The waves arouse before our boat. It was too impossible to run away for the wind is violent. Changing the sails is useless. Each of us are panicking. The wave started to grow higher and closer to our boat. I heard loud prayers. I looked at the wave. We're hopeless. Too bad we won't catch the glimpse after it.
I woke up. It was just a dream from my noon nap. I stood up and went outside to see the vastness of the sea.
The sea was quiet, calm and still
The wind passed by to give shivers down my spine
The sun sets down, making the sky yellow
Back when I was in high school, my Math tutor asked me, "If you have a problem, what will you do?" Welp, as a normal teen with lacking wisdom and vision for all I think about is fun and Y.O.L.O, I answered, "Nothing but being helpless about it."
He gave me my assignments, packed his things and went home. The day after, he came in the house bringing a big canvas instead of books about numbers and papers with problems. He got a chair and leaned the painting on it.
The painting was sure old, painted with hyper realistic talent and passion. My eyes are locked at it because of its beauty. I can stare at it forever. "What do you see?" he asked.
"Rough waves, I think a storm and a ship, obviously," I said. "Aren't you gonna tutor me Math?"
"Set aside Math," he said. "If you are in that ship, what would you do?"
"Panic. I'll panic because the ship stood no chance against the waves."
"You got a point. I remembered when my mentor showed me this painting ages ago. He asked me what did I see and what would I do if I was in the ship. Your answer was my answer."
Then he talked about life and gave the painting a deeper meaning.

When I saw the waves arouse before my ship
My faith was shaken and I'm defenseless
Changing the sails is no longer useful
What if my curtains will close in this spot?
When we talk about life, the waves or the storm are the problems, the ship is our foundation and the captain is us. Everyone is afraid of gigantic waves especially those people who were sailing. For us, there is just a slight chance to pass the big waves with strong winds and upset sky. But it is only in our thoughts. We are not alone in facing our problems. There is a man behind it that made us overcome the waves and survived the storm. Who is he? He's Jesus.

Jesus, along with His disciples are in a boat. A violent wind came up and the waves broke over the boat. The disciples woke Jesus up and said "Teacher, don't you care if we drown?"
He got up and rebuked the wind and said to the waves, "Quiet! Be still!" Then the wind dried down and was completely calm.
He said to the disciples, "Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?"
They were terrified and asked each other, "Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!"Mark 4:35-41
In our modern society, when we face our storms and angry waves, we forgot Jesus is on our side. We forgot Jesus is with us in our ships, sleeping. Even though He is sleeping, we are still safe. Let's fix our eyes on Jesus, not on the storm.
Remember, every storm will pass. You will see the sun and the rainbow again. Overcome the waves. Don't lose hope. The ship won't wreck when you have Jesus by your side.
My tutor left me speechless after he said those words. I don't know the reason why he taught me about life but I am thankful.
The wind and sky were violent
The waves arouse
I know You are with me
By faith and works, I shall overcome them.
God will never lead us to into a storm that He doesn't give us the power to overcome.
~ John Bevere
Have a nice day, Steemians!
You just always have to keep the faith. 💓
Can you please credit your images? Thanks.
The strong faith it can cause intense power of trust.