7 and 2

in #life7 years ago


Today I turned 72. Oh I know, I can hear it already, you are thinking -

What? A fine specimen like this 72, what nonsense!

And you would be right, of course a young handsome feller me lad like myself couldn't possibly be 72. And indeed in earth years I am not. But in rep on this wonderful land called steemit I now am!

So how did it come to this? Well let me take you back to my humble beginnings on Steemit and along the way offer hope for the disenchanted.

Take the number 7.

When I was a young lad of 7 years I hadn't even heard of steemit. All I liked to do was draw things. What kind of things? Skeletons!


But there was no Steemit back in those days. In fact there was no internet. So I had to draw on crude pieces of tree pulp which we now call paper.

I grew older into my teens and beyond.

There was still no Steemit.


It wasn't until last year when I had reached my fourth decade that Steemit came into being. Better late than never guys!

I joined the site and put out my first post.

It was a short story I had written. It was a bit shit. Sure enough it earned zero cents.

There were lots of zero cents posts but I didn't care. I, to put it mildly, fucking loved Steemit.

Back in them dark days we didn't have rep. The only thing that counted was the word on the street.


Then a hardfork happened and the rep score came. We all danced a merry jig at the coming of such judgement. Some muttered that it was the end but they were talking rubbish.

Over the months the rep crept up. It seemed like every five minutes you gained another rep point. Of course then it became 60 something and it got harder and harder. But you know, it still goes up and up and up. Just a bit more slowly.

Hardfork's came and went and people muttered it was the end of Steemit. Unsurprisingly they were talking rubbish.

And here I am now


I would like to say that along the steemit way I have met some fabulous folk. Both on and offline. In fact I count some of my online friends as seriously as I do my offline ones. You know who you are!

I have learned how to do animations! I got a lot better at digital manipulation. I have also grown as a writer and in being a bit of a loon. Which makes me a happy chappy.

So here's to 72 and to all of you who have helped me here. A big cheers too, to those who say the end is nigh and Steemit is doomed. Given time you will see that they are talking...


And for those who might be losing faith in the platform because of their earnings or who bleat about the price if it dares move downward by a cent...

Have faith. Steemit is here to stay and is going to be a force to be reckoned with. If you are on now you have an advantage over those yet to come so don't lose heart!



Too hot there... I am still struggling at 69
Must be the Chilli Concoction in your Secret Recipes

It won't be long for you mate. I can feels it!! Get some spice down you and you will be laughing!!

wow that's freaking fast!
i thought you were just 40 .. I mean 27 :D

Yo missus!!! I am just a bairn!! ;0D

As some may say...you've come a long way baby! You have certainly honed a great style that lets your humor shine thru! You deserve every bit of that 7 and 2. Cheers to you, mate!
Virtually yours, gardenlady ;0)

Thank you very much! I am still eternally grateful to you!! I really love writing and all of the photo nonsense that steemit has bought out in me!

May some day we clink glasses and say cheers!

That would be thoroughly splendid!!

Great idea:)

I have to say I am so glad you did this! I know you're not one to 'milestone' over every achievement, but firstly this last rep point was murderously long to get to and well earned, LOL, and secondly this was exactly the message that needed to be broadcast.
I am so grateful for you, there have been times there is so much negativity that even I begin to lose heart a bit (though I will always limp through until I can skip again ;) you are that beacon of YAYYY (And WAY HAY) that lifts my spirits every time!! It's with great pride that I refer to you as my good friend ;)

Most definitely resteeming!

Yay!! Hehe :0)

Cheers lass, I am not one to do them as you say but it took so bloody long to go up that last notch I thought it was never coming! Then I had an idea for a milestone post that wasn't all just look at me I'm awesome and out it came :0)

It is funny when you look back through your posts and you see the tides that have washed in and out. I laughed as I saw the spam about the dumpening and the claims that steem was going to 1 cent and shutting down.

You are one of the very good friends I was talking about. You are a top chick!! :0D

Ah, but you are just naturally awesome, so that coming across is unavoidable ;)

The dumpening!! Hahaha!! Ned Stark was the bearer of doom on that one right? lol! Oh and the one percent asshole flagging, giant meltdowns everywhere, at least a dozen people accused of being said asshole.
And the crazy troll that went after nonames (others too, but he was the reason I got involved) then the troll found out I was the one behind getting it's rep raked through the coals and made a post that said I was the Asshole with'proof' LOL!!! This has definitely been a helluva ride. I should dig out my 'steemit impressions after a week' I didn't have a clue what I was doing. I don't think I'd even learned to use markdown yet. Okay, found it!


