Key To Universal Brotherhood - Part - 1 -DNJ

in #life7 years ago

Man was born free but everywhere he is in chains.
Jeans-Jacques Rosseau

The above statement of Rosseau, though made in a political context, aptly
describes man's state in other spheres too. Cool thinking will convince any
rational mind that restraints are indispensable not only for civilization and
progress of human society, but also for our very existence.
Imagine for a moment
the chaotic state of affairs, arising out of people not observing even ordinary
traffic regulations, or not reporting for duty in time, or not honouring the
commitments made. We know that vitamins are vital for the health and growth of
any organism. Nevertheless, their excessive intake positively impairs our health.
In the like manner, though excessive restraints are sure to stifle social health',
some restraints are imperative, if not inevitable. It will not be an exaggeration to
say that it is the restraints which check the society from relapsing into the state of
savagery and barbarity.
The foregoing analysis concerns the physical man. But is man a mere physical
man. But is man a mere physical entity? As we all know, it is not so : man also
enshrines in himself something more vital i.e. the soul. We call it the very lifeenergy
that activates the otherwise inert physical body. A radio set in perfect
order is dead without the soul, a body, even in the best of form, is simply a mass
of flees, bones and blood. This life-energy is no mechanical: it is a conscious and
dynamic energy, which not only sustains but also regulates the whole human
system. This consciousness is sleeping in plants, walking in animals, but awake
in man. Therefore, of all the creation, man is not only highly conscious but also
self-conscious. And, this distinct characteristic enables man to satisfy his soul's
sole and inherent yearning to realize its true identity, known as Self-Realization
or God-Realization. And, this is possible only in the human life. As against the
physical, it is the divine in man, which is always free of the physical bonds.
Let us now scan the main characteristics of the physical or the body, and to the
divine or the soul, in man. We all know that whatever is physical or material, is
always finite, subject to change and ultimately perishes, while the soul, being of
the nature of the Supreme Soul, infinite, immutable and eternal; it transcends all
limitations. Further, the body has a form, but the soul is formless.
Again, the soul
is not subject to physical laws, whereas the body is. this makes it crystal clear
that what is really important is the soul, which is above all physical limitations.
As already said, the soul's inherent quest is to realize its origin, the Supreme
Soul. Contrary to this, the demands of the body are material. Isn't it, therefore, an
irony that instead of realizing the Supreme Soul(Param Atma), we should spend
our entire life in material pursuits ! We go a step further and even make the
physical factors the very basis of dividing humanity into narrow sects, creeds,
faiths, etc., each claiming to be the only true and supreme one. The impenetrable
barriers raised due to the ignorance of the basic teachings of religion are the real
cause of mutual hatred, ill-will, jealousy, narrow-mindness, etc. Let us examine
the factors, which, for want of right perception, are eating into the very vitals of
the society, and how Universal Brotherhood can be promoted through their
rational understanding.



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