Broke Chain

in #life5 years ago (edited)


Oi, what are you up to?

I looked up from the floor where I lay, clutching at an empty beer bottle.

Chain's down, baby.

I slurred manfully from cracked but still handsome lips.

What chain? What the hell are you talking about?


The Good Lady seemed cross as she swayed, blurry in my vision back and forth above me.

What the hell was I talking about? Who was this woman? Didn't she have the slightest idea what I was going through? The Steem blockchain was down, taking all of the associated front-ends with it and as a result I had tumbled into a pit of despair, pity and self-loathing.

I wasn't proud to admit it but as the seconds had turned into minutes, I had turned to the beer in an attempt to numb the pain. It seemed like the answer but even a whole one didn't help.


Was there nothing that could wash this hurt away?

And now the Good Lady was coming at me, like a shrieking harpy of grim death.

I rolled clumsily on to my front, mewling pathetically as I got my feet under me and stood to face her.

Ewww, Is that beer, on a school night?

Her face cracked with disapproval like stretched arse pastry.

I waggled the beer bottle at her. The alcohol coursing through my veins lending me a mean courage.

Yes, it's beer and what of it? Am I not a man? Am I not grieving? I told you, the CHAIN IS DOWN?


There, it was out. I had said it.

Oh, that Steemit nonsense? Down again? Come here, it will be alright.

The Good Lady held out her arms.

What did she say? Down again? The cheek of the woman!

I wanted to shout and scream and deny that Steemit had ever been down and boast of the testing that had been done this time and shout about haters and complex forks maybe even throw in the word community but I couldn't.

Instead I tumbled into her arms with a sob.

She smoothed my lustrous locks with one hand and held me tight.

It will be alright, I am sure it will be alright.

She soothed.

I shook my head.

It felt like nothing would ever be alright again.

Update: some grievously long minutes later the blockchain was back up and running but by then it was too late to prevent @meesterboom's self destructive descent into madness. After consuming 2 or 3 more bottles of beer he went to bed a broken man.

some of the above just might be an exaggeration, I did have a couple of beers and a giggle whilst watching the drama unfold!


I read your post yesterday and your post today. I have no idea what happened in between.

I dont think anyone will ever truly know what happened in between

'Her face cracked with disapproval'
'What did she say? Down again?'

Outrageous! Poking the Boom with a stick.
And meanwhile accusing us men of being rude and insensitive.
How low can one go ...

I am appalled at her behaviour, questioning me over a mere beer and my fixation with the laptop as the 'drama' unfolded!!

I suspect there are no depths she won't plumb! :0D

I feel you man. Had to wipe away a tear or two while reading your story.
And all this right in the most darkest hours of the year.
Couldn't resist to open a second can.

Cheers to a good outcome of this HF.

A second can be the only thing to help a man through a tale of another Man's drinking duress.

I've popped open one now to lament your lament over my lament!

Cheers man.
It's like that musketeer d'Artagnan shouted: 'All for one, and one for all'.

(or was that Murdock from the A-team?)

I think it might have been both! I did like a good Murdock yell, he was the best bit!

We're having reruns on dutch tv daily now.
Fun to watch still every now and then, but more funny/"exiting" in the 80's.

It was more funy exciting back then. It sounds terrible but when I se it now I keep wishing that people would die when they are in those cars or jeeps that get shot at then summersault through the air and half explode. Instead they always get out and shake themselves down!

I'll never forget where I was when it happened... It might not be tomorrow the next day or even this year but together I think we will get through this.. I don't know how but knowing I'm not alone in my anguish feels like the first step to healing these wounds.. This is what community is all about..

Single tear falls onto a quivering lip...

Communisty!!! Lordy, it's amazing what a one letter typing mistake can do!!

One day the tears will stop falling...

Oh that's a helluva typo.. I'd have had a totally different sentiment.. Be nice to see communisty as one of those word of the week challenges.. I rather enjoy saying it, really rolls off the tongue..

I'm off to go see if some flagging can dry my eyes..

This is a Great Post I actually felt your pain for a moment when I was reading it. Thank You for sharing your thoughts and opinions regarding the STEEM Blockchain Down for a while the other day. We appreciate the other posts you make as well on Steemit which have also made me laugh in the past as well keep the good posts coming.

This is a Great Post I actually felt your pain for a moment when I was reading it. Thank You for sharing your thoughts and opinions regarding the STEEM Blockchain Down for a while the other day. We appreciate the other posts you make as well on Steemit which have also made me laugh in the past as well keep the good posts coming.

Cheers! I love to share my pain! And thank you for the lovely compliment!

Cheers! I love to share
My pain! And thank you for the
Lovely compliment!

                 - meesterboom

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Due to my surgeon having advised me against alcohol consumption six years ago this month, after contracting tongue cancer, drinking through any blockchain downtime was not an option for me. My firsr order of business was to make sure my previous day's curation took me down to 80% and then biked, house chored and netflixed my way until this morning when the network seemed to be running as smooth as a fart through silk. Don't drink and blockchain. Reputations have been upended because of it. It's all fun and giggles until one reveils the dog talent they have to service themselves. 😎

One thing that does interest me is the downvote pool; something that has not yet to be tried; so please allow me to give it a go on the grounds that this is a whining alcohol promoting post and unworthy for the reward pool.

Haha, goodness, did you really think my post was serious? It's a humorous one. I do hope you didn't really think I was promoting alcohol or whining. I had hoped the humour was more transparent than that.

Alas, I suspect not. Enjoy the downvoting, that's what it's there for!


Ditto in regard to my first downvote. 😎


No popcorn?

I was in a similar state, but with a glass of sparkling wine and some popcorn.

If you've never tried the combination ... you don't know what you are missing.

Popcorn asks sparkling wine. You know I think I have had that. Or at least stolen some of the good lady's popcorn whilst we have been drinking the fizz and yes, it was rather good!!! On a school night I tend to avoid wine though!!

My youngest is out of the house now ... so there is no longer such a thing as ... "School night".


I wonder how many popcorn gifs we can get by continually typing popcorn ?...

I know I was quite surprised at the mention of popcorn that they arrive, I thought they needed exclamation points and all that!

Ah, now you truly live the life!!

Haha!! Yup, the chain going down seems to be the one thing every hardfork has in common!

This was a relatively tame going down too! Its meant to be fire rage and excitement! :OD

Come on you've had a breather, down again!

I was in turmoil and decided to first play a computer game and then enter Discord. Tough times, but we are back!

Hehe, Telegram was the place to be! It was all jokes and laughter! I quite enjoyed it!

This post was curated by @theluvbug
and has received an upvote and a resteem to hopefully generate some ❤ extra love ❤ for your post!


In Proud Collaboration with The Power House Creatives
and their founder @jaynie