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RE: Prepare Now

in #life5 years ago

I'm in 'ground zero', as it were, and apart from the fact I don't believe single authority on any straight information anyway, my own interpretation of the lack of increased cases in Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam .....Is temperature.

That 'ole corona don't like it too hot, and a cold day in winter is around 20 degrees C. (68 degrees in silly temperature numbers. lol)

It's only my interpretation, and could be complete bollocks of course.

I knew my semi recluse lifestyle would pay dividends! lolol


That probably is more likely what it is since that is exactly what they are hoping will happen when the temperature starts to warm up that the virus will slow and dissipate, if it does it may not come back or at least not with the force we see now. I've seen claims that each year a virus resurrects itself it's not as strong or severe as the first year....I don't know if that's true or not. It'll open up some more time toward figuring out a corona's sequencing and possibly a vaccine....unless of course this is some man made virus, at this point seeing things we've never seen before occurring I don't think one can shut their eyes completely on that quite yet. At least I've never seen anything quite like this. I am just in a basic protection mode, set up a defensive line...medicine, mask, the rest is basically a well organized list of crucial food items that if I had to make a mad dash to the stores at least it'll be a organized mad dash.

We are pretty lucky here.
Have a garden producing food and plenty of land to grow on, so not too many worries on that front. Everything grows easily. (if you look at a pebble in the morning, it will be a boulder by night fall. lol)

I'm thinking man made more than natural, tbh.

The death rates (if they are to be believed), means that it's not gonna be too bad, (in relative terms), but the worlds economy will be fucked.

With high infection rates (the biggest problem), it will make the transition for world governments very easy.
More control, more authoritarianism, moving to all crypto ect etc.
It's wet dream for those people. (which brings me back to an engineered virus..)

I was back to the engineering theory myself last night, not in regards to some act towards authoritarianism but that someone goofed up in a lab over there in China and carried out a lab engineered virus. It being engineered, whether to use to develop a vaccine or to create a virulent duplicate to try and stay ahead of future mutations to test up against vaccines, my guess would be one of those two as, so far, leading indicators (reading between what you are hearing and what they are saying) tends to lean toward the lab that was being used to find a vaccine vs the lab that was being used for bio-weaponry. When they came out with a definite distinction last night as saying cold and flu season could become cold, flu and COVID19 season, not corona virus season that lent credence to the possibility that COVID19 was not your usual corona virus springing forth from nature.

The death rates in relative terms is alarming considering the death rates from the flu globally. With the proposed number that forty to seventy percent of people on the planet will get the virus and the death rate is two percent, if you take the highest probability of seventy percent but lower the death rate down to even one quarter of the projected two percent out of a population of five hundred and twenty four billion people twenty seven million people will die of it with one million of those deaths in the US alone, that's way above the eighty thousand dying from the flu.

Back to what you were saying yesterday about warmer temperatures...with spring just around the corner it surprised me that the CDC came out yesterday with warnings for Americans to start preparing for a outbreak as it's a matter of when not if a outbreak is going to occur. Which would push my call out to family members to gather to decide what we want to do a couple weeks faster than I assume it could potentially happen. Then there were accusations that the democrats were behind it to spread propaganda the president wasn't doing his job all the while they are the ones holding up the emergency funding. Now today the announce a stewardess was flying back and forth from Seoul to Los Angles while infected seems more likely for the call out. Plus there was one government expert when asked last night if he knew how many people in the US are already infected (as the question was posed in a manner as to mean outside of those we already know about) he answered yes but evaded giving a number and went blabbering on about preparations are now in the works to keep hospital's fully functional so unlike in China people aren't at home dying of a heart attack because there's no access to medical care because of the virus, which would explain why they are opening more air bases and looking for large empty buildings to staff and house those with corona virus. For some reason I highly doubt they'd be going through all this if they thought warmer weather was going to chase this virus away or that this was anything other than lab engineered.

For some reason I highly doubt they'd be going through all this if they thought warmer weather was going to chase this virus away or that this was anything other than lab engineered.

VERY good point, and blows my theory out of the water.
I agree with your perspective more than my theory, unfortunately.

Looking at it from the 'great conspiracy' angle, the bio weapon, timing, the end of current central bank money cycle, and the deep state 'on the back foot', somewhat lends itself to it being an orchestrated de-population event.

....the last desperate roll of the dice, by authoritarian psycho's

More scientist are coming out leaning that this is potentially a bio lab virus but so far lean more in favor of a bio laboratory and not a bio weaponry laboratory. The prospects they still feel a vaccine can be developed to fight it gives some what of a reassurance that at this point they don't feel they are up against some robo cop like virus that holds the potential to destroy humankind. When you think about it if they were up to dastardly deeds to reduce the population you'd think they'd set it off in countries with out of control birthrates and enable it to inflict more damage than at the rate of new births annually as twenty seven million deaths projected globally pales in comparison that there is over one hundred million births annually, actually closer to one hundred and fifty million. Stay vigilant though as the last couple days they've been adding the warmer climate countries to the list.

The old and the 'higher IQ's', are the targets....need a young, dumb , population, for easier control.
Stupid Smart phone, anyone? lol

I hope your interpretation is spot on, and the tropics remain unsullied by this scourge.

Be well.

I have a feeling it isn't, but I try to be optimistic.

I have a feeling
It isn't, but I try to
Be optimistic.

                 - lucylin

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Better, IMHO, to be realistic and take appropriate steps to be secure.