Five Big Reasons The Law of Attraction Doesn't Work, and What You Should Try Instead

in #life7 years ago

Yeah, I know, a lot of people think that the “law of attraction” is just a fantasy. But, here’s the thing, whether you recognize it or not, it is at work in your life every day. You may think you’ve tried it, well, you’d be right, because it is one of the underlying principles of the universe. So, what is it? Easy.

Whatever you focus on, give attention to, speak about and give importance to will be drawn into your experience.

It’s true.

But, it’s automatically at work, from the moment you are first aware of your own thoughts and capable of deciding for yourself. Since it is automated, you may find that you are attracting things you don’t think you want. You may not be satisfied with what you’re getting out of life. There are reasons for that.

What you have to understand is:

  • This law will work, whether you're focusing on this thing intentionally, or not.
  • Negative attention is still attention, so even being frustrated or working to avoid things, may be dragging more of that into your experience.
  • It takes time. You'll notice it in small ways at first, and the more you cooperate and move toward your desire, the faster it will come.

Yes, working hard toward a goal, is a part of this process. Sure, that may seem like cheating, or you might even say, "Well, then, how is that the law of attraction, and not just me earning things?" My answer? "It is both."

If You're not getting closer to your ideal life, there are reasons why!

The good news is, you have a lot of control over what you get, if you're willing to train your mind to focus on the things you really desire. It's not a one time thing, or a weekend retreat solution, this requires a commitment.

Most of you have probably tried to get something from the "Law of Attraction" when it "didn't happen" you probably felt confirmed in your suspicions that it is just a myth. But, the thing is, even that is the law of attraction at work. As you focus more and more on the idea that it doesn't work, you defeat yourself in the process. You get what you want, scattered results, that seemingly add up to "0"

So, what am I doing wrong?

If you can honestly ask this question, and believe there is an answer, you can change this. Here are five things you are probably doing to get results you don't think you want.

Reason # 1, You're Not Focused.

You are, but you're not. Your focus jumps from one thing to another. You may be moody, or flighty. This requires a consistent focus. If you are constantly changing what you want, it's like frustrating your parents and ending up with a gift you don't want, because you keep changing your mind.

Here's what happens.

First, you decide you want to be a more positive person. You start out good, but...

Something comes up, which feels like an attack. Your focus shifts, you start to think about that thing, and possibly even seek vengeance.

The universe was working to bring you more positivity. It was. The way that positivity comes is through your choices. You are faced with opportunities every day, do I choose to be positive, or, follow this other logical course and become upset? You've defeated the process, reset it and you're now drawing revenge into your experience.

Here are some ways this happens

  • You set out to get a better career, but drop out of classes to take an easy cash job.
  • You want a better relationship, but you get lonely and return to comfortable, although destructive, patterns with an easy date.
  • You decide to create something, anything, but allow little inconveniences and distractions, to stop you.

Whatever you are pursuing with your focus and attention, that is the target of your attraction. Period. How could it be any other way?

Reason # 2, You're Emotions Get in the Way.

The universe works on trust. If you are constantly getting frustrated and throwing up excuses, instead of trusting in the process, you are shifting your focus. "I'll just get it myself". Or, "This isn't going the way I want it to!"

Pity parties, rages, and rants all create static in your signal. When you focus on your desire, with positive thoughts and excitement, the universe gets excited too. When you get angry, or frustrated, to the point it shuts you down, the universe reads this as negating your desire. It makes you feel bad, you focus on the bad feeling, you get more.

  • Daily inconveniences, and even roadblocks (speeding tickets, angry neighbors, rude cashiers) are going to happen, you have to rise above.
  • Set your mind to noticing when negative emotion is taking you over. Learn to short circuit this, it's a distraction and not worth your time.
  • Say thank you. Just do it. Find something to say thank you for and mean it, it can change everything.

A lot of this sounds stupid, but if you've ever really been in the flow and moving toward your ideal life, you'll recognize the truth of it. The distractions and roadblocks are simple, but honestly, so are the fixes.

Reason # 3, You Have no Discipline.

As the universe begins to draw your desires, opportunities are going to come. But as Thomas Edison once famously said, most people don't recognize opportunity, because it shows up in overalls, looking like work.

