ITS HAPPENING : Naysayers can shut up now

in #life5 years ago

The Finders, Hillary’s soft MKU disclosure, MKU examples in Media and why this matters


Well folks, it looks like shit is starting to hit the fan with increasing regularity. Recently some rather revealing admissions were made by entities and people in the public eye. For example, the FBI Vault’s twitter account posted a link to The Finders files, which includes information about the McMartin Day Care scandal. If you don’t know what The Finders were/are, oh wow, because this is HUUUUGE. And as a side note, if the mainstream media didn’t diss Pizzagate and more people actually researched things, those people would have heard about The Finders a few years ago. But again, Mainstream Media sucks and they aren’t covering the Finder’s release because they actively cover for kiddy diddlers.

The Finders blipped onto the radar in the 80’s when a handful of dirty, malnourished children were found playing in a Florida park; some of the kids didn’t even have underwear. They lived in a van with two men, who, when questioned by authorities, said they were taking the children to a school for special kids in Mexico. They were all taken into custody, and it was found that some of the kids had been sexually abused. An investigation was started, and then ended by the FBI, as The Finders issue was referred back to the Clowns In America as an “Internal Matter.” Ultimately, those kids were returned to their abusers and never heard of again.

Ponder that tidbit as long as you need to in order to wrap your mind around the enormity of that disclosure.

A- Per the CIA’s charter, they are not supposed to do operations in America. They are supposed to be overseas shenanigans only.

B- CIA is associated with super shady shit, like child sex abuse and satanic ritual, as documented by the FBI in their report.

The Finders report discusses the tunnels found (and publicly denied by all but Special Agent Ted Gunderson) at the McMartin Daycare, and the discovery of Satanic Ritual artifacts.

Now consider that in the context that MKUltra, the CIA program modeled off Nazi torture science to create a mind controlled asset, uses certain techniques to program a person. That’s right, our government invested in trauma-based brain hacking pioneered by the goddamned freaking Nazis. Nowadays, there is use of electromagnetic fields to manipulate brainwaves and induce certain behaviors. There’s been tech since the 70’s to project voices into someone’s head—given enough time and funding, imagine how that tech has evolved.

In a related tangent, Hillary Clinton publicly soft-disclosed MKUltra in public. For reals.

What she is referring to in that audio clip is a video known as “frazzle drip” in which two women torture a girl. I’ve heard about the video and never watched it, but supposedly it involved filleting the girl’s face. Why would someone do that? Because adrenalized blood Is the main ingredient of adrenachrome. And that little chemical wonder is the elite’s version of cocaine. There’s been several movie portrayals of adrenachrome consumption, the best known being Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

Why does that matter?

Consider how people get ahead in politics. The ringmaster controlling the clowns has to have leverage over people seeking power; the most common ways tend to involve drug or sex abuse being recorded and held over the target’s head. The more heinous the crime, higher up the ladder the target is allowed. Now imagine torturing someone to death and that act being recorded… that’s political power at work. But not all victims are killed. They are only tormented enough to twist their minds to suit the purposes of their masters. Politicians partake in the breaking of these victims; recorded for posterity, they serve a two-fold purpose: create blackmail material of the politician and to help create a new generation of a mind controlled slave.

It becomes a culture of sorts; standards and ideals are used en mass to get people to conform to the needs of the master. This creates a safety net of like-minded people. If everyone is guilty of douchebaggery, they aren’t going to nark on each other. This is the culture of secrecy.

Now let’s ponder why there would be a culture of secrecy that intermingles with Satanic ritual, pedophilia, and political elites.

If those pulling the strings of politicians want to create a line of assets that can be deployed when needed, then they need to have a system in place that creates and maintains those people. The Nazis discovered that the human mind is programmable like a computer. First that mind must be fragmented with trauma, and then the programs can be layered in. Commands to execute whatever programs use visual, audio, and tactile triggers; which means a mere phone call to a programmed person could activate them for whatever nefarious plans their master has intended.

There’s been soft disclosure in tv and film regarding MKU; for example, the torture and programming of River Tam in the tv show Firefly and it’s film sequel Serenity, depicts a young girl, isolated from her family, experimented upon and programmed to react with violence with a trigger word; in this case, the word Miranda.

Another example is in season five of Rick and Morty, when the titular couple is called by the White House to handle their gremlin problem. They get bored and the President gets pissed. There’s a showdown and in the midst of this fight between the President and a mad scientist, the president uses a dogwhistle, which “activates” two assassin kids. As typical per Rick, he uses a comical method to rebuff the attack: a handful of candy redirects their aggression and attention.

George Estabrooks bragged that he could make a man commit treason against the united states and not even know it.

In this chan post, we can see how widespread, insidious and covert the brainwashing is, using John Oliver as an example.

Now, imagine there’s lots of career politicians that have participated one way or another in this douchebaggery. And let’s say that some of them may have dual citizenship, to say, Israel. Isn’t it interesting, that after the Finders files were released, that Israeli embassies the world over are closing. Correlation isn’t causation by any means, but I do find the timing most interesting.

So what do you think? Are the political elites grass and Trump is the lawnmower?

If you’d like more information on the topic of MKUltra’s development, I invite you to check out my podcast, DISSENTER RADIO.

Thanks for sticking around, stay safe, research your butts off, and take a deep breath of relief: prior administrations hid the Finder’s and covered for Epstein. But not Trump. Love him or loathe him, one cannot claim he’s shielding political pedophilia like his predecessors did.