Goosey Goose and Mr Smith Beers!

in #life7 years ago


Well here we are, the end of the year and the last beer review of the year also!! I had better not have chosen a couple of duffers!!

I hope you are all having a splendidly festive time, and if Christmas is not your bag then a Skully Pantsmas to you!!

But wait, this is no time for random imaginings of me in my pants. This is a time for beer! So what do we have?



From the Goose Island Beer Company we have the 312 urban wheat beer. A 4.2% little number. The yellow of the can blazed out on the shelves and given I have been quite fond of Goosey beers in the past I walloped it straight into my basket.


It pours a pale cloudy gold with a fair bit of fizz. It looks a bit washed out in the photo but in real life it was a fine looking thing. I popped seventeen boners when I saw it!!!

How does it taste? Oh man, I think it's great. I really do. It is smooth, creamy and mellow. The wheat flavour is quite subtle. It is incredibly easy to drink and is exactly the type of beer that I would drink piles of in one go. Some people might not like it because of its smoothness but hey, I flipping love it!! I will give it an 8/10!!


Well what can rival that. The next one is a prize winner apparently.



A 4% watermelon gose from the Thornbridge Brewery. It won a homebrew competition in 2017. Oooo, sounds interesting, I don't think I have had a watermelon beer before.


Well this is even cloudier than the last. And it reeks of old socks when I open it. That's a very good thing as you can smell the fermentation. This will be the real deal, I can sense it!

The fizz fades fast thankfully and we are left with a slight flat, rusty cloudy thing, a bit like lambs urine.

The taste... It's fantastic. It's sour, it's slightly bitter and it's subtly watermelon'y. A really good mix of watermelon and beer. Who would imagine such a thing could be any good? I love it! 8.5!!!

Hotdonktabulous!! I feel amazing. Now I just have to polish off the rest of my beers, oh yes, I have more. Tonight the world will end in fire. Or something. Maybe I will just get slightly tiddly and go to bed early with the room spinning :0)

I hope you all have a great new year!! Remember to raise a glass to the famous Scot, Boaby Tadger, tomorrow evening!! It's a tradition!!



Thanks for the review... that goose looks good and I will look for it next time I am picking some up.

A pleasure! It's an easy drinking mofo. Some might not like it because it's quite a simple uncomplicated thing but I loved it for that!

I can tell you really enjoy the beers and celebrations. Happy New Year!

I do! It's awesome. Big happy new year to you tomorrow!!!

With that last beer, I'll never have to eat fruit again!

Haha! Definitely, just five of them a day and you are laughing ;0)

Way to end the year!I'm glad they both didn't go below 8 whew! There's a Filipino dish called Sinigang, which is like a sour stew of vegetables and pork/chicken/beef. It's touted as the national dish, but I still prefer Adobo. But, I digress. Usually, the souring agent involves tamarind or lemon or lime or whatever, but recently, a new trendy souring agent came out, which is something you wouldn't normally associate with sour. They used watermelon! Who knew, right!?

Because of that, I truly believe watermelon is capable of many wonderful things. Glad to see beer is counted among them haha!

Wow, I completely never knew that!! I think I might still prefer adobo too right enough. It's a fine thing!!!

It was a good tasting and no mistake. I was mighty glad.

All in all our was a good pre new years Eve Eve!!

Wow a beer of watermelons... I would love to try it, even though the beers leave me a little crazier than normal and give me the courage to do the impossible hahahahaha

Crazy is good, especially if it letsy ou go for the impossible! ;O)

hahahaha I do not share your opinion ;)

chico, sold!
you don't need to write anything at all
the gif and your pic at the end says it all ! ^ ^

Happy New Year to you and your family and cheers to that flippin' great brew you're sippin at!

Hehe, you know me, Ido try and get the feeling of joy into a picture! :OD

I hope you have the best new year ever tomorrow! May 2018 be THE year!

yes both say it all :D!

thanks! ^ ^

very good choice dear friend @meesterboom, wheat beer I always liked, but here there is almost no and the brands that are available are very expensive, the one of watermelon I have never heard in my life, I will definitely have to go out and look for it.
Thank you very much for this great update.
Have an excellent beer afternoon

Wheat beers are fantastic aren't they!!!

Cheers to you @jlufer on this happy evening

I once had a goze, and I didn't like it at all. The bartender (who knows I like beer) came up to me with a glass holding a bottom of goze, as he told me: we've had something new come in. He clearly indicated that he didn't like it. I tasted, and it was horrible, due to the saltiness. (salt is a standard ingredient of goze)

Glad to read that there are other beers in that style which are palatble.

I'd also like to state that Goose Island Beer Company belongs to ABInbev.

I think this one is done in the style of a gose rather than being a strict proper one. As a result it is definitely sweeter and fruitier than ones I have tried in the past, in fact it is a fine thing. Definitely with a whiff of the homebrew about it. I didn't know that about goose!

That Goose Island 312 is one of my favorite brews out there! It is extremely popular here in the United States. The brewery is located in Chicago! I heard they have a cool brew tour there!!

It's excellent isn't it!! My first thought was I am getting more of this!! It's been a while since I had a beer that I thought I'd a good one too drunk lots of if that makes sense.

Chicago is one cool town!

@meesterboom, no drinking allowed though for me but cheers to the new year

None? I hope you are well!! Have a great new year mate!!

lol. I am very okay. Wish you same mate!