Are you ready to make some SERIOUS money? Private Invitation for Job Only 7 Positions Remain

in #life5 years ago

This company right here it's called, writing to wealth calm okay, so the tagline is turns your writings, into cash okay so what is this website, about I'm gonna review it very quickly, for you today and then you can decide, whether or not you want to spend time, writing articles to make a little bit of, money on this website or maybe there's, another option for you okay so what is, writing to wealth well basically this is the very very simple website all you do, is you sign up with them okay no, experience required to join.

Join The Program to Write Article and Earn Money:

they say you can basically make up to three, hundred and twenty-five dollars per, article which is crazy okay that's a lot, of money per article right but basically, all you have to do is join today browse, thousands of available jobs and then, claim the job and submit your work and, then get paid okay well this is the reality all right first of all when you, join you have to pay $35 to get access, to their database of jobs so you do have, to pay it's not free okay the other, problem is that there are lots of other, writing websites out there that are free, and then I'm more legitimate I would say, then writing to wealth, okay you can, check out websites like is calm and you can even check

I need, articles calm okay, way better than writing to wealth calm, in my opinion, okay the other thing with, writing to wealth is that they don't, provide any training so they don't give, you any training on how to write your, articles what to write you know what's, the style that people write you have to, understand that if people are gonna be, paying you for an article they expect, the same quality okay so if your quality, of the quality of your articles, are

you're not gonna get paid okay and another thing that this works is you can't, claim the job you have to apply for the job and what happens is if you're a brand new writer it's gonna say that you're brand new and you have to start, with a smaller job and then work your, way up okay now that takes a long time, the other thing is that it's not that, quick

a lot of people that are buying, articles these days expect at least at,800 to 8/8 the 800 to 3000-word article, now think about how much time it takes, for you to write one article on a particular topic where it makes sense, it's good and you're actually, knowledgeable because a lot of the time, where people are buying articles, to rank them on their blog okay so they, can't be shitty little articles they, have to be quality if they're not, quality people are gonna read it and, it's not gonna make sense and they're, not gonna convert you know whatever they, need to convert on their websites their, blogs and Google is not going to rank, them properly on the search engines and, you're gonna lose business eventually, okay

so the only way that you're gonna, earn big money is if you know if you become an experienced writer and that, takes a lot of time okay it takes a lot, of time a lot of practice and you have, to write hundreds of articles before you, become a senior writer and you're able, to earn more money okay again it's gonna, take you ages before you earn three, hundred and twenty-five dollars per, article because that's a lot of money to, pay

I'm not gonna pay I wouldn't pay, that much you usually the Articles that, I pay for online are like five to ten bucks okay so think about how amazing an article needs to be before someone, piece no one will pay three hundred and, twenty-five dollars for an article it's, just physically it just doesn't make sense the market doesn't pay that for articles okay so the whole so again red, flags you know I would say false, advertising all right, and listen I mean again there are better, ways to earn money but again if you're, gonna be spending all that time you know, at least two-three hours writing an article right there are better ways to, earn money on the Internet, okay so again, if you're here I'm assuming that you, know you want to generate more income, online okay I would highly recommend, that you start some sort of simple, business on the Internet okay now

yes, simple business it does require you to, put in time it requires you to put in, effort and it requires you to put in, some investment okay but the amount, of money that you get back from building, a good business online is tenfold okay, you know I'm generating five figures a, month online right and you know that I'm able to do that because I do, something called affiliate marketing, right now what is affiliate marketing, affiliate marketing is when you reach, resell somebody else's product online so all you really have to do is learn how, to become a great marketer okay, now yes it's gonna take time it's gonna, take you it's gonna require you to learn new skills, okay and you have to, invest effort and money into your, business

but the great thing about, affiliate marketing is you can start, from anywhere in the world you can be in Asia and market to the US you could be in the US and market to Asia or wherever in the world doesn't really matter right and the potential of this business is huge you could create five six seven figures a month if you really understand how to do, this right okay and again it's lastly become passive

Become a Writer:

because once you understand what you're, doing there are certain leverage key points, key leverage points re in your business, where you don't have to be there all the time but your business will continue to, work for you but understand of course at, the beginning you have to work very hard, you have to set up your foundation you, have to work on your business but, eventually, you don't have to be there, all the time and you know your business, will run for you okay so if you're, interested in learning how to do that, completely up to you by the way I mean, you could continue searching for you, know these sort of writing jobs if you want but honestly if you're going if, you're here and you're trying to learn.

Learn How To Make Money With Writing Articles:

how to leverage the internet you may as, well do it right the first time, right I wouldn't work online I would build a business online that's my, recommendation to you okay so if you, want to just check it out maybe get your, feet wet learn about the industry learn, what's possible in this business all you, have to do is click the link right below, okay it'll lead you to my website that, website will show you exactly how I went, from eight years of failing to the last, year and a half of pretty amazing, success okay literally have created tens, of thousands of dollars in profit every, single month right I've sold hundreds of, products online right now

Earn With Writing Articles: