Why Do You Want To have That Baby?

in #life6 years ago


Image Credit: Pixabay

Hello beautiful people!It's your lady @mayib; the weird and new Steemian on the block. (smiles). In case you want to know more about me, just give me a call and I promise, I won't pick up any of your damn unsolicited calls. Anyways, I've decided to talk about this topic because it has been on my mind forever and now I feel it's the right time to voice it out before my mind explodes into pieces and go missing.

On a daily basis, there has been an influx of new born babies into our beautiful but troubled world. While some people consider having kids as a source of blessing, others see it as a curse, and have gone ahead to put an end to the life of a child. But regardless of how people feel about having kids, I want us to pause for a moment and ask ourselves this question: "Why do I want to have that baby?"

You may think it's a weird question;given that the promoter of the question is weird. But in all honesty, the question is as important as the answer. So let me ask the question again: Why do you want to have that baby? Could it be for the following reasons:

1.Because that's what the society expects of all married couples.

2.Because you want to be addressed and recognized as a mother.

3.Because you don't want to be the laughing stock of society.

4.Because you don't want to be called 'barren' or 'infertile'

5.Because you need someone to inherit your wealth and carry on your name when you're long gone.

6.Because as a millionaire, you need to spend your money on someone who has your blood.

I could go on and on, but the reason I have mentioned so far proves one thing; that a significant number of people who crave for kids do so for their own selfish reasons because it benefits them in the short and long run. But what about the unborn child we intend bringing into the world? Have we thought about how the child is going to fare, and how we intend to protect that child when situations go awry?

If you disagree with me on the point I've proven above, how else can one explain a situation whereby in the middle of an ongoing war, couples still bring kids into the world without any adequate plan on how they intend to protect the innocent child from murderous lunatics who don't give a damn about the life of a child. I've seen new born babies murdered during wars and one can't help but wonder why a parent would bring upon such calamity on babies by putting them in such a dangerous situation.

What about the mother who was warned about the consequences her medical condition or late child bearing could have on a child, but still goes ahead to have that baby for one singular reason: "Because she wants to be a mother at all cost." Fine, as a mother, you've achieved your goal, but what about the health of your child? Will you feel good about yourself knowing full well that your child's situation could have been averted if you didn't make that selfish decision? Trust me when I say, no matter the love you shower on that child, the one who is going to feel the pain the most is that innocent little kid who didn't ask to be born.

In most third world countries, parents see child bearing as winning a gold medal. Couples whose resources can only cater for a child, end up giving birth to eight babies and don't give a hoot how these children will fare eventually. If the actions of those parents cannot be described as selfish, then what is?

The point I'm trying to make is this: Don't make child bearing all about you, but also try to think about your unborn baby and the possible consequences your child bearing decision could have on it. Given the situation of things in the world today, in my opinion, there are certain regions that aren't safe to raise kids right now, and as a selfless parent whose duty is to protect a child from danger, it is good to pause for a moment and rethink our decision to have a baby if we're based in those regions. Try to ask yourself these questions:

1.Is this the right time to have this baby?

2.Is having a baby now all about me, or all about my unborn child?

3.In the face of sudden danger, do I have the wherewithal to relocate my child to a safer region so as to keep him safe?

4.How far am I willing to go to keep my child safe?

These and many more are some of the ways we should scrutinize our minds and make a fair decision that will favor our unborn child.

I once befriended a child who was suffering from 'dwarfism'. This little girl was an object of ridicule among her peers in the neighborhood and in school. Once she told me: "I hate my parents for bringing me into this world to suffer. Everywhere I go, people make fun of me and most times, I don't feel like going out." I tried to console her, but my words of encouragement didn't pacify her. Then one day, she took me to meet her parents and I was shocked to know that her mother who is also a dwarf, was pregnant with her seventh baby. Obviously, she is also married to a dwarf and all her kids turned out to be dwarfs.

You may be curious to know where I'm going with this, but I looked at the parents of the poor girl and a thought crossed my mind: Why bring seven children into this world to experience the exact humiliation and discrimination you've been put through by society all your life? My thoughts may have sounded a little brusque, but it is what it is. The truth is, we live in a superficial world where looks is very important;and dwarfs have never had it easy in their entire life.

Don't get it twisted as I am not discriminating against anyone here. I'm only saying, if the parents of the girl had made child bearing all about their unborn kids, they could have decided not to have any children at all or stopped at just one child. But they made it all about themselves without thinking about the psychological trauma they were going to put their children through. If they had paused for a moment to rethink their decision, probably they could have spared that little girl the trauma of living a painful and sad life.

I want to stop here by appealing to all couples: NEVER make child bearing all about you, but make it all about the child who will eventually bear the brunt of your actions. I think I've driven home my points and even though you may not agree with me, you're free to sue me if you can. My attorney and I will be waiting for you on Mount Everest. (Lol).

See you next time and please if it's not a bother, then you can assist me in doing the following:



Really nice article
There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved.
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Absolutely! Thanks for stopping by.