How To Control Society

in #life8 years ago


How to Control a Society:

  1. Medicate the population with powerful drugs that impair their higher cognitive functions.
  2. Distract them with mindless entertainments.
  3. Get them addicted to technological diversions.
  4. Constantly divide them along identity lines, fueling mass, consensual paranoia.
  5. Feed them a diet of nutrition-free corporate food.
  6. Supply them with a steady stream of anxiety inducing misinformation disguised as news.
  7. Steal their actual liberties and train them to obsess over faux-liberties and manufactured social justice causes.
  8. Demonize those who attempt to reveal the crimes and lies of the establishment institutions.
  9. Surveil and monitor every aspect of their lives to breed self-censorship.
  10. Encourage a war between the working class to direct the people's outrage towards each other instead of the establishment.
  11. Play the part of the referee when the war commences and propose a dissolution of even more of the people's rights and an increase in state power as the solution.

Very well said, and of course it's all going on right now.

100% vote.

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