Crypto Trading Techniques #1

in #life7 years ago


New to trading? Steady yourself for this series of techniques from an seasoned amateur trader! I am going to blow the lid off the seedy underworld of trading. Exposing the tricks and techniques which probably don't even exist so that you can buy that island and retire, rich from the swollen hot fruits of your labour.


Do not take any of the below as real trading advice! I'm an amateur, what do I know? My trading strategy could end up with you destitute, smeared in plum jam in seedy hotel room with a man called Ernest paying you 5 dollars to Dance sexy.


The thing about Crypto trading, one minute it can be all champagne and boobies and the next like being in a shredded jet fighter cockpit as it plummets to the ground, the noises of the engine and the machine gun fire echoing all around. Brrrrrrrrrrrr, ack ack ack ack.


Everybody hopes their beloved coin is gonna pump allowing them to cash out big. Of course, you have the purists, the believers. With such utterings as there is a real solid technology behind this coin or the underlying platform has the potential to be a gamechanger

Deep down though, really? Why are you holding these mysterious internet coins? Money, that's why.

So whilst you hold your lovely coins waiting for the next pump or crying because you had to sleep one night and missed the inexplicably timed 4 hour pump of one of your favourite coins. Here is something you can do.


Hump The Camel

The scene - You hold a coin, it is one you are particularly fond of. If it was a real life coin you would spend all your time polishing it, whispering my precious.

It's a long term hodler for sure but hey, why not make some cash off of it whilst you hodl?


Look at a chart on a trading platform or on the handy blockfolio app. Stretch your chart out to a period of a week or so. Look at it. Do you see the repeated falls and rises within a range? Could this be... a pattern?!?!


Now remember, I am no professional trader and you could shoot your bolt by following the principles I state here. But I use them to sometimes make money.

Being strictly amateur I have named the phenomenon below Humping the Camel. I am sure I don't need to explain why.

Notice the range that is highlighted? Some coins in between their pumps and dumps trade in and around a particular range. Bouncing off the sell and buy walls.

I take note and if I think that a coin is doing so and then when it has done so consistently I will sell at the peak and then a day later or even the same day buy the exact number back when it drops.

Now, the seasoned pro's among you will be up in arms. What felony is this they will be crying... what if it pumps!! What if it doesnt drop? Make him walk the plank!

That is true, it can keep on pumping, so the only safeguard I have against that is to never sell more than half my hodl. You might only make 10% or so each time you do it. But all that money mounts up!

If it moves out of the range then you are best to sit back and watch for a while. It might be getting its knickers in a twist and be preparing to go violently up or down!

Once you have humped the camel a few times you can cut the end of that fat cigar and smoke it whilst watching the world burn.

Have you humped the camel? Let me know!

That's Technique #1. Stay tuned for next week where I will be discussing Kung Fu Crypto


Thank you @papa-pepper and once again that GIF truly and utterly ROCKS!!

hump the camels? wahahah

You know I like a good turn of phrase!!

I like the way you work the 1st initial of your name into this and do it sneaky like. Like a pre-mined coin LOL


Hehe, well spotted!! A sneaky wee m There is something else sneaky in the post. Not really sneaky but a fun thing. Can't say more!

Will be nice to bue a island with crypto trading

You are right on that one!


That my friend is one of the top pieces of advice ever but how to know!!! There are so many and there is so much hype! I tend to wait till they are established on the market

I'd say only invest in coins that have volume if humping is your strategy.
:( I bought some bitswift. Dumbest move ever.

I have bought some rubbish ones in the past too!! Volume is definitely important. I stuck to the top twenty mostly

Nice advice!

Great post for those that are new to trading! Resteemed!

You're very welcome! 😊

Great tips. Selling at the peak and buying back in on the dips is a skill. Something I'm working on right now. It's been a process.

I'd also say never to risk more than 5 percent of your portfolio on a single trade. Diversify. Research the coins that you want to invest in. Join the coins Slack. Check Go to their website. Read their ANN page on bitcointalk. Look at the the circulating supply. The market cap. See how much was premined and kept for the development team.

There is so much to do that it becomes pretty fun looking at all these different currencies.

These are all absolutely great tips also. I would definitely recommend each one.

It is great fun though isn't it. At first it can be a serious affair but then you can get truly into the joy of it all!

I humped the camel today!

Yeah! Me too! High five fellow camel humper!!!

American baseball butt slaps for everyone!

Oh yeah, big leather gloves!

Amazing ! Crypto rules ! :)

cool. may I translate this to Chinese?

Hello as long as you did the following

• Please link my original “English Version” article at the end of your post.

• Make it clear in your title or opening paragraph that your post is a translation of one of my articles.

• Once the translated post is made, send me a comment or private message with the link.


LOL--I love this article--very humorous and informative--keep up the great posts! This definitely helps a newbie like myself!

nice....your post deserve upvote and resteem....

no mention it...dude...