And The Survey Said...

in #life5 years ago


Boomer, do you have a minute?

It was El Jefe. He had a strange harried look to him as if he were fishing for trout and was worried he was wearing incorrect shoes for it.

You mean now? I was about to run something?

I twiddled two fingers at my screen like an Irish magician.

El Jefe grunted and made a jerky jerky motion with his head in the direction of the nearest meeting room. Then he looked around as if worried someone might be watching.

I gazed at him impassively.

Yes. Now!!

He hissed.

I sighed and tossed my head to the side like a teenager asked to clean their room.


El Jefe closed the door and bobbed with a curious nervous energy to the chair across from me and sat.

Survey results are in. It's not good.

He said tersely.

I looked at him as if he was an impertinent badger hanging about my garden at night making hooting noises.

What survey?

I asked.

The Staff Survey, doofus?!!?

He snapped with his usual tact.

Ah yes. The Staff Survey.


I smiled like my tongue was a wild animal trying to escape from my mouth.

We all knew about the Staff survey. It was an anonymous affair that was issued yearly to all of the permanent staff. We used it to take cheap potshots at the management and tell them how awful it was to be under their yoke.

We had all been particularly mean this year.

El Jefe was glaring at me.

Yes, the staff survey. The results are in and frankly, they are terrible. The senior executive team are going off their chump about it.

He leant forward.

Some of the comments are.... unkind, to say the least.

He sat back again and looked at me hard as if I were a Belgian sausage and he was a hungry French dog.


Oh, that's a shame.

I said with my patented That's not a shame face.

In fact some of the comments in particular look a little... Familiar?

El Jefe said with a low growl as if he were a French dog that had just eaten a disagreeable Belgian Sausage.

Cards on the table, do people out there think I am a bad manager?! Did you say I was a bad manager?!?

He looked all trembly and fighty at the same time as if he wanted to punch me then make love to me.

Who me!? Oh no. I didn't write any comments. I never do in these things due to my latent paranoia that they are not as anonymous as they say.

I beamed at him as if I were a loyal dog and not one that had stolen the bacon from his plate mere moments ago.

He looked at me distrustingly.

Ok. Right. Cool. It's just that... Well... You would say if you had an issue wouldn't you? I mean, you don't think I am a bit of an arse, do you?

I looked him straight in the eye.

No, Boss. I don't.

I said lyingly.

And them, out there?

He motioned his head out to the ravening zombie hordes that were our co-workers.

I stood up and patted him reassuringly on the shoulder.

No mate. We all think you are amazing.

I grinned.

Ok, thanks for that BoomDawg.

El Jefe smiled unconvincingly back.

I headed out to my desk and hoped that work lies didn't count in the afterlife when they were choosing people to burn in the bad fire.


‘Anonymous’, hmmm. I would also be unconvinced such a survey was anon. Did you fill it out at your desk, logged into windows?

Thanks for keeping me awake at work 😀

Hahaha! I agree, although I can't resist putting the comments in which will be my undoing. Anonymous or not, my way of writing is a bit distinctive!

The clincher of course is at the end of the survey, the last page said Thanks for taking part, xxxx!

Oops, almost doxxed myself!

Yeah I think if they’ve not tracked by IP/login etc, they will know who’s sent the kisses, or the verbal battering - but they said it is anon and so cannot say/do anything! 😎

How did you know I signed all my stuff off with kisses!? I'm being tracked!!! Gaaaar!!

< El Jefe's sidekick :D

That is more true than I would like it to be!!

Work lies are like stealing work stationery.... Doesn't count.

Hehe, my thinking exactly!

El Jefe is not a real El Genius - I think 90% of bosses are seen as arses and some even worse

Management never seems to be the brightest eh!

They are never anonymous and a total waste of time. Work lies don't count as that is part of the survival game. I must admit I forgot to lie in my last job and maybe they took my comments to heart.

It's all about that lying! That's the thing, the claim of anonymous is a total crock. They are great fun though!

It's like a secret ballot without being one. Does he recognise your scrawly writing or have you got computers and automation that far north yet? <..boom boom..>

We've got them computer thingmies. Amtrads or something, lots of orange writing on a black screen... :0D

Cutting edge!!, a delivery of VIC-20's arrived in the office here today, 3.5kb of RAM, the power!

Oh man, that takes me back!! Vic-20 was where it was at!!I will have to dig out my spectrum!! It had all of the colours!! Well, two per char square! Hehe

What's el jefe's email? I want to send him your blog. 😁

In other news, you should totally get into wigs. They work so well on you.

I have been thinking that when I do a 'hair' photo!! I could have a whole wardrobe of em!

Lol, the oy of Steemits small (for the moment) reach!! :OD

Why lie... just tell him yes.. he's a asshole and that you would quit that stupid job in a minute... just need STEEM to get to $25..

Then I make a deal with ya! As soon as it hits 25 bucks I will do exactly that!!! :OD

Right, who's ready to pump STEEM with me 😉

It's already pumpin! Or it was an hour ago. Well, maybe rising a little. Pump might be a tad strong. lol

Fuck scrambles to sell GBP for STEEM

Aw naw, you've missed the bus!!!! :OD

That's Stagecoach's fault, not mine!

Whatever happened to Megabus? are they still a thing?

he will be around to the handwriting expert next,
if it was typed, can you tell which machine it originated from?
you may be about to have a nasty accident with your I guess, What a shame.

Do they actually act on the staff surveys? XD

Lol, no but it makes them feel good to make action plans to improve things for a few months!