My Brother is Doing $200 Worth of Drugs a Day

in #life7 years ago

My younger brother has found himself in a pretty bad situation as of late. Over the past few years, he has blown thru over $50,000 in inheritance. At some point he developed a heroin habit that has only blossomed over time. He had a girlfriend who became a rather heavy user of the brown heroin that you snort. Eventually he started using too, and then when he got a pretty decent job he kinda stepped things up. He has been going thru money like Sherman went thru Georgia for quite some time. For a while his ex-girlfriend was part of the problem, as they were still living together but she was not paying any rent of bills cause she had little money and was blowing what she had on smack. Finally he moved in with someone else once his lease was up. She came with him, but now he has an actual roommate that helps with the bills.

-(image from biopundit).

I noticed a few Thanksgivings ago that he was making a lot of trips to the bathroom, and I was fairly certain he was tooting something. I suspected it was heroin. Since then his usage of that and other drugs seems to have only increased. This past November we each got an inheritance check for $14,000, and he made quick work of his in about 2 months.

About a month ago he lost his job cause he got caught stealing at the place in which he worked, and when the cops came and searched him, they found some H on him. Now he has a court date rapidly approaching for the stealing and the drugs. Since he has stopped working, he has if anything stepped up the drug use. From what sources have told me, he is doing heroin and cocaine at the same time, and he has been hitting the bottle pretty hard too. Part of it is probably to cope with the pressure, but hes got a real problem. Since he had already blown the $14k he got in 2017, I sent him a grand to help with his legal defense. Then, unexpectedly, we got our $14k check for this year. He had promised to pay me back as soon as we got these checks, but unfortunately he has not, and apparently he has been blowing thru it like crazy spending about $200 a day on drugs. I believe it too, cause the math adds up to about that for the check he got in November. And Im pretty pissed about not getting my money back.

It has gotten so bad that I have been contacted by a few concerned citizens letting me know they are really worried about his future well-being. Unfortunately its time to bring in the family in hopes that they can convince him he has a problem and get him some help. I got a house and a car with my inheritance and he has gotten nothing but drugs with his. I hate that this has to happen. Im all about weed and dont think drugs should be illegal or anything, but he has just gotten out of control. He was also really into molly for a while I think, but that source must have dried up. We can only hope he can get thru these legal troubles and get off the stuff cause he really is a good guy who just ended up going down a bad road.