Massacre Monday

in #life8 years ago


The markets had crashed overnight. I checked my portfolio repeatedly on the way into work on the train. Every time I looked it was deeper in the red.

No one had asked me to but I knew that this needed some investigation.

First though, every enquiring mind needs caffeine. I stopped off at the one and two and waited my turn. It wasn't long before the chick behind the counter caught my eye. She looked me up and down appraisingly and licked her lips.

You looking for something Mister?

Triple, Venti, Soy, No Foam Latte.

She gave an involuntary gasp at the sheer masculinity of my order. I couldn't have been more man without leaping onto a table and beating my chest with my fists.


I looked around. No-one was listening. I leaned over whilst she frothed the milk.

Hey, you hear anything about the markets? Somethings going on and I need to find out what.

She finished steaming the milk and wiped the nozzle suggestively with a cloth.

A trader huh? I aint heard nothing. But... There's a guy Mickey. In the alley out back. He might know something.

Mickey, right.

I took my coffee and turned to go. She grabbed my arm.

Wait! Mickey, well, he's trouble. Be careful.

I clasped her hand and pulled her close giving her the most fleeting of kisses. She swooned down in a faint.

Always careful baby.


I headed out to the alleyway. It was shadowed, could be dangerous. I kept one eye on my back and the other on either side looking for trouble. I had to find out what was making the markets crash. Hell, if I didn't step up. Who else was gonna?

Near the shadowed end was a guy leaning against the wall. He had two toughs with him. I stepped right up.

You Mickey?

What if I am, who the hell are you?

I'm a trader. You got any info on this situation with the markets? What's happening?

Mickey looked spooked. He nodded to the toughs who moved forward.

I don't know who you are buddy but you chose the wrong day to come poking your nose around here.

The first tough swung a punch, it was sloppy and slow. I ducked, returned the favour twice to his kidneys and finished him with a chop to the neck.

Bang. I saw stars and staggered to the left, the other had socked me with a cosh. Bad mistake. As he came at me again I dropped low shooting my foot straight against his knee. It snapped back the way no knee should and he screamed like a dog with no balls.

I looked for Mickey. He was climbing up the fire escape. Dammit. Why was it always the roof? I stamped on tough number two's head and swiftly climbed after Mickey. I got all the way to the top and climbed up over the edge.

Well well tough guy. Looks like the end of the line.

Mickey had drawn a piece and was pointing it straight at my head. The wind whipped against me in a sudden gust and I had to grasp a hand to my hat to stop it flying away.

It doesn't have to be like this Mickey. Just tell me, who is behind the Market crash today?

Oh yeah, well I'm gonna kill you but fuck it. You may as well know. It's the Chinese. They have gone and made ICO's illegal. You ain't allowed to buy any coins in an ICO in China no more. In fact, they are talking about trying to get them to pay money back to people who have already bought in!

The Chinese of course. I should have known.

Yeah well, time to meet your maker Mr Trader man.

Mickey's finger tightened on the trigger. My hand still on my hat whipped forth. The cosh from number two tough flying forward catching Mickey square in the face. The gun went off and he staggered back catching his foot on the guard rail at the edge.


I walked forward to the edge of the rooftop and looked over at Mickey, sprawled out like a starfish some eighty feet below. A red stain spilling out around him like a Christmas blanket.

The Chinese eh. It always came back to them. Looks like I had better...

We don't have any Soy Milk?

I blinked and looked up from the Blockfolio App on my phone. Oops. The girl in the coffee shop glared at me like I had shat in her slippers. There was a queue behind me looking impatient.

Eh, I will just take it black then. Cheers.

I took my coffee and sighed as I left the coffee shop and trudged into work.

Damn, I hate Monday's


@meesterboom – Papa brought you something back from Mexico!

Goodness me! Amazing! That is flipping awesome! You are a star! I will pay postage!

It stopped being funny when they continued going down :)

True, I think we will see a reversal tomorrow :0)

Bastards attacking my EOS :)

I know, it fair took a pounding!

Yeah ignorance :)

I have to laugh at the title
bloody red all em coins today indeed
time to buy ;)
I hope you didn't have much ICOS
must be some corrections despite the banning in China?

I think it was just China. I tend to steer clear of ICOs as I suspect most of them are just get rich quick schemes!!

Yea it was like waking up to a slaughter this morning...

Great post, funny and on point. Upvoted and resteemed!

It wasnt half. I am a long term outlook guy so dont normally get too freaked out but boy it was brutal! Hope it turns round quickly!

And thank you!

I do not think it is any thing to worry about it did something like this on Aug 17 to 22 it dropped $540.00 and bounced back up for Bitcoin, this just looks like a whole market correction this time. Analysts are saying this can be a good point to add more to your holdings before it goes back up. ... loved the post

Thanks very much. I have already bought in. I am quite well versed now at buying in the alts cheap and a few weeks later seeing them rocket! Cheers man!

great story bro! please use: boris, natasha, nell, dudley dooright, and snidely whiplash in your next post a:D

Hahahahaha, I could! :O)

Your best one yet @meesterboom! Gripping with all the expected nomenclature.

more, more, more!

Wayhay! Cheers! I will do my best! :0)

Mondays..... They give me the blues and you made me hungry!
Lets order some Spam... No wait... Lets order Chinese, just for the heck of it!

Lol! Perhaps Chinese isnt the flavour of the day! hehe lolling at air dropped beef

I've no doubt that if there were a guy named Mickey with two toughs it would have gone down in that exact manner. Such is the manhood of the Boom..(I'll disregard the soy, even though I've heard it's full of estrogen LOL)

It will correct itself. (Translation: My hubby appears unphased, so I'm sure it's nothing to worry too much about :0)

Yeah, I am quite unphased too. Every time I start to feel a bit spooked I look at the trend over the month and have a little chortle :O)

Hehe, I dont really like the soy, I just wanted a lame ass sounding coffee for the tough investigator :OD

No I figured out why the Mondays have red color challenge. LOL

It might be the reason!!

HAHA!!! Great start to my day, loved this short story. Cheers!

Cheers mate! :OD

Soy gives you girl hormones anyway.

Exactly, Black all the way! :O)