Live A Life You Are Proud Of! [onArtBali Reflections]

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Sometimes its hard to accept people for who they are! Sometimes it feels like a curse to have a happy personality but a "sad" soul at the same time.

All this, in one body!

This is one of my preferred, wonderful wood-skin paintings, I found in Pak Wayan's gallery, my partners uncle, who collected many artefacts for his whole life. I wrote about him a while ago and also opened my first profile called @onartbali but I forgot my keys:( and cannot access it anymore.


What I mean is that I feel everything so very deeply! Maybe it's a blessing? There is so much complaining going on and frustrations expressed around us. How can you keep your positive approach for life, if sadness of others start to effect you more than you can handle. Close friends going through break-ups, financial difficulties, heartaches and maybe dealing with depression. I can relate of course because at one point we all experience the very same but at different times.

I always try to embrace the lessons though and move forward.


I had a very nice chat yesterday, questioning what is really important at the end of the day.

I look at my 92 years mother and see her crying a lot, experience her frustrations about her pain but I can't help her much. I then remind her to focus and think about all the beautiful things before she goes to sleep, to think about all the fun she had throughout her long life, that she should remember the joys with her children and men, to accept her destiny and sorrows and I advice her :"Mom, you had such a nice life all overall! You are old now and thats how it goes for all of us. One day it will be over and all we got is our image in the mirror. Be proud of yourself! I finally understand that You have always tried to be a good woman and mother."

You better make sure that You don't have to look away from the reflection of yourself in this mirror!
If you can see yourself with all those wrinkles what a "rich" life gave you....You will be just fine!

She is so beautiful!


I admire my mother as well as men, filled with passion, like Pak Wayan back in Bali and will share beautiful images with you today.


Meet Pak Wayan , The "Unknown" Balinese ICON , How A Tour Driver became an Art Collector of Indonesian Treasures


Visit the gallery with me.


The Bahau Dayak Wood Monkey - Indonesian Artefacts


[Episode3] BACKSTAGE BALI - Meditation And Encounters with Spiritual Beings - Eccentric or Mad? Carvings by I Nyoman Tjokot (1886-1971)


Let me remind you as well what should be important in all our lives before its over


“I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.” ~ Eric Roth


Yours @mammasitta and @massivevibration for more music related articles and re-steems. Would be great to see you there as well sometimes as well.




I know a bit how it feels when everyone around you is in pain and dilemma of life.

I have gone through some similar times when many people around me were sad for one thing or another.

But I always tried to show them the bright side, maybe they bring a bit sadness to me too, but thinking that I brought some happiness to them makes me feel much more happier.

If I can make some more people happy, what more is there to do.

At last, I see it an opportunity to bring some smiles to others when people are sad, as happy people don't need us that much as sad.

And in some ways, it makes me feel a bit more important and a bit more happy.

My blessing and my curse.

You are beautiful!!!!
Thats exactly what I am reflecting on today. We all go through ups&downs.
We need to lift each other but I have to admit its hard sometimes.

Thanks. I hope you keep it up the way you are living.

keep it up and up and more up :)

love to read it and nice photography..

Thank you very much

Hello, good morning from Thailand,
I had the same experience as I was about 13 years old, both of grandparents died during 1 year because of cancer, at this time I lived with them and could see all their pain every day, my grandpa said some days before he had to go to hospital to me:
"Don't worry about me, I had a good but not such an easy life, now I can feel it's time for me to go. Take care on your grandma and on yourself, we will meet again."
2 weeks later he died in the hospital, my grandma one year later.
I'm still very thankful for all what they did for me.
Best regards

What a heartwarming story you tell here! Thank you for sharing with me. I just got a call from my Mom, telling me that she fell down and cannot get up alone......I don't know if I find enough strength to get through this. I try my best! Greetings to lovely Thailand. So nice to meet you!

Nice to meet you too, @mammasitta ,
yes, it was not so easy at that time for me, but as you can see, I'm still alive and have the best memories to this time, I know in the moment it's not easy for you, I wish you much energy.
Best regards

Your mom is magnificent! <3 <3 <3 <3

This song jumped in my mind when I read your comment :) Such a nice chat with you yesterday. Hope for more!

Wonderful song and probably very fitting :D
It was indeed, waiting for the next time!

I actually have no idea why this song popped in my mind :) but now it’s on the blockchain

My Dad said to me once "I feel tired" Tired of what I said? He replied "Tired of living". I never really understood what he meant at the time! As i've got older myself I think he meant tired of everything aching or hurting. Your Mother looks like she will live on forever :) Enjoy Life... it's for living!

I really like your Dad! He is a wise man 🌺

I love Art and Nature, tweeted your post :)
#TmSmile smiles on you & your sweet Mother

That’s sweet and so nice to read before I go and sleep 😴Thanks so so much!

I'm glad you liked what I said, he was wise and proud, and hated relying on others for help ~ sweet dreams to you 😴

TabletWallpaper Nature Photography & Art ™SMILE😀 tweeted @ 26 Jan 2018 - 01:45 UTC

Live A Life You Are Proud Of! [onArtBali Reflections] — Steemit… /

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Feeling everything deeply is the universes way of letting you know you are alive and on the correct path. Hugs and I truly enjoyed this post!

Thats such a beautiful and thoughtful reply. Oh Yes! I am alive :)
Nice to meet you!

☺️pleasure meeting you as well!

Those who cannot feel a thing (and there are many of those) will find you to be the luckiest person ever.
What you have is definitely a gift, do enjoy and embrace it completely! :)

Our bodies are filled with many different emotions many cannot be seen, depression can indeed be a strange one. I have seen people who seem to have it all and still be depressed people who have alot of things to be grateful for but still not happy it is difficult to understand what they want or need sometimes @mammasitta

I never really experienced heavy depression except once when the sky felt always grey and never blue. It was clearly a temporary, hormonal imbalance. So....I think thats the really problem. Chemicals are out of whack and therefore those emotions can't be controlled. Its horrific for some!

Das erste Bild löst echt etwas in mir aus, für mich hat es etwas Spirituelles und ich bin eig. nicht religiös, bin nach der Schule aus der Kirche ausgetreten..
Muss mir unbedingt auch mal Bali geben...

I was just thinking about the symbol on that woodskin painting. I never asked actually but I know for sure its not Balinese artwork. Indonesia is so rich on various cultures. Es ist unglaublich was ich alles gefunden habe in diesen Gallerien. Ich muss Mal Pak Wayan fragen, woher das ist.

Ich muss Mal Pak Wayan fragen, woher das ist.

Ja bitte, würd mich echt interessieren! Für mich sieht es auch ein bisschen nach Maya aus, aber ich bin nicht so fachkundig xD

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