Oho and thats right, all of that too. Its good to remember these things because sometimes it is easy to read some posts about how thinga arent as good as they were and its like those rose tinted glasses again. I am gonna have a look, I love a trot down memory lane!!

Oh and markdown, lol. It took me ages to figure it out!! LOL, its so easy!

Woohoo! Truly a milestone to celebrate indeed! It took literally a mile to get here, but the sweet sweet smell of success is worth it. I'm so happy that I've had the pleasure to witness your mercurial ascent to 72. If I remember correctly, you were 63 or 64 when we first interacted, and it marked one of the best decisions I've made here on Steemit. It has been an honor to see you rise up the ranks, and I count my lucky stars every time I realize how fortunate I am to be in the presence of the greatness that is BOOM. Keep on Steeming on, my brother :D

You do flatter me you mad bastart! It was a seminal moment. I remember it well. I actually thought wow, here is some genuine interaction like you would expect and not just a one liner. Not that I am against one liners you understand but I feel through our discourse we have gotten to know one another quite well!!

Hurrah!! :OD

A seminal moment indeed! One that I would tell my future grandchildren about! I'm all about genuine interaction, maybe that's why I don't get to interact with a lot of people. I always try to stick with the ones who could carry conversations. Quality over quantity and all that haha!

Quality counts!!

Follow for follow?


Yes! I have learned a lot of information from your comment. Upvoted and followed XOXO

Teach me so that we might learn together and grow as a team


Wonderful photo! Check out my profile as well and upvote plz!!

Want to reach almost three thousand followers? Send 2SBD to this address thefannyfarmer and put your link in the memo field -

Wow @meesterboom 72! That's quite an accomplishment and it's because you kept posting during good and bad times all the while improving , especially with your layout and graphics!

Keep up the great blogging and fun having and the rest will take care of itself!

Cheers old dog, hope to see you in the club soon too!!

I have gotten so much better. I have learned new skills. Its just plain awesome!

I think it would be amazing if a 72 year old used Steemit (there probably is with how diverse the platform is)

Well congratulations on hitting 72 REP @meesterboom. Coincidently I hit 60 REP which may not seem as great in comparison to you but I'm really proud of it :)

Also I can't believe how quick my growth was here on Steemit. I somehow didn't start off with any 0 cent posts (great community) but if I did, it wouldn't bother me much as I and many others have used forums and social media sites and not earned anything but we still somewhat enjoyed it and at the moment II love what I am doing right now on Steemit.

You may wonder what this is? I typically spend a couple hours a day making a philosophical post a day and weirdly I did one about having faith today.

Well I'd like to say congratulations on 72 REP again and here is a toast to 73! (Insert Leonardo Di Caprio toasting gif here)
Keep spreading love and positivity! :)

60 is a fine milestone to reach! I remember when I started I had exactly the same attitude. It served me well. After all I was earning zero for posting on other sites so there was no great calamity about earning zero somewhere else.

I will check out your philosophical postingness :O) And cheers!

I love your animations! I always wanted to be a computer animator. I too, drew on crude pieces of paper ;) Congrats on your Rep rating!

Cheers man!! I thought it wouldn't be compete without a couple of small ones!! Drawing on the paper was a great way to start!

When I was in my senior year, I had to do a project on animation, so I took one of those huge VHS camcorders and took quick shots of my drawings. It was sooooooo Crude! It was like one image per .5 second...it was so bad! That's all I had access to at the time, though...

Aw wow though! That is still very impressive. Not so long ago I tried the stop frame kind of thing. It was awful. The results could never be shown. At least you got into it early. You should try the android app flipaclip. It's really cool. So take ages though

Congratulations mate!
Lay in a course to 75, warpspeed!

Engage! ;-)

Make it so!!!

Cheers mate!

You know I just joined steemit couple of days ago, and probably another of your articles was the first I read. You have an impressive writing style, just takes stress away. Good job and keep it going!

Well I am glad to hear that! Welcome and I hope you stay!

Amen to that bud, amen...wow what a guy!!!!. I always enjoy your post and your worth every bit of your achievement here and will always have my support.

Thank you mate, you are doing grand yourself and I am always grateful for the support!

You are welcome, same here.