the times I still consume meat, it is chicken. I do this not only due to environmental reasons, but also because of the fact red meat (pork, beef) can increase the risk of cancer.

I have to admit I didn't realise the production of cheese has also a huge impact on the environment ... !

Actually chicken meat isn't that much healthier than pig or cow. I highly recommend this talk by Dr Steven Greer on the subject of consumption of ALL animal products:

And a little side note you may not be aware of -- the dairy and egg industries are the most cruel. The baby calves are taken from their mums and either killed for veil if male or to be grown into another dairy cow to be rapped in order to produce milk, to repeat the cycle. In the egg industry baby male chicks are killed upon birth because they can't lay eggs.

Clearly one of the best video on the subject of health.

Yes, the animal industries are just all around cruel and horrible. If everybody knew how they are treating these animals I am sure that most people wouldn't support them.

I'd like to think that too but most people don't even want to know what's going on. And many carry on eating the poor innocent animals and their secretions even after they learn what they're contributing to. It's a sad reality.

Great post :) Been vegan for 3 weeks. If someone is looking for more information via documentaries related to:

  • Health: Forks over knives (Netflix)
  • Environment: Cowspiracy (their website, free)
  • Animal cruelty: Earthlings (Netflix)

Congratulations and welcome to the morally consistent lifestyle. Good selecting of documentaries. I'd also add What the Health.

i have been vegan for over 10 years - it's a great decision on all levels. :)

upvoted and followed :)

Thank you so much :) Always great to see a fellow vegan.

This may be a small minority but for those tentative about kicking dairy and meat for nutritional reasons, ie protein/ vitaminb 12, read this article.
My passion for bodybuilding was actually what was stopping me from giving a go.