Deprivation of women in Indian society

in #life7 years ago

When God is the creator of each and every individual, then how can we determine someone's position? Who are we to think someone as inferior? Who are we to impose rules?

The 21st century calls itself as a developed one, if it so, then why does the society behaves in a primitive manner? The reason is that the dominant gender ie. the males, doesn't want to share their dominance with their opposite gender. From the ancient time itself, the females are seen as a dependent gender. People talk of rules that are been followed since the time of the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. But they don't talk about the contributing factors to these rules, for them it is the work of the wise people but who were they? They were the men. Women had no role in making these laws, rules and regulations. Even though Sita is worshiped as a Goddess, she was not free from gender bias. She was ordered to go for Agnipariksha to prove her innocence. And what did Lord Rama do? He banished her from his kingdom only because of what he heard his subjects talking about her. Had the situation been with Rama, could Sita do such a thing? No, because she is a woman and she has no right to take decisions. This is not just a mythological story but a mirror to our society.

A woman's workplace is seen as the kitchen and though nowadays most of the women work outside their homes, but on coming back, they are to make dinner for the family. The male members of the family feel the work as below their dignity. And every girl is taught from her childhood itself, that she alone has to cook for the family without arising any further question. There are many people who considers a girl's education as important. But if we talk about the traditional family, many are there who don't like the idea of their daughters and daughter-in-laws earning their living. In such a family, their first concern before fixing any marriage is if the to-be-bride girl can cook or not. Her educational qualification is given a secondary thought. They only need a girl to look after the family and to cook for them. Men don't feel like helping their wives in their works because they are taught that these are works of women or because they taught they are superior to women? The political rights does not make any sense if they are not given other rights which may place them in equal to man. How can a woman know what's going in the political sphere if she is not allowed to move outside or if she doesn't has the time to watch television to gather such information? If so, then can she vote for the right candidate?

It's high time that we all think about improving the condition of women because a nation can only progress when every person is treated equally, be it man or woman. As the saying goes, " When you educate a man you educate an individual, but if you educate a woman, you educate a nation".


I do agree with you, bt now the situation is improved then earlier 😬Earlier society was male chauvinistic , where women were deprived of everything and they were considered as child producing machine, bt now people become liberal and their mindset changed☺️

Yes it has improved but we still lack behind in these aspects. No wonder, many people give speeches and raise campaigns on gender equality but what is the use of it, if we at personal level put many restrictions on women saying the world is not a safe place for them. So not only people have to change their mindset but also practically apply these.