
im still watching it, there is so much to make a simple comment.
it is awesome to watch the 2 talk. more people should be able to talk with people that dont hold the same beliefe like this

I kept watching, expecting some sort of singularity of reason, imploding and pulling in all of it's surroundings.

We should put more intelligent educated people in a room together and see what comes out.

This is amazing.

The end was funny as hell, she makes the comment :we agreeded on everything" but i think they only agreeded on everything cause they stayed on subject.
they do anot agree on alot like the idea of god or gender. but it was still mind blowing.
thenk you for providing this video it was really informative and fun to watch.

There is so much, they are so differnt yet are kind of saying the same thing.. understand im just spewing short "crap" as omg just the first 15 min and entering the conversation of how it is effecting arts and stuff i could blah about for days. shit kitchen timer brb
when i started watching i thought it was like 20-45 min i didnt realized how long it was. at around the 35min mark maybe 38min not sure shit gets real as fuck. i wsh more people could have sival discoures so they could meet on a common level.
its like 38-39 min in and the fact that they are so locked into the idea its awesome. ima paraphrase it and understand ima make it sound real and shitty.
in the social world we live in now there is no step to mover foward when dealind with a crazy bitch.
ima go smoke, check on the food and get back to watching the video.
will comment more maybe. lol

They sound like they are saying the same thing.

They're both circling around the same truth, objective reality.

Its awesome how differnt they are in the way they comunicate.