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RE: Why Haven't We Ran Into Alien Lifeforms Yet?

in #life7 years ago

It turns out that aliens stay away because we smell bad. If you could travel interstellar distances, would you bother visiting the scum that crops up on just any planet? It's like having a moldy dish of food in the refrigerator and not wanting to bother cleaning it out just now. It smells funny, and there is an unpleasant life form in there that can wait till later.


Hahahah I love this

Thank you, I'll be here all week.

You may be on to something! LOL

It seems the most logical conclusion to me. I simply do not think that we have this big, empty universe all to ourselves, and a lot of the human occupied areas on the surface of this planet are like the inside of a stocked refrigerator that has been left unplugged too long.