The most beautiful temples in Asia

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Architecturally and culturally, Buddhist temples are among the most interesting and impressive buildings. Those traveling to Asian countries would like to visit these sanctuaries and feel the aura of the Three Treasures. Buddha, Dharma and Sangha are united in the Buddhist religion in the temples.

A round trip to the most beautiful Buddhist temples takes you through Southeast Asia, East Asia and India and gives you impressions of different regional building traditions of fantastically beautiful temples in picturesque scenery. I have looked around for you where to find the most beautiful temples of Asia and introduce you to some of them here.

Mahabodhi-Tempel in Bodhgaya

The journey to the northeast of India leads you to a temple that was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2002. The 55-meter-high Mahabodhi Temple was built in the 2nd century in the state of Bihar. It was around 250 BC. Christ, when Ashoka laid the first foundation stone for the sacred building. He built a wall and an edict column around a bodhi tree, later a stone column pavilion and a diamond throne were built; Only then did the actual temple construction in Bodhgaya follow. In 625 the holy place fell victim to the war, so that restoration and construction work was necessary to rebuild the Buddhist temple. In 1949, the government of Bihar entrusted a committee with the maintenance of the Mahabodhi temple, which is located in u. a. was restored in 2006 again. In 2013, there were several bomb attacks.

Tōdai-ji in Nara

One of the most beautiful temples was built in 745 in Nara, Japan under Emperor Shōmu. The Buddhafigur Daibutsu was made from 450 t of copper and impressed all travelers to Japan, who come to Asia to visit the temple complex Tōdai -ji. In front of the main hall of the temple, the wooden Arhat Pindola statue welcomes visitors. Who touches a body part of the wooden statue, the healing should happen in case of illness of the own body part. The Tōdai-ji holds the largest Buddha hall in the world for its visitors, in which - also worldwide - the largest bronze sculpture, namely the Daibutsu - is built.

Bagan temple complex in Myanmar

Among travelers to Asia, the region around the Bagan temple complex in Myanmar is one of the most important tourist destinations when it comes to traveling. B. travel with Meier's world travel the most beautiful places on earth. In the middle of the steppe extends the former center of control Bagan over 36 km ² and blends into a beautiful landscape. In 1044 King Anawrahtas ascended the magnificent throne, later his son Kyanzittha. Under the rule of these two kings, the Bagan spread to its present size. Numerous temples can be visited during the Asian trip to Myanmar in this region. These include i.e.:


Due to a heavy earthquake in 1975, the Bagan temple complex was severely damaged and numerous statues were damaged. Despite reconstruction and reconstruction, Bagan was not considered a possible World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2002.

Borobudur on Java

One of the most beautiful and largest temples is Borobudur in the southeast of Asia on Java. The monumental complex was included in the UNESCO list as a World Heritage Site in 1991 and attracts travelers as well as pilgrims. The date of construction can only be estimated at the year 800. With a square plan and in the construction of a stepped pyramid, the Borobudur was built on a hill, which was fixed with a stone filling. About 110 meters is the edge length of the temple, for its construction about two million stone blocks were needed. Not only is the temple tour itself an unforgettable travel experience, but also the view of the Kedu Valley and the encounter with the Buddha statue of Amitabha.

Which one you like most? Comment below :)


besides the most beautiful in Asia, skilled hands have taken high quality photos so we really enjoy this beautiful real @mazzzenko 😀

Thank you :)

I've never been to Asia but there are so many interesting sites to visit! Your post can any time be a good guide for Buddhist temples there.

Thanks for being my follower! ;) Resteemed.

Thanks, really appreciate it!

I am still like the one from Myanmar, probably I am from Myanmar. :)

Yes i love yangon

Beautiful post, @mazzzenko! One day I'd love to visit them. Have a nice weekend

Thanks you too!

This is beautiful @mazzzenko. Asia is such a beautiful continent . More power to you.

I agree haha