Yes, the system is automatic, trust me, if you cooperate with it, things you could never have orchestrated begin to happen. They just do. But, if you think you're too good to take advantage of the opportunity, eventually, you'll delay your desire, until you decide it's not coming.

  • Take a step toward any opportunity you can without blowing up your life. You'll know which ones are for you pretty quickly.
  • Don't assume that because it doesn't fit every single criteria, that this opportunity is not for you. You have to start somewhere. Does it move you forward?
  • Toughen up. Of course you're going to need to do some things. Just because you strike gold, doesn't mean it's going to float up out of the ground.

Whether you do the work, or find a way to have someone do it for you, there will be work. That's the nature of the universe. Perhaps some day, we will finally defeat the need to take action to reach our goals, but for now, get your hands dirty. You'll honestly be surprised at how little it feels like work after a while. And your effort will be multiplied in ways you can't even imagine.

Reason # 4, Your Desires Are Muddled.

This is closely related to reason number one, but it's distinct as well. Sometimes, we get a false image of ourselves. We are striving for something for the wrong reasons, or because it looks possible, while our real dreams and desires seem out of reach. Stop that!

If you're not true to yourself, you will find ways to sabotage this course you're on. Your subconscious doesn't want you to be miserable, and it sees where you're headed before you do. Allow yourself to find the real course you want, and look out!

  • You, and only you, can determine what that course will be. Don't choose a career path, a relationship, or anything else, based on what someone else wants for you.
  • Get clear on your path before exerting your focus. It needs to feel genuine to you. If you don't like it, it will become the job you hate.
  • Your real desires will crop up, but you'll be working against them, this pushes you further from them, making them seem even more unobtainable.

This is a huge reason for many people. They've convinced themselves that the career path their mom, or spouse has chosen for them, was their idea. Or, they think their situation is so much better than what they really want, they can't even admit their true desire.

Reason # 5, You Allow False "Requirements" to Stop You!

In the modern world, we have it all mapped out. You go to school, then college, your degree unlocks doors, and you have to move through them in a sequential order to achieve success. Life is not a video game. There are no levels, there is no boss to defeat at the end of each chapter.

You can take any path available to you. Look around, there are likely people who've achieved what you want, with less effort, and from a starting point that is way behind where you are now. Follow their example. The only boundary you should set, is not hurting anyone in the process. (this doesn't include your mother's feelings when you don't finish that degree)

  • There is always more than one way to achieve a desired aim. In fact, there are limitless potential solutions to any problem. Tear down your limits.
  • When you believe in the path that others say will get you there, you blind yourself to potential shortcuts and other paths.
  • There is no one way to do anything, ever, never. It has never been true. If there was, surely conception would be that, right? And yet, people are impregnated medically every day.

Focus on your goal. Get a clear image of what you want and move toward it. Don't discount any side trail, or idea. Trust the universe to bring you the right path. Sometimes, less effort allows us to slow down enough to see the solution, instead of "powering through".

I hope this helps someone today. That's my goal. I'm still struggling through these things. I know what I believe, but sometimes, you just get stuck. We're only human. Never allow yourself to believe that you've missed your opportunity. The world is abundant with inexhaustible opportunity.

If you enjoyed this article, please upvote and resteem. Got questions, leave me a comment, I love questions. They make me think and search for deeper answers.


Well, I think "The Law of Attraction" does somewhat works. At least now I seldom need to look very long for parking space when I need one, even during busiest day. :p

You'd to have, or kind of, very positive mindset (plus goodwill/kind heart perhaps?)... for it to work.

And, you are right too, that Focus, Discipline, Positive Desire, Goals... will propel your dream come true too!
Most importantly, I think is Stay Positive and do it! And everything will start fall into places!

great post as usual

Good choice for a topic on a blog post. I don't hear about the law of attraction often enough.

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Everything in life depends on you. Can help case when in luck. But it is a small chance.
You should try to do their job, we even got you think that you pay a little.
The people around you seeing that you are your friends.
This will help you to solve many problems.
Don't stop, try to improve yourself constantly. This way, you will increase your chances to hold higher position.
Let failures do not scare you, they are always temporary