Sleep..... it does a body good.

in #life7 years ago

I don’t know about you, but one of my first thoughts upon waking is usually how well I slept during the night.

According to Dr. Wayne Giles, director of CDC's Division of Population Health more than one-third of American adults fail to get at least seven hours of sleep on a regular basis, which is associated with an increased risk of chronic ill health and mental distress.
He states, "As a nation we are not getting enough sleep. Lifestyle changes such as going to bed at the same time each night; rising at the same time each morning; and turning off or removing televisions, computers, mobile devices from the bedroom, can help people get the healthy sleep they need."

Although the recommendations given by Dr. Wayne Giles are important, I think there are other factors that can disturb one's sleep. For instance, if your mattress is old and lumpy that could result in a less then comfortable sleeping space. So, if you should be in the market to replace your old worn and tired mattress you have many options to consider. Then there is your pillow to consider. It is difficult to open a magazine or turn on the TV without seeing a commercial for:

Just going into to the store to purchase a pillow you are presented with so many options. In reality achieving a good nights sleep is benificial to big business!

What if your partner snores?

Even true love has a difficult time getting past that. Some people resort to separate bedrooms but how romantic is that? But of course, there is help there too.

But what if you have rude, loud neighbors that drink, party and argue at all hours of the night?

Even following "The Greatest Commandment" Matthew 22:30-31 30 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment. 31 And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these. KJV


This problem can be very difficult. Especially after the neighbor has been told of their disruptive behavior.

You may even be a new parent and your little one has created a dramatic change in your sleeping life. Do what @canadian-coconut did and bring your new baby to bed.... it works!

Research into the importance of sleep can be traced back to 450 BC Ancient Greek physician Alcmaeon produced the earliest documented theory of sleep, describing it as a loss of consciousness as blood retreats from the surface of the body. And believe me there is a lot more traditional mainstream medicine offers today to help you get a good nights sleep.

The National Sleep Foundation states, sleep is a vital indicator of overall health and well-being. You can be assured my health and well-being are important to me!

So now I will let you in on my secret....Valerian is my go to sleep aid when I have trouble falling asleep. For me it works great without groggy morning after effects. I wake up well-rested and ready for the day. And the best part is that Valerian has no side effects and it is not habit forming!
Disclaimer: Of course I am not medically recommending, I am just saying. lol


Peanuts photo source


man i feel you on needing to turn it off (thinkthinkthinking!) sometimes when trying to get to sleep lol getting rid of my tv from the bedroom really made a difference

It used to be much worse when I was working and to make it worse I was on call sometimes 24x7. I am so glad I am not there anymore.

Quality sleep is paramount. I wish I could bottle and sell whatever it is that I do. I have not had a problem sleeping since I vowed to be honest in everything I do, when I was in my late teens. I'm not sure it would work for everyone, but I used to sleep as though someone were coming to get me, one eye open and such like. Now, it is rare that it takes me more than one minute to fall asleep.

"This above all: to thine own self be true," Shakespeare, Hamlet act 1 scene 3

There are other ways to help, with diet and cutting out blue spectrum lighting after dinner. This can increase sleep quality.

You are blessed for sure. Honesty certainly would have an effect on rest and sleep. I always appreciate your comments. Have a great day!

The quote from the Bible sums it up so well! I've had wonderful neighbors who exemplified it, and others who have not, and it does indeed, make such a difference. Best wishes for a great night's sleep!

Thank you hopefully the neighbors will keep their summer parties to a reasonable hour.

My sleep improved so much when I started covering my eyes so I wasn't disturbed by ambient light. I use a cross-country skiing headband, all soft and fuzzy. I can sleep in just about any circumstance with that setup. When I travel and stay in hotels, it has been a lifesaver.

What a great idea!! Thanks for the comment.

Maybe you will have to sleep on that idea, lol! ; )

I just wrote a post about sleep. Indeed it is very important. nice post, upped have a nice day buddy

I will check your post out. Thanks for the comment and the heads up!

Its happens to all nights since I found steemit ,I cant go to sleep ,cuz I thinkin about steem 🙂🙂

Oh I guess there are much worse things to keep you awake at night. lol Thanks for your comment.

Sleep certainly is a popular subject in the steem community, I wonder how steem is affecting our sleep?!

I use a very low dose of melatonin (.5mg) which seems to help. I have some Valerian tea which I will try again soon - woke up twice for a pee that night!

I go for the capsule form because of the same issue.
Thank you for commenting.
Have a great day.

Thanks that makes sense! You too!

I have always been blessed with the ability to sleep well under almost every circumstance.

Only on the rarest of occasions does my mind spin and spin about some problem that I have, and on those occasions I have a nice blend of Essential Oils (Tranquility by Green Valley Aromatherapy) that I put on my hands, cup over my face, and breath in until my mind numbs and I fall asleep.

I have heard that for many people, a couple of drops of Lavender on their pillow does the same, but lavender didn't help me nearly as much as the Tranquility blend.

And thanks for mentioning my "Family Bed" article. New mothers MUST read up on how sleeping with your new baby is the best for mom and best for baby too.

I will try out your recommendations for essential oils for restful sleep. I have a blend that I am using when I have an anaphylactic hypertensive response with my new founded food allergies. Your "Family Bed" post was a must because new babies can create havoc for new parents and your advice is right on target. It saves relationships.

I'm upvoting right now! I've upvoted. Nice post from @marymg2014 Thanks for sharing!