The Crypto Cure for CancersteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago


I've mentioned before about how I relate things that have happened in my life that don't seem to be a part of a pattern, but are connected in such a way that they are in fact, the same. I am cancer survivor. I feel that going through a divorce prepared me to deal with a lot of emotional stress and when confronted with the news and a sudden life change, I was ready. It is an unlikely assumption, I know, but it's true. I also felt that my time spent in the table top rpg hobby playing Dungeons & Dragons helped me get through treatment by giving me a mental outlet, a voice, and perspective on my condition and how I was not simply given this gift of friendship and hope through it, but was able to share it as well.

Enter the beast...

I have made a lot of friends through cancer, I've lost some to it. I've remembered others as they moved on to other areas of life. I've not forgotten any of them, but life has gotten in the way again of a focus that was once so clear. To help.
When I was a kid, I used to have this reoccurring dream that makes no sense so I won't go into it here, but just before I woke up every time I would hear a voice in my head that said, "save them.". It was only when I grew up that I realized that I never thought to ask "Who?".

This week, I was scanning through facebook, as one does and I noticed something. A friend of mine who I'd not seen since leaving my hometown in Texas when I was 16, had posted about her brother who had been admitted for symptoms that turned out to be Acute Leukemia. This struck me harder than it probably should of and I was faced with that voice in the back of my head..."Save them.". Who, was obvious...those like me and those not like me, but those who shared my pain, my experience. It is one of horror and not all triumph in the face of it, no matter how valiant they fight.

Here's where my brain started firing off. The Why is obvious, because it's really a "why not?" sort of scenario. If we had the opportunity to help someone with cancer, beat it, or make life easier, why wouldn't we? So, now we've got the When (now), the Who (cancer patients), now we answer the How.

In my mind, it's simple. Crypto. It's the best hope for humanity as far as creating a decentralized monetary system that creates worth from nothing at best and local fiat at worst. It levels the playing field, it gives hope to the hopeless, and gives everyone a chance to be happy in a world that is still caught up in it's own materialism. It seems counter productive to keep capitalism going when the goal could be to have a world where money didn't matter, but this is a great first step.

The idea here is to use crypto to benefit those in need. As a cancer survivor, I can tell you that making ends meet and paying your bills when you aren't able to work or you don't have insurance because the new job you just started hasn't met the 90 day mark when insurance kicks in just yet, is a hard pill to swallow. Why do we have to go into crippling debt to stay alive? It's not life at that point, what good is being a husk of a person who's only goal is to work their ass off and never enjoy the time they were awarded with friends and family? That's not thriving, it's not living. It's surviving, and that's not something we should strive to settle for.

So, what does this mean? Well, I don't know just yet, but if there's a crypto out there hell bent on correctly funding unbiased research that's not controlled by political agendas or the FTC or FDA or all the other world controlling organizations that sit on things like THC research because there's lobbyists pushing an agenda for someone who controls a competing element that this would encroach upon, I'd back that horse until the sun don't shine.

So far, I've only come across CURECOIN that fits this bill, but I'm leary about jumping into just one coin that may or may not come through. I want options, I want a network, I want a goddamned cure. Yesterday!

Let's get cracking! Shoot me your research, help me hunt these white knights of humanities wallet down so I can start helping contribute to the cause and the use case by raising money for those with cancer. I've yet to come across a coin that does more than make whales rich.

This is now considered phase 1 of a 3 phase plan: THE GATHERING