Hello community.
I want to take this opportunity to talk about an important value in my life that is honesty. It’s a delicate topic because is a difficult value to implement in daily life, however I will try to approach some aspects about it.
Honesty implies a refusal to lie, steal, or deceive in any way. These three actions have been part of human behavior since the beginning of humanity, as you can see in books about its history.
Once, someone told me “everybody lies all the time”, this idea woke up my curiosity about it, so I began to think: why do we lie? Some researchers have discovered that our brain frequently works between honesty and self-interest in order to survive in society. Apparently, some lies are good for our mental balance, because this are part of human nature.
However, being honest is important to build an upright personality. People will know they can trust in us, which allows constructing solid and powerful relationships, and we can live with a clear conscience.
On the other hand, I cannot say that I have never lied in my life, because I am human, like you, but every day I try to be sincere. Usually I say what I think, and sometimes I may be reckless because some people are not prepared to listen to my opinion, or my comments are inappropriate. I apologize for that!
Also, I always try to teach my children the significance of honesty, not only with words but also with actions, because what’s most important for me is to be a positive role model for my children, and I think I have done a good job.
Thank for your attention.
Mariana Fernández.
Buen post amiga. Le recomiendo colocar en las fuentes esto
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