in #life7 years ago (edited)

"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”
-- Albert Einstein


The Eccentric Personality

Being eccentric.., or as some would say quirky -- although being eccentric can sometimes be related too genius, intellectualism, being gifted, intelligence and even creativity… Oh, and as with most things being rich is sort-of a free-pass to being eccentric, if you feel like it. Quirky on the other hand is just, quirky -- maybe some fun little weird habits or affectations…

But being eccentric.., really eccentric -- is part of who you are, you can't be any other way, you can't help it. And if you're faking it to be cool, like many of the wackos I met living in Los Angeles (no offense to anyone from LA -- I met some of the coolest people I know out there too) it just looks stupid and contrived. Being different is great, but if you try too hard.., you just wind-up looking ridiculous.

“It's okay to be eccentric if you're rich; otherwise you're just crazy.”
-- Yvon Chouinard

If you are truly eccentric, your behaviors -- habits.., do not conform to the norms of society, normal behavior is not even an option. Just by being themselves, they stand-out in a world full of convention. Eccentrics often play a bigger role in advancing science, much of the arts.., and culture in general… And eccentrics are generally healthier (physically).., and even happier than your average joe.

Eccentric Behavior:

•   Non-competitive (can't be bothered)
•   Mischievous sense of humor and wit
•   Not much for chit-chat
•   Single, separated, or divorced (that loner thang)
•   More concerned with their tough than feelings
•   Intelligent (most of the time)
•   Happily obsessive (not compulsive)
•   Weird eating habits
•   Creative - Opinionated - Idealistic
•   Not needy
•   Socially awkward (to a degree)

Some Eccentrics

For some reason the English seem to lead the pack, in the eccentric category… Alexander Thynn, The 7th Marquess of Bath is a prime example of how wealth can help distinguish between crazy and eccentric… Worth an estimated £157 million, he lives in a 500 year old mansion with a full-on safari park out back complete with wild animals. The mansion is decorated with erotic art depicting the Kama Sutra and he has been married 74 times, with as many as 4 wives at one time. If Alexander was just a poor bloke, many of his eccentricities would not have been possible.., and due to his odd wardrobe and wildly long hair, could have just been considered a tad crazy.

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From Oscar Wilde walking around the streets with a lobster on a leash, to William Archibald Spooner known for his "spoonerisms" -- the swapping of letters and words in a sentence, like -- "Go and shake a tower" (meaning "Go and take a shower." And then there was John Christie who was known for starting a famous opera festival that even the Queen would attend… When Christie got too hot he would cut the arms off his formal jacket.., and would sometimes remove his glass eye during a performance to shine it up.., and then pop it back in.

We can't forget Francis Egerton, the 8th Earl of Bridgewater, another wealthy aristocrat who would throw dinner parties for dogs.., and all the dogs that attended would be decked out in the most fashionable clothes of the time, shoes and all… But none of the above were more famous for their eccentricities than Jemmy Hirst and his pet bull… When invited to tea by King George III.., he declined with the excuse, he was teaching his otter to fish. He also trained his beloved bull to act like a horse, as it would draw his carriage through the village. And last but not least, my man -- Albert Einstein.., who would go sailing when there was no wind… He believed it was too easy if there was wind!

Being Eccentric

Their behavior stands out, basically because they don't give a shit… While many of us want to fit in, even try to fit in.., a true eccentric just can't help but stand out. Their seemingly odd behavior (to the rest of us) is completely "normal" to them… And, they don't even care if you find them weird. But while their behaviors can make your head turn.., eccentrics are hard to define, there is so little research in the area, many just get chalked-up as wackos. But eccentrics are not mentally ill -- they just know no limits and believe anything is possible…

"Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric."
-- Bertrand Russell

As a matter of fact, eccentrics see the rest of us.., as kind of weird… Sure they will put up with our mundane behaviors but they do not like popular culture. Believing what the masses believe is a fools game, as far as an eccentric is concerned. Their curiosity level runs so deep and their IQ so high, they just refuse to buy what the rest of us just take for granted as truth.

One of the most fascinating things about eccentrics, unlike the most people who think with words and a logical progression -- eccentrics think in pictures… They skip that typical progression and can actually see the solution. The right side of the brain, where all that creativity lives.., and is way under used by most people, is where the eccentric thrives… One of the drawbacks though, is that they have so many ideas, it can be difficult to chose among them and get anything done -- another of the eccentrics traits.

"Eccentricity is something that should be encouraged. Odd, unconventional, unusual, even peculiar behavior should be supported and promoted, otherwise we will put ourselves in very great danger of becoming a world of mindless drones, which let’s face it, according to David Icke, is what governments want, and he might just be right." -- Andrew Newton, Hypnotist

Also, unlike the mentally ill, eccentrics know damn well they are different… They are so intelligent they have no problem realizing they are not like the rest of us -- otherwise they might be considered crazy… And unlike the rest of society that seems to be obsessed and preoccupied with sex, the eccentric is more of a loner.., and even when involved in a relationship sex takes a back seat to all the ideas rumbling around in that mind of theirs…

According to a Dr. Weeks (an expert on eccentrics) only one in 10,000 people are really eccentric… And as a society our perception of eccentrics has changed quite a bit -- in the past, eccentrics were considered dangerous and some (usually women) were deemed witches, due that nonconformist behavior.., and burned at the stake… Today, not only do we tolerate this type of behavior, we admire and envy it…, and many try to emulate it!

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This is the brilliant post of the day for me! Awesome work!!!

Thanks a bunch for sharing the goodness of it all. Upvoted, resteemed and shared. All for one and one for all! Namaste :)

Thanks @eric-boucher!
It's all those unique characteristics in each of us, that makes us who we are... CHEERS!

Great examples of eccentric people which I very much enjoyed reading!

I see many of the eccentric qualities you listed, in myself. I see others in the comments do too. Maybe another quality of eccentrics is early adoption of new things!

No doubt about it.., thinking outside the box and not only adopting to new things, but creating them as well. Heck, they live outside the box. Cheers, @kenny-crane!

Awesome, love this post!
@macksby , this checklist you offered above:

  • Non-competitive (yup! Don't care about sports at all except for the super bowl for the neat commercials 😉
  • Yup! Witty and funny (if you like to laugh ---> @scan0017 🤝
  • Divorced, happily single, 1000 days of celibacy on Nov 24 2017 ✅
  • Career has led to a biphasic sleep cycle to compensate for jet-lag every week since 2003...

Eccentrics of the world, UNITE!
If you're dyslexic, UNTIE!

😀 Thanks so much for this post!
Anyone else out there who's happily eccentric and run their life with the attitude of a honey badger?
'Nuff RESPECT! @macksby !!! 🤜🤛

Now that's my kind of comment... Cheers @scan0017!

Interesting post. I just think it is important to be who you are. After all there are no carbon copies!

You are, who you are.., and if people don't appreciate it -- screw'em!

I love eccentricity, I love originality...This is a cool post! Thank you @macksby