Spend time in nature to be a better person

in #life7 years ago

Beach at sunrise.png
Photo from today's barefoot walk at sunrise

If you don't spend time in nature every day, you'll want to add it to your schedule. Not only will it get you moving, spending time in nature is a brilliant way to increase motivation, calm the mind, reduce stress, and help you sleep.

Just try and tell me that the sound of waves lapping the shore, birds singing in the trees, or the fresh, earthy smell of your local park/gardens don't instantly calm your mind and soothe your soul.

Researchers studied the effect that nature has on 9-10 year-old children and their ability to stay focused in the classroom. They found that following an outdoor lesson on the grass, the children were more attentive and engaged in their schoolwork. It made such a difference, that teachers were able to teach uninterrupted for twice as long.

The best way to experience nature's healing benefits is to get outside as often as you can, take off your socks and shoes, and walk barefoot or lie on the ground. Take time to physically connect with nature and breathe in the fresh air. Even if it's just for a few minutes, you'll feel the difference.

If you're stuck in an office all day, or don't have anywhere green close by, all is not lost. A recent study found that people who stopped to observe something natural and their emotional response to it, be it a house plant, a bird flying past the window, or the sun on your face, were significantly happier, more elevated, and connected to others.

Nature is all around us. It's part of us. Take time to connect with and appreciate the awesomeness of nature every day. You'll be a better person because of it. 🌿