How to eat a healthy diet every day?

in #life7 years ago

      Eat more than 25 types of food, eat less meat of animals with 4 legs, eat more coarse food instead of meat, eat smaller, more frequent meals... The “healthy recipes” that are widely circulated in the market have caused many health-conscious people to pay attention. 

     The so-called “25” actually refers to the type of foods instead of 25 dishes. In term of nutrition, it is a very good diet habit to eat various kinds of vegetables and more coarse food and less meat, it also shows from another aspect that diet should be simple and green. Let’s study together today, How to eat a healthy diet?  

 The few “legs” the better 

There is a Chinese saying that “it’s better to eat four legs than to eat two legs. Its better to eat two legs than to eat none legs.” This means that eating four-legged cattle, sheep, and pig is not as good as as eating meat from chickens, ducks, and poultry, and eating poultry is not as good as eating meat of fish. Excessive consumption of meat may cause obesity. And from a nutritional point of view, what files in the sky and swims in river are white flesh, is naturally of more balanced nutrition than what run on the ground, which are red meat. The more types of foods, the more balanced the nutrition will be.


          Healthy diets is not about eating delicacies, on the contrary, it’s about eating more course foods, and less meat. Nowadays, people’s diets are very single, they eat much white flour and rice, but little course foods, it causes calories increase in bodies and leads to cancers. Modern people take in too much fat, while their actual need is only 200gram rice per day. It is good to body if they will take in some coarse food. Blindly only eating vegetables or not eating rice goes against principles nutrition.   


  The healthier snack the better  

After dinner or tea, modern people like to take some snacks, fried ones, borated ones, hot and sour ones, their harm to physical health should not be underestimated. The best snacks are yogurt, nuts, fruit, tremella, or wheat bran. These foods can strength brain and nurture heart. Especially when there is a banquet, take in some foods containing vitamin B group helps to avoid gastric mucosal damage. So it’s better to take some coarse food grain, meat, peanut as buffer before drinking alcohol.    

  There are four good habits that are suggested to follow each day

 1. Drink one bag of milk each day, this can effectively improve the general low calcium intake in our diet. If there is milk intolerance, use yogurt, low lactose milk or double soy milk instead. 

2. Take in 250-350grams carbohydrates each day, it equals to 300-400 gram staple food, the volume can be increased or decreased according to the individual body conditions, decrease the intake volume if the person is overweight.  

3. Take 3-4 servings of high-protein foods each day. Each serving means 50gram lean meat, or 1 egg, or 100 gram tofu, or chicken or duck 100gram, or fish or shrimp 100gram. Protein from fishes and bean products is better. 

4. Take 500 gram fresh vegetables and fruits, this is a good measure to prevent all kinds of diseases. For sure, you can use appropriate amount of cooking oil, dry nuts and seasonings etc. When catering.   

  Health cooking methods 

Cooking methods include steaming, boiling, brasing , mixed and braised. These cooking methods can not only reduce nutrient loss , but also can ensure a low-fat diet. No matter what cooking method, low-salt, low-fat, high dietary fiber is the principle that must be followed in the recipe.     

  Brain healthy and heart healthy diet 

Eat more brain healthy and heart healthy foods. Such as beans, almonds,sesame, walnuts, wine and so on. Especially almonds, it is rich in vitamin E, magnesium and other elements and beneficial to the heart of monounsaturated fatty acids. Drink some food with Vitamins B group before having alcohol. 



It's hard for us to eat healthy everyday.

try your best:)