Advantages of Breastfeeding
The virtues of breast milk mainly consist of the immunological power that is transmitted from mother to child by that mean. On the other hand, the so-called substitutes of breast milk are not only ineffective in protecting the baby against certain diseases, but in many cases can cause other unexpected diseases or even death.
Breast milk contains all the vital nutrients for food, as well as the growth factors that contribute to the development of tissues and the antibodies necessary to stop infections. It is always at the right temperature and the amount is regulated by the hormone responsible in the mother of the needs of the infant. Breastfeeding stimulates the bonds between the mother and the infant and in turn prevents conception.
Children who are not breastfed get lower scores on mental development tests and their vision is less acute.
Breastfeeding promotes a better integral development of babies; reduces the risk and severity of infectious diseases, such as diarrhea and constipation, pneumonia, bronchiolitis, otitis and allergies; it also decreases the risk of sudden death in breastfed children acting as a protective and affective containment factor because it strengthens the mother-child bond, favoring a close interaction between both.
For maternal health, breastfeeding is a physiological contribution, because it ends the woman's reproductive cycle, decreases postpartum blood loss and retards the return of fertility (which allows an adequate interval for the mother's recovery and so that each baby receives the necessary maternal care). It also reduces the incidence of ovarian and uterine cancer.
i appreciate
Nice post @magvzla
You welcome
Keep :)