in #life7 years ago

If you like success, you must like successful people and you should start thinking the way they think and also you should start creating and maintaining a certain lifestyle.

I’m always amazed at why un-successful people envy, hate and even speak against those who are successful. Success will never locate a fixed mindful man because success does not fix to a point because it is not logical but it’s progressive.

The question to ask is, what is the root of the problem? Who is to blame? Is life about luck?

Mindset: mindset is the ideas and attitude that shapes and direct the way you think of yourself and the view you give the world in general.

Certainly, many people have achieved outstanding results through the level of their mindset but most struggle to implement new ideas base on their mindset.

Our mindset affects:

The way we behave (faith).
Our outlook on life.
Our attitude towards everything going on around us.
Types of mindset.
Growth mindset.
Fixed mindset
Show me a great man and I will tell you the type of mindset he carries and vice versa.

Mindset has been a major problem affecting youth, after this lecture you will look around and tell people the mindset that is instilled in them and the type you are using to direct yourself.

Do you observe that those who rule the world and lead successfully are not professors in business or in leading, they are not even the most brilliant ones in school, so where does the problem lie?

How does mindset develop?

The root or background of mindset started from our parents or guardians ,they imbibe different pictures in their children’s thinking faculty based on their ;

Level of civilization.
Level of confidence
Level of imagination.
Teachers, mentors, coaches.
People of influence.
Movies and Books.
The lists above can’t be avoided in our lifetime and their words or act registers in our mind so heavy because of their neural impact.

The way people of different mindset thinks.

Intelligence is static Intelligence can be developed
Leads to a desire to look Leads to a desire to learn
Avoid challenges Embrace challenges
Give up easily due to obstacles Persist inspite of obstacles
See effort as fruitless See effort as path to fruitfulness
Ignore useful feedback Learn from criticism
Be threatened by other’s success Be inspired by other’s success
Always prefer easier path with little profile Prefer hard path with larger profit
Coward Brave
Considering the table above, you should be able to identify your mindset status.

Let’s go practical by reading few biography of some successful personnel in the world, let see how they do it.

Read your bible and study about Jesus Christ, the Apostles and other leaders.

Read about Bill Gate, Michael Jordan, Kenneth E. Hagin, Dr Myles Munroe and others.

You will know that their success story is a result of their mindset which is growth mindset, we can’t dispute the fact that the opposite is the case for those with fixed mindset. The question you are to ask yourself is, the level I am today,is not based on my mindset?

Let’s answer this question. Can mindset be changed?

As it’s said change is constant, mindset can be changed either growth or fixed mindset. The following steps will be applied to both sides as it will work for some people positively i.e. those with Fixed Mindset and negatively for those with growth mindset. If a cup is not empty to refill might be difficult.

Steps to change your mindset.

Fixed mindset Growth mindset
Replacement of ideas and attitude into growth mindset. Replacement of ideas and attitude into fixed mindset.
Start seeing possibilities in everything. Stop seeing possibilities in everything.
Start to understand your living. Stop understanding your living.
Change the people of influence if necessary Change the people of influence if necessary
Start learning new things Stop learning new things

Embrace challenges Avoid challenges
Surround yourself with people.mindset.jpeg


Very interesting article thank you for sharing :)
