Stop and Listen to This, Everything You've Known About Yourself Might Be Wrong (PART 3)

in #life7 years ago

"I" doesn't exist here. You won't see an "I" in this article as "I" am "you" and "you" and "you". We're all sick of hearing that we will get over it as if it were a cold. Sick of being called lazy or selfish when our brain works so much it's like we're constantly being pulled down.


No, you are not lazy, or selfish and you will not get over this - at least not as easily as you would get over the flu.

Here are a few steps to train your brain, not to stop thinking (because thinking is wonderful and critical thinkers are the most wonderfully interesting human beings) but to think "differently".

1. Who are you?

Forget about all you've learned to love and to aspire for. Most of that is societal pressure to control communities into thinking the same and purchasing the same items... Yeurk.

Get up and do the wildest thing you secretly, somewhat, feel like you could enjoy. Whether going surfing or hiking will give you a sense of accomplishment or make you happy does not matter! This is the first step towards letting go of who you thought you were and discovering what really drives you.

2. Let go of everything you thought you knew about yourself.

No, you do not "need" to get married. You do not "need" to become a doctor. You don't even "need" to eat healthy and exercise. What you really need is to be happy, comfortable and content today. Not tomorrow or in a year, but now. Life is your adventure and you get to experience it the way you want.

3. Don't say no.

Part of letting go of previous thoughts is discovering new ones. It's not about what you do, it's about what you don't do. It's okay if you can lie around for hours binge watching or plucking your eyebrows, just don't say no when your friend comes over and asks if you want to go shopping, when you secretly, somewhat, feel like you could enjoy it but won't get out of your comfort zone because it's too overwhelming. Of course this is an example, but you get my point, right?

“Any situation that presents itself and you choose to ignore only to feel anxious a few minutes later is a source of anxiety.”

Ask yourself, should I really rather miss out on a chance of ‘maybe’ not being anxious for a few hours?

To be continued...


I got the point @macritique! The most important thing is to do what you really desire as a free person! If that's plucking your eyebrows, so be it. You can also do that at the mall 🙃